All About The Joy

TV Nostalgia, Emmys and the Financial Dynamics of Love, Marriage, Relationships and Prenups

Carmen Lezeth Suarez Episode 118

Join us as we unravel the exasperating world of customer service conundrums, ranging from tech setup woes to banking blunders. But it's not all gripes and groans; we inject some fun with whimsical discussions with Maurio Dawson, who joins the show. And for those of you who love a good awards show giggle, our Emmy recap will have you in stitches!

Let's take a stroll down nostalgia lane and tip our hats to the golden age of television, with host of the Emmy's Anthony Anderson leading the way. His mother's hilarious antics during acceptance speeches and his seamless blend of heartwarming humor and hosting chops truly steal the show. We also pay tribute to the irreplaceable Carol Burnett, Betty White, Norman Lear and delve into the warmth of family-centric game shows. The discussion gets real as we tackle the ever-relatable topic of financial dynamics in relationships, spurned by a TikTok clip that's got everyone buzzing. Marriage, money, and the delicate dance of 50-50 partnerships - will you sign a prenup? – we're covering it all, with no holds barred!

In the realm of love and practicality, we examine why living together before the altar rings true for getting a real sense of your partner's quirks and wallet habits. The conversation turns serious as we broach the topic of prenuptial agreements and their role in protecting assets and blended family interests. And for the lovebirds without rings, we emphasize the importance of having your legal ducks in a row to ensure your wishes are respected, no matter what life throws your way. Fasten your seat belts for a ride through the intricacies of relationships, money, and life's unexpected journeys.

Links of interest:

Living Wills and Medical Directives/Proxy

Betty White and Arthur Duncan Information

Norman Lear and the Black Panthers on The Jeffersons  

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Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth

DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hey Rick, what's up? All about the joy, all about the joy. I'm in a bad mood already. Let me just put on the cat.

TikTok Video:

See if you can change that.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know, you know, it's just weird. So everyone I'm using a new laptop computer and a new camera and a new lav mic and whatever, and Rick and I were just having these conversations because I'm having issues with restream, with the customer service situation part, which I understand why they do what they do, which is they have 24 seven, so anybody at any time will take over your case. The problem is is that when it's an ongoing case, like I've been having, what were you saying? It's not good, what did you say?

Rick Costa:

I used to be in IT. So when you're in IT you're supposed to have a ticket open and anybody who works can. What's you know? They look you up what's your information, they find your ticket, they read everything, so you don't have to regurgitate the whole thing over and over again and then it goes. Ok, now I'm up to speed what's going on. Now let's see how we can help you instead of you having to repeat it over, and that's ridiculous.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, and I think that's what's happening and then so I bought this laptop specifically so I can start dealing with this issue, but also because I need a new laptop and I have to travel right. So it's fine. But it's a gaming laptop Like. I bought it, so it had all the bells and whistles.

Rick Costa:

That's a good one.

Carmen Lezeth:

And it cost me way too much money than I needed to buy it, but it's fine.

Carmen Lezeth:

So I go on to the chat to tell people you know in the restream and they're like ooh, we really need you to be connected with the whatever Ethernet and not just on the Wi-Fi and only use Chrome, whereas they were telling me before not to use Chrome. So I'm just saying today I have been tested. Let me tell you. Okay, let me tell you something else about customer service that pissed me off today, because I just want to stress about this. So I work with a lot of banking people. I have for 30 years I hate to date myself, but I know banking people all over California in every banking institution. The biggest ones are JP Morgan and Wells Fargo. And let me tell you the thing I can't stand. I can't stand when people do not respond to an email when it's been an ongoing issue and, by the way, I'm not asking these people to do anything other than, like banking thing a majiggey.

Carmen Lezeth:

So today's email was or it wasn't. It was January 8th. I sent an email saying we need to change an address. We need to change an address for an account. So what are we? Today's, what? The 18th? We've been going back and forth with no information and today I lost it. I put our lawyer on that, not our lawyer. I put my GPA on there, I put my client on there. All of a sudden responses. That's disrespectful. So I responded, and in a tone that was like oh so now you're going to respond.

Rick Costa:

I just went through that too, because our company has moved cities and buildings and so he's like my boss. I call all the vendors, tell me change the address. And then this one it was like four days before they finally did it and I was like I'm not asking you to write a book, I'm asking you to just go in and data entry. That takes two seconds. Why is it takes so long? Oh, it has to go through this data. No, it's just changing an address.

Carmen Lezeth:

What are you talking about? Just update me, right? Or just let me know. You know what, rick, I can't get to this till next week, on February, whatever, like, give me an update. I mean, look at, things happen all the time and there was a problem with trying to contact my client, which I understand. You know what I mean. But if you don't tell me that information and you tell me the information's coming in, I'm accepting, I'm expecting that the information's coming, but yeah, so I'm just not having a great week. Oh, my goodness, how are you doing, mr Dawson?

Rick Costa:

I know.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, I don't know, but he always changing his picture.

Rick Costa:

He likes to switch it up. Keep it guessing.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know who does. I know, hi, mario, I miss you. Mario's going to come up on the show too, as soon as he can. He's always welcomed. We were going to try to get him on last week but he was a little busy. He was traveling a little bit. But you can come up now if you want. Rick's going to have to send you the invite, but I don't know if you can, so no biggie.

Rick Costa:

Hey Melanie, hey Melanie. Today she did it again. What's the deal? She snuck in a sentence. I said you know, it's all about the joy. I'm like I see what you did there, I see what you did there, yay, but you know what?

Carmen Lezeth:

Not even about this show. But it is really true and I, a couple of people have told me that they love the logo, they love the concept of all about the joy and, because it really should be, we need to change the dynamic. But, melanie, thank you. This is, I think, the second time Rick has told me that you did that. Oh, rick, are you able to send him the link? Yeah yeah, I got it. You watched the Emmys. I know you mentioned it.

Rick Costa:

And I was like, let me, let me try and let me give it 10 minutes. And then I was like I kept laughing. I was like, okay, I'm watching this whole thing because it was so funny, Wasn't it great? I never saw an award show that made me laugh that much ever.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, anthony Anderson, let's just give him his props. I didn't even like a sing. I was like boy singing what I didn't know you could sing. He did so, even the way that he walked in, because he did kind of a homage to Mr Roger.

Rick Costa:

Oh, yeah, that one. Yeah, that was funny.

Carmen Lezeth:

But he walked in with like a fur I'm sure it was a fake fur coat and he put it up. And then he put on Mr Rod. It said Mr Anderson's neighborhood or whatever. And so then he put on the house coat or whatever, and that was really well done, so the writing was brilliant.

Rick Costa:

And then, when he talked about Miami Vice, he switched to a white jacket. It was so funny.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, it was so great. You know, it would have been awesome if Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thompson I was hoping they would.

