All About The Joy

What Makes You Old, What Makes You Love Aging: Laughter, Tech, and Gratitude

Carmen Lezeth Suarez Episode 155

Ever felt a bit awkward being called "ma'am" or "mister"? We dive into the nuances of aging and respect, sparked by a TikTok Video from Netflix with Deon Cole from Blackish. Together, we explore how these titles, often seen as signs of getting older, can also be marks of honor and respect. We relate these experiences to various cultures and languages, reflecting on how our perceptions evolve over time, and share some laughs about the generational gaps in tech and music preferences.

Stay active and embrace life's changes with gratitude. We share inspiring stories of tech-savvy centenarians and wisdom from the Blue Zones, emphasizing the importance of social connections, a balanced diet, and continuous learning. From the challenges of adapting to new technologies in the workplace to the transformative impact of AI, we highlight the human spirit's drive to push boundaries. Tune in for a heartwarming conversation that celebrates the beauty of aging gracefully and the joy of staying young at heart, physically and mentally.

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Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth

DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, cool, how are you guys? Hi everybody, welcome to All About the Joy Cynthia's in the house. Rick Costa, I think we did our intro correctly. Okay, I'm having issues, though, because I need us to flip. I need to move you over. I was having issues right there. Cynthia, how are you? I'm good. Yeah, I love your hair out. I was saying that earlier in the green room that I know you don't love wearing your hair out. I don't know why.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Well, today's a little messy Like. Even my coworker was like are you okay? You look a little frazzled.

Rick Costa:

Really, the first thing I thought was I like it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Thank you. Thank you, rick. Thank you, hey Melanie, how are you? That's exactly right, rick. I always say that, like I love when she wears her hair out. Now I'm the opposite. I like my hair to be like this big Cynthia hates when my hair is, cause she's seen and people at work this week have seen my hair Cause it was like out like this but I always take a shower and my hair's like half wet or whatever.

Rick Costa:

But I like it bigger, like as big as possible, like you can hide things in it. You know that was like in the 80s, remember the 80s, everybody had their hair ginormous.

Carmen Lezeth:

If you saw me this past week at work, I tame it down here so I could be, you know, a little conservative. But yeah, rick, how are you doing? How? How was your week?

Rick Costa:

Doing good, doing good. I actually got mom to bed earlier this time, so I was more relaxed coming to the broadcast. Okay, we can relax and chill and not be trying to hurry up.

Carmen Lezeth:

I just feel bad. I appreciate you because you always come on the show and I know that's a tricky time for you. So thank you so much for doing that. And I'm also going to say this, and I know I'm a little embarrassed, but I cannot believe people keep buying stuff from our store. I don't know who bought stuff today. So I did get an inquiry from somebody I know. Rick is all about the joy everywhere on his thing. You're so beautiful, thank you. I don't have your addresses. I don't get any of that information. Somebody asked if I can see their address and their credit card. It's going through a third party, so please know everything you do is secure. Whatever. All I get is the amount of things that people bought. So I know today we sold two V-neck t-shirts and then they tell me when it's going to ship and the percentage and whatever. Blah, blah, blah. I just want everyone to know that. But thank you for supporting the show and it is a cool logo. Anyways, all about the joy. It's a cool saying and I just I'm thrown.

Rick Costa:

So thank you so much yay I think on my site the one that I use all I see is their email address. That's it.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's all I can see yeah, but don't you get information on what you've sold? Because that's what I do. I don't even get an email address.

Rick Costa:

I'm saying any personal information. All I see is their email and that's it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't see your address. You know what? I don't even get an email.

Rick Costa:

I don't get an email, but if I log in I can see so-and-so email, their email address, and they ordered blah, blah, blah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, that's cool. You know what? I don't even. I told you I haven't even set up the. I shouldn't say this, but I haven't even set up. I didn't. I haven't set up the bank thing to transfer the money over. So the money's still sitting up. So maybe that's when I get that. Why do you need the email?

Carmen Lezeth:

I guess to thank them, you can always send a little personal Thank you, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I don't think there's anything nefarious about this is just my first time doing this or whatever but I just get an email that says you've sold two more shirts and this is when it'll ship and this is what your percentage or whatever.

Rick Costa:

you know what I mean yay why are we yaying for the audio people?