Rick Costa:

Why didn't they call him?

Carmen Lezeth:

They're probably over it. You know what I mean. They had their heyday. They're in their 70s.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, but still.

Carmen Lezeth:

I started watching Miami.

Rick Costa:

Vice, show it up.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know, wait, okay, let's talk about that in a minute, though. And so the other one, joan Collins. I was like what's happening? Okay, let's get Mario.

Rick Costa:

She looks good too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hey Mario, what's up?

Maurio Dawson:

Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, like this with your phone. Yeah, for my.

Maurio Dawson:


Carmen Lezeth:

How you?

Maurio Dawson:

doing. I'm doing really well. Did you lose weight? Yes, I did.

Rick Costa:

Oh yeah, I can see it in your face, yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

I lost like 60 pounds.

Rick Costa:

What no way.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, wow.

TikTok Video:

So, I've been out.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't think it's a congratulations thing, is it? I mean, if that's what you're trying to do, I'm just trying to get my hands on it.

Maurio Dawson:

I'm on my health journey, so you know, just doing my thing.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm glad you okay. Yeah, so you're great.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, I'm walking and going to the gym and changing my eating habits Awesome. You know I get bored doing the same thing. So if you saw, I was at Disneyland Was that day before yesterday?

TikTok Video:

So just well yesterday?

Maurio Dawson:

Was it yesterday? Yes, and just try to find ways to just stay happy and active, and so that was a new way to do it. I went to Disneyland and I did like 13,000 steps. Yeah. Just was going.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hi Jason. What's up, Jason? Yeah, Congratulations on losing 60 pounds.

Rick Costa:

I always tell people like the reason a lot of people gain weight is they don't. They don't move. Yeah, people need to move more, that's all and it's not. You don't have to do a whole lot either. You just don't sit down all day, because I'd be able to sit all day. Why am I gaining weight? Because you need to move.

Maurio Dawson:

Well, for me you know my, my situation is different because you know my transplant I have, I'm on steroids, so you know that's permanent part of my life. So that has to find creative ways to just get this weight off, because I'm trying to keep this transplant as long as possible. Right, right.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, well, that's why it was hesitant when you first said it, because you look beautiful no matter how I see you. So I'm always trying to stop people from being like oh, you look so good because you're skinny, because skinny don't mean skinny.

Maurio Dawson:

No, skinny doesn't mean healthy at all. But no but no, I feel good. So no, thank you, I take that, I receive that yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm so happy that you were. You're feeling good. I'm glad you're on here, because I'm always so worried. I'm like, can you come on today? And you're like, yeah, yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

No, like I, with everything going on with with my kid and everything's just been kind of crazy and we're in that last, with that final stretch, so we're just going, going, going. And I then I had I had to get rid of my car and get another car, and so yeah, Wait, was that a good thing? Yeah, that's a great thing. It's a great thing, so yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, so, mario, let me ask you this question Did you watch the I mean my chance the other night?

Maurio Dawson:

No, I watched segments. I didn't watch it, I got I was. You know I I tune in.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's all good. Anthony Anderson was good. I didn't watch it live. I happened to hear, like on Tik Tok or whatever, that he did great, so I wanted to support him and I was hesitant. Oh my God. Then I told Rick and Rick watch it. It was so good.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, between him and his mother, they're pretty funny now.

Rick Costa:

Oh, his mother cracked me up. Some people got annoyed about his mom, so for people who don't know?

Carmen Lezeth:

his mom was stopping people who were talking too long. Yeah, he kind of brought her on to be like you know, your time is up with your acceptance speech and all that was staged. There's no way she would have been disrespectful and some of them just went with it.

Rick Costa:

I thought it was hilarious, like a good little change in how they usually do with the music, yeah, yeah, and I think I think it put the fear God a little bit in some of the people. They were trying to hurry because they didn't want to yell that by mama.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, she wasn't being disrespectful.

TikTok Video:


Carmen Lezeth:

She can't be.

Maurio Dawson:

Well, you know, she started off trying to. She wanted to be an actress first. Yeah, she wanted to be an actress first, and then, you know, she didn't, and you know Anthony went on, so he that's why he's always trying to put his mama on everything now. So I think it's great and their show we are family is it's funny too. She's no, it's a competition show. It's it's called we are family, and so what happens is they have the celebrities, have family members come on and sing and you have to guess who their celebrity relative is. So and they'll give clues behind Clues behind the person singing.

Maurio Dawson:

So, like I think last last night it was, the celebrities were Tiffany Haddish, debbie Gibson and Tamar Braxton so so, like I Think it was Tiffany Haddish's aunt and then it was Debbie Gibson's nephew, and I think it was Tamar Braxton and Tony Braxton's brother, because you know they only have one brother. So if you ever watched Braxton family values, you knew who it was right away, right.

Maurio Dawson:

So almost like a variation of the mass singer in a way, sort of yes, exactly, but there you're giving people who aren't celebrities an opportunity to just sing and have a good time. And her Mother, their mother is Mamadou's, is Mamadou's, she's going to call it like she said, you know. So she's hilarious.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, that is so cool. I did not realize all of that. That is so cool. You know I don't usually watch any reality or any competition, game shows or whatever, but I would watch that to support her. She was hilarious.

Maurio Dawson:


Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, oh, it's their show. It's her and Anthony.

Maurio Dawson:

I heard Anthony, so it's Anthony show he's hosting. But just like what was the other show they did with him and his mother when they had to get through the To tell the truth? Okay, yeah, they have a show called to tell the truth and all he did was have his mama sitting a chair over in the corner and give commentary.

Carmen Lezeth:

Comfortable yesterday because I was like see, I did not know all this. I was like this is this woman is so comfortable, yeah, and she's so comfortable talking to all these little ones because she's been doing it forever, okay.

Maurio Dawson:

And then he and his mom did a Trip to Europe together and they did a whole series on it on Fox where they followed them throughout Europe and those. It was hilarious because she had never been in, you know, to Europe before. So and you know she doesn't call him Anthony, she called him Anthony.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what? It's such a beautiful relationship and I think that's why, also last night, it works so well. Because Anthony's spirit I'm just gonna talk a little bit about different award shows, like why the Oscars aren't doing so well and why people don't watch Award shows. I felt like Anthony Anderson made the show about everyone else and not about himself as a comic. Right, because everyone's trying to be like I'm a comic, I'm gonna come on the show and be blah, blah, blah. Yeah, anderson and the writers. Let's give props to the writers About and and Mari I know you didn't see it, but you may want to catch it. Homage to all the old-school shows. Like I mean, the actors came up from all in the family, from Martin.

Rick Costa:

It was so good, it was actually did the set of Martin and everything and we can't forget we can't forget the Lucy skit.

Maurio Dawson:

Right, that was yeah, I saw her. I saw Tracy Ellis Ross as Lucy and Carol Burnett came out.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, cal Burnett. And what's the other one, joan Crawford?

Rick Costa:

She looks like John Collins. John call your John Collins 90s yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

John Collins hasn't changed for like 30 years. Great to see them. And man, 90s being 90 has changed. You got you know like when I think in 90s, I'm thinking like you're came in you know, looking at Marla Gibbs because she looked great.

Maurio Dawson:

She's over.

Carmen Lezeth:

Amazing and she came out with Taraji.

Maurio Dawson:

Yes, exactly Clips. Like I said, I saw clips. I thought I saw the highlights and I saw a lot of Anthony stuff. He said he's coming for Jimmy Kimmel for the Oscars.

Carmen Lezeth:

Because, as much as I like Jimmy Kimmel, he's just boring and that's why they're having them, because there's no controversy. But Anthony Edd I mean Anthony Edwards, anthony Anderson was amazing last night. Yeah well, I watched it last night, I don't know when, it was the other day. Sunday it was Monday. It was Monday, martin Luther King Day, and that's right.

Carmen Lezeth:

I did a homage to to MLK, to you, so, yeah, I was really impressed. It was really well done, and I just wanted to talk about old school. Let me ask you this, because you guys probably watch a lot more television than I do. Just time wise. Yeah you think TV is better today? No, it was better before. And why good Mario Mars already jumping in there?

Maurio Dawson:

No, I mean, this new stuff is, it's entertaining, but it's just not. There's no classic stuff that I remember. There's nothing that's memorable like I can go back to a loosey sketch, I can go back to all in the family. I can go back to Jeffersons, I can go back to Martin. I can go to Living Stingo, I can go to friends. I can name a classic Moment in those episodes and those shows and these new shows I I'm like okay, haha, you know, and then I think it's so. I think we're over saturated with content that you just you don't have the same feeling, whereas back in the 70s, 80s, in the 90s, you would gather around the TV and everybody was watching the same thing. So everybody had more relatable content to, to relate to each other in terms of what was funny. Whereas now there's we're so over saturated and there's so much content. People like you can call friends ahead. Did you watch the trust? And your friend will be like what is that?

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, you just think, those I haven't seen.

Maurio Dawson:

That's what I'm saying. So it's just, I don't, I don't, just, I don't think it's the same. But like those old shows, this 70s, 80s, 90s, even early 2000s, I'd like, yeah, okay, but 70s, 80s and 90s, for sure was way better, even 60s, like.

Carmen Lezeth:

Like shows like Game of Thrones and succession, which one big and beef, and and I haven't seen all of these shows. I've seen moments of the whatever. But are these shows and I'll ask Rick to get Rick to chime in. You know, how do you feel about it? Do you think? Is it art? Is it us being biased because we grew up in that time period, or is it because the quality has changed? Rick, what do you think?

Rick Costa:

There's one thing, because Mari got me thinking pre-internet, like you said, you know you didn't have everybody didn't have own little suburb devising on their separate rooms, so you just naturally stayed together and watch whatever was on the TV. So like, yeah, unlike today. What was the demographic back then? Everybody because you're all together.

Rick Costa:

And now it's like we're trying to target these people, target this people and da-da-da-da. So I think you know it was different, just because of that. That's one major reason. They also didn't have to tiptoe around every little thing. That's we do today.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's true, just saying I mean I think there was something in the writing of Norman Lear's shows, but also bringing something to light that way wasn't much. It was like a big explosion when Sammy Davis Jr kissed Archie Bunker on the cheek you know what I mean and everyone had to talk about it and it was a good explosion. It was scary and funny and interesting. But now it becomes a bigger deal because we already know about it. So racism isn't tolerated, so it isn't something we can. Just I'm like I don't wanna blame it on us being worse of the society. I want it to be that we've grown. So people always like to say this thing that I don't think I agree with is back then you could say certain things and get away with it. Yeah, you could. You could call people the N word and get away with it. That doesn't necessarily mean it was a good thing.

Maurio Dawson:

It wasn't a good thing, but yeah, it was just a different time. But we were also people of color were calling each other that on television, you know.

Carmen Lezeth:

So but there was a conversation to be had when it was the first time, or I mean, what Norman Lear was able to do was make everyone, especially white people, talk about something that no one ever talked about out loud. You know what I mean, and that's what was interesting about him.

Maurio Dawson:

I have an interesting story for you in terms of Norman Lear. So you know, we had all in the family first. Then we got good times right. Well, did you know that the Black Panthers came up to Mr Lear and addressed him head on at the studio and said look, all Black people are not poor in the ghetto? And they had a real hard conversation and Mr Lear. He then, in turn, created the Jefferson's. And that's how the Jefferson's came about. It's because you had to have the conversations about what was difficult and the thing is, but you also had to have someone who was willing to listen and understand. Open minded. Open minded in every culture, in every race, is complex and there's race class. I mean, there's classes in every race. You understand what I'm saying. So therefore, you had to, he had to be addressed, but they came in hot. They came in smoking hot.

Carmen Lezeth:

They came in hot. Let's give him credit because they couldn't have gone to talk to him if he wasn't open to listening to I mean you know what I mean.

Maurio Dawson:

People wait for him in the studio. They got in, wow.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's what I'm trying to say. Like I, I I revered Norman Lear, and may he rest in peace. He passed away. I think he's one of the good ones, right.

Maurio Dawson:

I mean too A hundred percent.

Carmen Lezeth:

And I agree with you. I heard that story before you know I, you know. I heard it different variations, you know and how it happened. What happened was someone turned around and told someone what they didn't know and that person said you know what, let's do something different I didn't know that. Let me take that in and let me see what I can do with that with my power.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's a thing with Betty White. You know, betty White had that show and they she, she had a black man. I forget his name and I'm so mad at myself because I promised myself I would never forget his name and they wanted to get him off of the show and she said absolutely not, he is staying on this show, he is amazing and you will not fire him. Blah, blah, blah.

Rick Costa:

And she.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what I'm talking about.

Rick Costa:

The golden girls when they went to the hotel.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, no, no no.

Rick Costa:

Oh, no, no I mean this was way before the Golden Girls Way before, after Mary Tyler Moore, before I think this was before that.

Carmen Lezeth:

She had her own variety show or something, and they were trying to tell her she couldn't have a certain gentleman on her show and she said now I will have a black man on my show and he is staying. You know what I mean? And I mean kind of that thing. I mean, the reason why she's so revered isn't just because she was America's sweetheather, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's because she had real integrity. You know what I mean? Real integrity, so fascinating.

Rick Costa:

Another example I could think of because I have to go here is Gene Ronberry.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, we love him yeah for sure For sure.

Rick Costa:

America had a heart attack when Uhura kissed Kirk and right, uhura just moved on the show.

Carmen Lezeth:

I mean, or.

Maurio Dawson:

Period yeah. They didn't have black people in space or Asian people either.

Carmen Lezeth:

I guess Melanie said too. I just want to share some comments. Melanie said too many channels today, absolutely agree. And she's saying I know what you're talking about. We were talking about Betty White, I believe. Thank you, Melanie, I appreciate it.

Rick Costa:

Another point I'd like to bring up too is I at least felt like back then a lot of the shows, even if it wasn't obvious, they kind of were trying to teach a little bit of a lesson, life lesson, something to learn from when? Today it's just, oh, we just trying to be funny and that's why I think Mario's like that's forgettable today, Because there's nothing for your brain to latch on to, You're just trying to make me laugh.

Rick Costa:

And then it's done, when, especially Star Trek, so many things Tried races and tried to teach you about how it's bad and did a long, long, long cool and stuff. But we don't get that much today. Maybe a few, but not like before.

Maurio Dawson:

Now you brought up succession in beef. Now beef was actually very entertaining. I watched beef.

Carmen Lezeth:

I didn't watch all of it, I just watched a few episodes. I haven't watched anything.

Maurio Dawson:

It was entertaining Succession. I never really got into it, you know, it wasn't for me. I'll just say that I'll leave it there.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, look, I try to watch a couple of shows and then you know of everything that's going on. But if it's not for me, it's not for me. And also I say this respectfully I'm jealous Because I can just say one word, and Rick, if he hasn't seen the show, he'll see it by tomorrow. How do you have the word? Hey, thank you.

Rick Costa:

That's so true.

Carmen Lezeth:

No worries, I think he was going to try to stop by if she could get home early enough. Don't worry about it. No problem, we're glad you stopped by.

Rick Costa:

Is that true what Mellie said?

Carmen Lezeth:

Didn't they cancel the show because Betty White didn't back down? That is possible. It's possible. I don't know the rest of that, but that could be possibly it. I only remember the good part. I hate the thought that they actually did cancel the show, but I think he might be right. Betty White was an incredible person.

Rick Costa:

Oh yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

He was an incredible person.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, she was amazing. Yeah, for sure. And Carol Burnett is amazing too. Listen, I'll fight you over Carol Burnett.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think they're all good people and we have to upvote the good people you know, especially in light of the fact that there are so many bad people not wanting to be open-minded and listen and try to change your ways after all this damn time. You know what I mean. I will say this about television I love that there's so much more outlets and possibilities to see things, but I do hate the lack of community around a show, like I used to love. Being like. Did you watch Time Felt Like yes, I did Not. How did you see that? Yeah, whatever it was, you know, whatever the show was Exactly, for me it was X-Files, which is more dramatic, but I remember we would all want to do X-Files and have a conversation next day about what happened, you know.

Maurio Dawson:

You know, there's your girl, Alma. She loves X-Files Like I just had to watch one the other day, so we're the same people, Me and Alma.

Carmen Lezeth:

we're the same.

Rick Costa:

Let's do an X-Files show. Do an X-Files show and invite her on.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yes, do an X-Files show. That would be so cool.

Maurio Dawson:

Look at Mario. He can quote lines. She can quote lines. I'll set that one out.

Rick Costa:

I'm going to re-watch the whole thing by tomorrow. No, I'm kidding, I love.

Carmen Lezeth:

X-Files. You know what's so weird too? Because now I'll watch it Like every once in a while it'll be on-comment or whatever, and I'll watch an episode. I'm like this is so scary, how did I watch this?

Rick Costa:

Because I don't like it. You don't like scary.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, sure, you know what I loved me. Some day, when you come, you could not tear me away from that man. And now I look at him and I'm like why? Like I'm so wanted to him now See how quickly it changes. Well, listen.

Maurio Dawson:

I would go. That's OK. It is nothing wrong with that OK.

Carmen Lezeth:

Let's change the subject for a moment, just because I want to. We're at the halfway mark. Ok, mario, if you can stay on, rick, do you think you could play that? I would love to get Mario's take on his position being a married man on this TikTok video. You want to try that? We're going to change the subject completely right now.

Maurio Dawson:

All righty.

Carmen Lezeth:

We're going to see if he can do the share thing, because, god knows, I can't do it on my regular computer. And it was on the Sherry Show. It was on the Sherry Show.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, wait a minute. I watch this show every day. Which one is it?

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, well then you'll know, but let's see for the other people who might be paying attention in the room. Baby, look at Mario, it's all about me.

Maurio Dawson:

It's about me.

TikTok Video:

You know that thing with Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade 50-50, she going 50-50 with him, 50-50 with her. Which y'all think about that, because I don't know about this 50-50. You married. What do you think about?

TikTok Video:

50-50? 50 is us coming to the table every Friday working on it? Ok, so we just added up it was like what you got and what I got, and we put it together. I might have 500, he might have 1,000. Or he might have 200, and I might have 1,200. Yeah, we're broke. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 200.

TikTok Video:

and 1,200 is different. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Because you and I are single, we feel differently. With the 50-50 coming to the thing, I'm like if I got 50, you got 49. It ain't going to work. No, no, no, no, no. You got to tighten up Tuesdays. I got Lucy Goosey Wednesday, that is I'm telling you right now. I've done that before. I've had 50% and he had 1%. And the next thing, you know, I couldn't buy no hair, I couldn't buy no fare. Ok, because I'm putting you through.

Carmen Lezeth:

Ooh, let me just tell you that. Ok, let me give you some more context, why this is such a funny thing to me. So today I got a TikTok from Joel. We all know who Joel is. Right Now he's on TikTok maybe once every three months and I sent him a TikTok like three months ago. He responded to it. And then he sent me this other TikTok and it was about prenuptials, right, like I'm prenuptials, you know what I mean. And I was like are we getting married? Because, whatever you want, baby.

TikTok Video:

But it does.

Carmen Lezeth:

But the video he sent was kind of similar, but it was a lawyer, right, talking about you should spend $2,000 or $3,000 before you get married on a prenuptial, as opposed to, after the fact, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in a divorce settlement. You know what?

TikTok Video:

I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

So with all that as context. Ok, bari, I'm going to ask you first how do you feel about 50-50? And remember, we're not just talking about your little perfect marriage now. So, in the context of the general.

Maurio Dawson:

You know what OK, I'll preface it like this my niece. She was in a relationship. She's no longer in a relationship. I have multiple nieces, so I'm not saying any names. However, she was getting serious about this young man and she was thinking about marrying him. And I told her.

Maurio Dawson:

I said your mom might not agree with me, but I'm telling you you need to live with him, because the only way you're going to know someone is to live with him. Oh, you mean first before marriage, first before marriage, and that way you know how they clean, how they sleep, what their habits are, what their spending is, all of that, and therefore you have a better idea of what you're going into later on, because if you can't live with it now, you won't be able to live with it later on. Amen. So my advice to anyone is how you start is how you finish, and for me and in my house I'm just speaking from Mario in my house we don't.

Maurio Dawson:

It's not always 50-50. But you always know that your person has your back and that's the most important thing, because someday I'm going to be able to hold my wife up and other days she's going to have to hold me up and that's what we have to do in terms of money. You need money too, because you have to remember, unfortunately, I'm medically retired, so my income is not as high as my wife. So, therefore, but we don't hold it. She's never held that over my head, or vice versa, when I came into a windfall. I don't hold that over her head, so it's just. But you're also talking to someone who's been with someone.

Carmen Lezeth:

I was just going to say, even when I met you, though, you were bringing in some change, because I know how I met you, but back then I was making substantially more money than she was, right so.

Maurio Dawson:

But it never was a matter of someone holding the other one, the holding the purse string. It's like what do we need? How can we move forward? What do we really need? And if you go into any relationship thing about us instead of the I, then you'll be OK. But if you're talking about what the I and what I need and what I want, you'll never get anywhere. You'll never find that.

Carmen Lezeth:

Let me throw a wrench into this, because I should have gotten the video that Joel sent, because that would give some difference about the prenup, because what the lawyer was saying and he was saying it so eloquently and so well he was just saying and I'm not going to do it justice but he was saying you go into it, you have the conversation, it forces the conversation and if you really love each other, you can have the conversation about money. A lot of people don't have the conversation because they're all like oh, I love him, he loved me, we never going to leave each other have the conversation about money. And he's like what's mine is mine, what's yours is yours, what we make together is each other, simple is ours. And so if you have a and he was just saying it was a simple prenup he was saying if you build something together, ok, then you know that's going to be half and half. It's not saying your marriage is doomed or something or nothing.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's just saying be clear about it so that she could buy her hair. I love it.

Rick Costa:

No hair, no hair.

Maurio Dawson:

No hair, no hair.

Carmen Lezeth:

I was on the floor. That was so funny.

Rick Costa:

How do?

Carmen Lezeth:

you feel about it being someone who has gone through divorce? What's your thought process on it?

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I mean, as far as from the experience I had, we didn't make completely different ranges of money, so I couldn't really ever say, oh, we make so much more and we dah, dah, dah. So what's his is mine. Cynthia said.

Carmen Lezeth:

Cynthia, what's mine is mine, what's his is mine.

Maurio Dawson:

What's mine is mine. What's yours is mine.

Rick Costa:

That reminds me of a Little Rascals episode. This little kid was giving out candy. She's like one for you, one for me, one for you, two for me.

TikTok Video:

Two for you, two for me.

Rick Costa:

No that's not his work.

Carmen Lezeth:

Smart, smart person no.

Rick Costa:

That person's rich today.

Carmen Lezeth:

Entrepreneur right there, Entrepreneur right.

Rick Costa:

Very. But yeah, I mean, as far as pre-nups, I think I said this to you earlier. I was like it's just, I think it's an individual thing, a couple. They have to decide what they want to do. You know, like that can't make a blanket statement for everybody. Everybody's situation is going to be different, you know. They may, they may die making the same amount of money the whole time, or one of them could get rich, and then there's a problem. I don't know, money's a number. I also look at it as so, let's say, somebody doesn't make a whole lot of money, but the other one that don't, they might be actually physically working like a dog. So it's like, you know, give me some props too, because I'm sitting here working like a dog, I mean you have an easy job.

Carmen Lezeth:

So it's like that's still, you know so much, but I don't know if it's so.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just going to say this I don't think that they're that. He, this lawyer, was specifically talking about a value judgment on money, right? I mean he did say at one point the person interviewing him said so yeah, like she moves into your $8 million house Now you have to give half of that to her when it's over. Right, it's his house, it's over. I mean, if it's over, so he's like. And he didn't say yeah, that's why he was like you need to have the conversation. I think his point was not like don't give her half or she doesn't deserve half, or whatever he was saying. People go into relationships nowadays and they go into it because, I'm sorry, men too. Everybody wants the wedding, everybody wants to be married, but nobody realizes how much work it can take and what changes over time. Like you said, mario, live with somebody first. I agree with that 100%. See how they did 24 seven. Can you handle their cute little idiosyncrasies after every day at the?

TikTok Video:

kitchen table yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

I mean, I just I stand on that. You know a lot of people are very traditionalist, but I am not. I would tell my own daughter that I would say, hey, you need to figure that out first. You need to figure out if that's something you can live with for a lifetime, Because otherwise you say, oh, I'm in so much love, he's so great or she's so great and I just wanted I'm love, love, love, love. Well, that gets old. And so you know, you got to be able to like the person and know who they are and what their spending habits are, Know if they have any type of addictions, Watch out for all of that stuff, Anything you know.

Carmen Lezeth:

And look at, that's not love at the beginning, we all think it.

Maurio Dawson:

No, that's love.

Carmen Lezeth:

Love is when it's hard. Love shows itself when things are not easy, when it's only them paying or addicted or fall, if it's in an accident or loses that you know, eight million dollar house, or whatever it is. That's when love comes into play.

Rick Costa:

And love does not clean the house, love does not pay the bills, love does not drive your kids to school.

TikTok Video:

Nope, Uh-uh, love does not wash the dishes.

Carmen Lezeth:

I wish it did.

Maurio Dawson:

Love does not wash the dishes. Love does not wash the clothes. Love does not wash the clothes. It don't walk the dog, it doesn't clean the toilet.

Rick Costa:

OK, here's the thing.

Carmen Lezeth:

I would have said before this that I will never get married again. But I would get married again. But I would definitely do a pre-nup with anybody. I would.

Maurio Dawson:

I would get married again with a pre-nup. I mean, I have a perfect example. I know you don't watch reality shows, but I do.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, it's OK, that's why you do it.

Maurio Dawson:

Real Housewives of Atlanta, candy Burrs. She was on the show already. She met her husband because he was working production on the show. He had to leave production because they decided to date. Now, once they got serious and they decided to get married, she asked for a pre-nup Because Candy Burrs is a multi-hyphenated person she has Grammy, she has millions and millions of dollars before she met him.

Maurio Dawson:

So therefore her mother and her were like I need to protect what's mine. But she also had a daughter, so she was also protecting her kid and he had a daughter as well, but he again was not in the same tax bracket and so therefore she was like look, whatever you bring to the table is yours, whatever I bring to the table is mine. And then after that let's work on it. Now they've gone on to be extremely successful. They have three restaurants. They have three restaurants, they have a production company. They're doing extremely well. They produce films and TV shows outside of Housewives, but all of that stuff they built together. So that's the stuff that they have to worry about together. But she's still kind of coddling his ego, which is unfortunate, because she's like I want to do this and I want to do that she's like. Well, where's the money for that?

Maurio Dawson:

You know, oh, OK, yeah. She's like where's the money for that? Because where are we pulling that money from? And so those are the conversations they're still having.

Carmen Lezeth:

But she seems to be very businessy. I mean she's not wrong.

Rick Costa:

Straight up and down. Yeah, I would say too, if you said tax bracket, I love that. If you are in totally different tax brackets, I understand the prenup. That should be almost obvious, because it's like you know, some people they act like they love you but that's not ultimately what they love and unfortunately that happens sometimes. Not everybody, not everybody.

Carmen Lezeth:

But you know what? I don't even know if it's about tax brackets. I just think if you really don't fear losing this person, you're in love with, what's the big deal? Just to protect his own or your own? I never understood the drama Like you're so insulted, because I guess you think, like for me, it's the reverse, right? Why are you getting so triggered because somebody's asking you for a prenup? Because they have OK? So I'm coming to this from a different point of view, right? So I work for a lot.

Carmen Lezeth:

I have worked for a lot of different people. I've worked for wealthy people who, in Mar, you know some of these people, some of them have prenups, some of them did not. Both sides have divorces that come into play. And, oh my goodness, let me tell you, the women that are in and I am going to say women that had the prenups and had the okay I shouldn't say like that the two examples I had, where the women had less money than the men, the men who are big time people or whatever in this town, doing whatever they do, but signed a prenup, were much easier for them themselves to walk away because they knew what they needed to do to walk away from a bad situation and they knew what they were coming into and what they were taking with them, because they had a prenup, and here's the thing prenups like that also come with.

Carmen Lezeth:

Like you decide, like after, after the first or second year of marriage, you get a hundred thousand dollars.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, you do you know you do a negotiation or whatever. But if you cheat on me and that's what it gets into all that intricacy, you know. But those women, and I would say one of them was emotionally abused. I mean it's not what I'm going to say, but he laughed. I was like go ahead, girl. I had since quit working there, but I think that was the other part of it too, like I wasn't there when they got married. But my thought process is is if you walk in knowing what you know, that that belongs to him and this belongs to me, and I'm coming and I really love him, I'm going to respect that. That's his stuff and that is for his child or his family. But we're going to build something together and we go start fresh here. That's how I always said. But women get so up. I shouldn't say women.

Maurio Dawson:

No, not just women. I mean I'm coming from a different point of view because, like I said, being I'm going to be together almost 30 years, so whatever whatever, that's all my jealousy.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's all my jealousy coming out. It is what it is. You know, hate about you too, is that you really do love each other. Like.

Maurio Dawson:

I do that's like my heart and my soul. You know I do I know?

Carmen Lezeth:

like again my jealousy. Melanie said if you need a cleanup, should you really be getting married? Just stay single.

Maurio Dawson:

Well, no, it depends on what's on the table, you know. And again, because, like I said, that example of candy, she had a daughter, you know, she had a legacy already in place, so she had to protect her kid. And I get it, you know.

Carmen Lezeth:

But it comes from a place of more religiosity, like Christianity, the idea that when you find your soulmate you're going to stay together forever, and the idea is, if you sign a prenup, you're already deciding you're not going to last, and I think that's a. I think it's an old way of thinking, but I respect what Melanie is saying. I've never thought of it that way.

Maurio Dawson:

You know, I get it, but I mean I also see people as using it as a safety net, you know, because you just don't know until you know, you know and again.

Carmen Lezeth:

that's why you said live with somebody first 100%.

Maurio Dawson:

I stand on it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I will stand on it, so I can't call you tomorrow that I'm getting married because you don't know that I've been living with somebody for five years. How long should I live with somebody first you tell me?

Maurio Dawson:

You know what? I don't tell anybody, I don't give anybody a definition. You know when you know because, again, my niece, she had enough. She was in there a long time but long enough to know she was in there too long. She wasn't in too long, but she was in there long enough to know that that wasn't going to work for her. So you just, you know when you know, you start looking for the red flags and then if the red flags keep popping up and you keep ignoring it, shame on you, not shame on them, shame on you because you're you know. Take those rose, those rose colored glasses.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's hard. It's hard, I think it's hard.

Maurio Dawson:

A glow of love is fun in the first year. Get past the first year and then you know that second year they it, it. Those walls start coming down and you'll start really seeing what's right.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know how long you've known the person too. Right, you've known someone for 20 years and you guys get together. You should still live together because it still changes things. It still changes things when you live Like I don't know if I can ever live with somebody ever again. I just I don't feel it in my bones how fine you are either. Like you need to leave as soon as possible. I wonder about that too. Like I'm kind of it's not about being set in my ways. It's going to have to be a very spectacular person that understands, and we have to have a very big place. That's going to be my like. I need to have my wing and we can meet in the middle.

Maurio Dawson:

And then you go back to your own side. Okay, I have to eat tomorrow.

Rick Costa:

Maybe a guesthouse might be nice. If he's really a pain in the neck, just leave a guesthouse tonight.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I just need him to. Yeah, I don't, it's not even about him, it's like I just think I have always been some. Look at my best relationship. We lived in different states and we saw each other every other week.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, marry, I think you knew me when I was dating? Yeah, but, but you know who's like that right now? Who? Shirley Ralph? She's been married to her husband almost 30 years and they live in different states. See.

TikTok Video:

I think I'm not perfect.

Maurio Dawson:

And they do it on purpose.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, Melanie just said a long courtship should show you what you need to know. I do not think living with someone outside of marriage is the answer. Okay, Because Melanie's old school, she old fashioned. I kind of love that, but if I get it I'm going to reshuffle.

Maurio Dawson:

I understand that and I get that, but I respectfully disagree because you don't know, you really don't know someone until you live with them, and that's just the truth of it. Because people, people will court you and there will be this, this wonderful person, and then, as soon as you get in the house, you'd be like wait a minute, when did you start leaving your drawers on the floor?

TikTok Video:

Wait a minute.

Maurio Dawson:


Carmen Lezeth:

But just to, as you said, respectfully, this is also more of a Rick how do I say this?

Maurio Dawson:

a Christian thought process, which is, yeah, no, I'm a conservative traditional.

Carmen Lezeth:

Very conservative. Yeah, yeah.

Rick Costa:

And I'll to be the contrarian. I can't say I learned anything new when I got married and moved in with my wife. I knew everything, but I knew her for a very long time.

Carmen Lezeth:

How long did you know? You guys got married.

Rick Costa:

We were friends for many years. We were boyfriend and girlfriend for like three years, engaged for probably another couple of years, so I knew her for a long time. There was nothing new, okay. Except her level of how to cook.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's the only thing I was like oh okay, I lived with one for four years before engagement and then we got married after 13 years together. Wow, oh, alma is in the house, she's going to tell a couple of things on Mario. Okay, I say communicate to your partner the things that are making you unhappy or causing concern. If nothing changes, then it's on you to self reflect and either say I will live with it or I can't.

Maurio Dawson:

And that's the conversation we had with our niece.

Carmen Lezeth:

Got it. I can relate to Rick's courtship Same here, still not married.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, look, I think whatever works for you I feel the traditional old school thing, I think, especially if you're connected to your Christianity that may work for you and it may not, and maybe there's a different way. But I think what Mario's point is not to speak for you, mario, but you're saying there are things that change when you live with someone, when you're with someone 24, seven that you will not, which is going on dates every week.

Maurio Dawson:

Yes, and I'm dropping you off at the house and giving you sweet kisses and sending you. You know, the courtship, the courtship is very, very sweet and you know that's. You know I did all of that, you know the courtship now is a swipe.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's not the same as back in the day.

Maurio Dawson:

No, it was fun. Thanks, it's like an emoji Right or the three dots just keep you waiting.

Carmen Lezeth:

I got an iPhone. I got an iPhone, but I hear you Right, but yeah, I mean I think that's the thing is that it's changed. I don't know if a courtship and the truth, but I don't even know if marriage is back then lasted, I think people, you know, I grew up Catholic and so many people were in miserable marriages because they would not divorce, because you know to get it to center or whatever it was, and they were just miserable and I don't know if that's the right.

Maurio Dawson:

But the sweet piece that she's 28 years together and we still haven't gotten married. But see, that's a choice too, and there's nothing wrong with that. But that's a choice and there's. I don't see anything wrong with that, because I had an aunt who, who was, who, became a domestic partner with her, with her guys, and they didn't get married forever. They.

Carmen Lezeth:

They were together for like 20 plus years before they got married, before they said well, you know, we're just doing it, just because well, look, I think, the truth, the only thing I would say, and you know, cause this is you know, oprah and Stedman are the same way, goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, kurt Russell that way.

Maurio Dawson:

One thing I would say is make.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is that his name, kurt Can?

Maurio Dawson:

I just say something, kurt Russell.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think what you need to make sure is that when you're not married, you do not have privilege to go to the hospital or to do these things. So you have to make sure you have that stuff written up with lawyers.

TikTok Video:

That's true 28 years.

Carmen Lezeth:

you want to be the person, the go-to person, not a person's ex, whoever, or cousin or brother or whatever who will come to claim so and I'm not trying to say that on sweepy, but just know that's the other part of that. I agree I never want to get married again, but I use the word marriage as like I would love to be in a long-term relationship with someone. You know what I mean, but I don't know if I need to get married again.

TikTok Video:

Oh yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Your stuff has to be in order Exactly.

Rick Costa:

Isn't it also depending on the state too, like when you're married a certain number of years it's considered was it called married?

Carmen Lezeth:

Common law marriage. That's all a wife's tale that doesn't do nothing in the legal form when your husband or wife is in the hospital.

Maurio Dawson:

Don't play that game, yeah, yeah, when your partner's in the hospital, it doesn't mean anything.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you got to get all that stuff to take care of, because I get it, but you want to make sure because other people look, I've had to write down and this has nothing to do with marriage I've had to write down in a will, and I have nothing, what I want to happen to me and all my little things. And if I'm in a hospital bed, god forbid, and about to, you know, gonna be at a coma or something like that. I've had to write that down because I don't want quote unquote blood family to think they can have blood after all these years.

Carmen Lezeth:

So my family, my chosen family, are those legal people. You know what I mean. When I had that surgery a couple of years ago, I had to send a legal document to Cynthia, because I know Cynthia would be the person who would make sure to stop anybody who thought they would be able to do anything if something were to happen to me other than the people I requested. And Cynthia. You know what I mean, so everyone should have that on point. And let me just say this since we went down this rabbit hole a little bit, the reason why I am like this is because the reason why I ended up in the childhood that I ended up in is because my mother never did that and never told anybody what she wanted done. If God forbid, something happened to her and she had always been in the hospital in and out, in and out. So I ended up not being taken care of by any one person.

Carmen Lezeth:

Look at Cynthia, I'm not your back, I know baby, but you know what I mean Like. That's why I do that and I encourage everyone to make and it's free, it doesn't go to your state website and find out all the things you need to know about simple wills, your living will. You know it goes back to that donor thing. All those things are free. It's a little bit of you doing a little investigation. It's very simple and you can take care of whatever your wishes are.

Maurio Dawson:

It's a PLA, but it's another one too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Power of attorney.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, it's a power of attorney, but you can have, you can.

Carmen Lezeth:

A designated like if you're about to die or something.

Maurio Dawson:

Well, for example, my grandmother was ill, my mother was out of the state, but we made my cousin in charge of my grandma. They're legally, but I can't remember the name of the document we had to do.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think it was a living there's a living will, but then there's the one. Yeah, I know what you're talking about, so we'll put that. I'll put that in the show notes. I'll put that information in the show notes so that we don't give anyone bad information, but I'll look at it up in the show notes for people in the podcast. But yeah, I know what you're talking about. During that surgery, I had Andrea and my doctor be the people to make a decision about if something were to happen to me, that Andrea would overstep the doctor. But that way I knew that. You know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

Like there is a word for it. I know what you're talking about, so that they can make that decision on your behalf.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, it's slipping my. It's on the tip of my tongue.

Carmen Lezeth:

A proxy Cynthia just wrote it. That's right Look at it this is like because I read all your crap.

Rick Costa:

You probably said I wrote that five minutes ago and you finally see it enough.

Carmen Lezeth:

We know what's actually works in a hospital. I mean, that's what she does. She works in an emergency room, so she knows all this stuff.

Rick Costa:

Sorry you already almost commented Sure. I also ask about finances what debt do they have, et cetera, and what expectations are If and when you move in together. These are the most stressful conversations and it will tell you a lot about them.

Carmen Lezeth:


TikTok Video:

People are funny with money and I think what?

Carmen Lezeth:

that lawyer was saying was have the conversation. Have the conversation about money. Oh yeah, traveling with somebody will tell you everything you need to know and how they treat service workers.

Maurio Dawson:

Listen, listen, listen, Listen, listen, Listen, Listen. I went to Europe with some people and they I'm like, okay, you got me, but never again. Never again. I said you got me. They invited they kind of. They came along because we went to go see my daughter in Switzerland and they came along, boy.

Carmen Lezeth:

Never again. Well, I'm going with 14 women to the Caribbean for 10 days. I know I already know this is gonna be a one time thing for me, and then Cynthia and I, next year, are going to Ireland, so that'll be cool. I think Cynthia and I will be cool. I don't have any issues with Cynthia, so 14.

Rick Costa:

Did you rent the entire floor of the hotel? The whole floor is off floor.

Carmen Lezeth:

So look at, here's the no, no, no, no, it's all hotel rooms, everything. But here's the thing these women go every year, they get, they leave their husbands and their children.

TikTok Video:

My wife said good luck.

Carmen Lezeth:

And then, and they go every year and they hang out and they happen. They invited me because I went to the funeral and they said why don't you come out? I said you know what? I need a break. I'm a go. So I'm invading their space. Mama, be the good person, I just want to go and be on the beach, and that's all they do. They go be on the beach, they drink, they go scuba diving, they go. So I think it'll be fine, but in my head I'm like 14 women.

Maurio Dawson:

That's a lot.

Rick Costa:

That's a reality show right there yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

You know my cousin, you know my cousin Nikki.

TikTok Video:

So yeah, yeah, I know Nikki.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah. So Alma was asking me she's like she knows Nikki, right? I'm like, yeah, she knows Nikki, but I don't know what her next comment was. So oh. We're supposed to be traveling next year to go to Ireland. Oh really, we're going. No, we're going in 2025, yes, yeah, 2025.

Carmen Lezeth:

We're going to Scotland and Ireland Really.

Maurio Dawson:

We're going to Scotland and Ireland as well, because we've been doing our lineage and my great great grandfather is Irish and his last name was Dunlap and we did the history and we found where he I just speak to him from in Ireland. So we're going to Ireland, in Scotland, in 2025 to go see his homeland.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, well, you need to, we need to talk, and maybe we'll see each other in time.

Maurio Dawson:

That would be great, that would be great.

Carmen Lezeth:

I also have British and Irish in my I did 23 and me in ancestry. Which one did you do? You did the both.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, yeah, but we actually have our grant, we have his actual picture.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, you did the whole, thing, okay, yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

No, no, my great grandmother always had pictures, so we have his actual picture. So we have a picture of him in his bolero. If you go, I'll have to repost it, but I have a picture of him posted on my Facebook page and it's a great picture of him. His name is Oliver Dunlap.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, that is so awesome. Wow, Okay, we're going to have to. Oh, I'm so glad you guys are going. Do you know when you're going about. We haven't decided yet.

Maurio Dawson:

We haven't decided yet. We're still talking about our dates, but we've already. We said next year because we're doing stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

Right, Everything was about my kid this year, so and Cynthia's going to Greece or something this year and I'm going to the country and so the year, so we're going to 2025. The only month I'm not going is we're sure of not going in August. Now I wanted to go, but in Scotland they have the Arts Fair, which is a big deal and we thought about going because I thought it'd be great. And then I was like it's going to be too many people.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm really one of the people I just want to go, like, I like to go to one place and stay there for a few days. I don't want to go to 95 different countries. You know what I mean. So we're not going to go in August, so, but you guys might go in August because you like to see all the cool stuff.

Maurio Dawson:

No I don't oh look, no, no, no.

TikTok Video:

What do I always think of? Kind of like the town you forget.

Maurio Dawson:

Alma and I are very different. Alma, she's the tourist girl. She wants to go to every single stop. She wants to see every single thing there is. To see me, I'm good, like I have targets, I want to hit this, this and this. Once I've done that, I'm good. But her, she's like go, go, go, go go.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh yeah, I know, I just want to sit in one place and get to know the neighborhood. I want people to know my name by the time I leave, after five years, yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, I have FOMO. One time when they left me to go to the Lent Chocolate Factory in Zurich and I didn't go because I was just exhausted and I'm staying in. That was the only time. Other than that, I'm good.

Carmen Lezeth:

Right, rick, you're going to be traveling soon. Oh, I know you can't, but you want to travel. One day one day, one day, you will, you will.

Rick Costa:

I've been to Portugal, canada, bermuda, so I've seen a few places I've seen stuff yeah.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Lisbon. I haven't. That's what that's on my bucket list.

Carmen Lezeth:

So my, so my. I found out that my father because, you know, I know nothing about my father is.

TikTok Video:


Maurio Dawson:

That's so, I can see that. Right, I see it.

Rick Costa:

Yes, why we get along so well?

Carmen Lezeth:

That's why we get along, yeah, but look, family and everything.

Rick Costa:

And I was just looking at my 23 and me the other day, so it's really funny that we're talking about this.

Carmen Lezeth:

I just looked it up in the day just to see if there was any different, because they updated a lot, you know they updated a lot, yeah, but. I'm still possible, as my is mostly where I'm from, which is weird. It's still pretty.

Rick Costa:

Beautiful place.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, but I mean it's weird because I think I told you that it's part of my second book, that I'm writing that because I did it like 10 years ago or maybe 11 years ago, Right, so I first did it and it came back that I was 51% Caucasian. It came you know when it, because you know they've been updating it as they go along, yeah, and it was like 51% Caucasian. I was 52%. I started crying. I was so upset and people thought I was upset because I was white or whatever, and I'm like no, it's because my entire life I've been treated a certain way and we are much more alike than we are not alike and racism sucks.

Carmen Lezeth:

And to be told that you're 52% of something.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, you know what. I mean, you were just talking about it, right? I think you both understand what I'm saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

It was.

Maurio Dawson:

Yeah, I do, I get it. People yeah. I get it.

TikTok Video:

So you know.

Maurio Dawson:

I understand that, but it's also important to know where you come from.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know, oh no, we don't. So now we're going down a whole other. We don't have to talk about this the most. That was when we are at the hour something mark. So I'm going to have to get off.

TikTok Video:


Carmen Lezeth:

Mario, thank you for stopping by Charlie. I know Charlie's watching this show.

Rick Costa:

I was going to say is he on now?

Carmen Lezeth:

I know. He's probably like Mario's on, I ain't no, bother, though I know he's on, come on in. No, it's OK, charlie's like you. We don't need no one else when there's you on baby.

Rick Costa:

No, I'm going to say right.

Carmen Lezeth:

So thank you, I missed you so much.

TikTok Video:

I missed you too, thank you, thank you for stopping by.

Carmen Lezeth:

I want to thank everybody in the chat and everybody who's listening, and I'm going to give some love again to LinkedIn. Thank you so much. I appreciate you all. We keep adding more and more people.

Maurio Dawson:


Carmen Lezeth:

And yeah, thank you everyone, and remember, it's all about the joy.

Rick Costa:

It's, always it's all about the joy. Bye guys, See you next time.

Carmen Lezeth:

Thanks for stopping by. All about the joy Be better and stay beautiful. Folks have a sweet day.