Carmen Lezeth:

because melanie, our favorite, most important, fabulous person, who's always on our show, always comes in and supports the show. I got her a mug and then she bought a t-shirt because we wanted to say thank you in a nice, kind way. But she also bought a t-shirt from us and we just appreciate you. Thank you so much, melanie. That's so funny. I love that. Yay, it is a cool mug and I hope to have more sayings and more things in the future. Again, it's all about time. But yeah, someone has warned me that christmas is coming up and I should have mugs with different colors and stuff. And I'm like, okay, yeah, this took me nine months to set up. You know what I mean? I can't imagine doing the mug Very slow.

Rick Costa:

Very slow Now that you say that for Christmas time. I think the most one thing that people do get for Christmas from my store is mugs.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, and All About the Joy is a cool mug to give people. If you could get different colors, I totally get it and I would love to do it and I would love to do it and I'm thinking about it. I just yeah. I'm just going to be honest, not sure it's going to happen, unless some really cool benefactor jumps in and I will pay you your salary and all you have to do is worry about all about the joint, which is the dream. Oh, look at Melanie's over here designing. I think we need Melanie Melanie's in the chat telling us we need to do a green mug with red lettering.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Okay, Actually that would be great, and for our Hanukkah people it could be the white mug with blue lettering.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, so I see we have Cynthia and Melanie as designers, okay.

Rick Costa:

Now what about Kwanzaa, if we're going to go crazy? Just kidding.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, yeah, anyway you might just have to get the regular mug. All about the joy. This year might just be the simple regular mug. No, I get it. We'd like to expand. We'll think about it.

Rick Costa:

We'll see. Put a candy cane in there.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, it's all about the joycom. The store is on the website. Check it out. Support the show. We really appreciate you. Thank you, thank you. Okay, I want to see if I can show this TikTok video that spurred my wanting to talk about this subject. For those of you who have very sensitive ears and don't like bad words, this is your warning. He says very bad words, okay, but it is what spurred what the conversation is going to be about today.

Rick Costa:

Hide your kids. Hide your kids.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hide your children. It says like the F word. He does say the N word too, but anyway, it doesn't matter, it's not a big deal, just give me all the hands up. And it's Dion Cole. You guys will. Cynthia, I think I was with you when you came here to visit you, and Juan, and I think this is who you saw get out of the Bentley, and I think you were like oh, I think he's famous, I'm not sure, but it's Dion Cole, he's from Black-ish. Okay, let me see if I can do this.

Rick Costa:

Oh he got like that deep voice.

Carmen Lezeth:

You gonna see him. Oh, I know who that is it's 30 seconds Now let's see if I can do this.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

I think I'm all good you got Young women that's in here. Do a lot of older men hit on you? Yes, here's a very smooth way to get an older man off you, real smooth. All right, next time I hold the dude, come on you and be like, hey, sweet thing, how you doing baby. All you gotta say is I'm okay, mister.

Rick Costa:

Shut down the whole operation, mr the fuck.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

Nah, baby, don't do that to me. Nah, don't do that to me. My name Gregory. Call me Gregory, okay, mr Gregory, mr Gregory, mr Gregory, this is stupid, this is stupid bitch.

Rick Costa:

It made me think of the color purple.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, my God, Isn't that hilarious, that's funny, that's awesome. So it made me start thinking about aging. Because these words it made me start thinking about it, because I used to get really upset when people would say ma'am to me as I was getting older. That's how you know you're turning a corner. You know what I mean. You're turning a corner. People start saying ma'am. Now one of my favorite clients and this is true, she knows she's my favorite client, she knows it. She's from Texas and her children. When I first met them if I'm ever at the home office when I first met them, they would come in the room and they'd call me Ms Carmen, and I'd be like, oh, you could just call me Carmen. And they always say yes, ma'am, no ma'am. They're that Southern politeness, you know what I mean. And I was like just call me Carmen, you don't have to call me. And she came running. I mean she like knocked over stuff.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

She's like ah, ah, ah, ah ah.

Carmen Lezeth:

She's Carmen. Saying ma'am is the proper way, that is a thing of respect, that is an honor. You're their elder. That's what we do, that's how we do things. You need to see it more. And we had this whole conversation and I started thinking about ma'am being like queen. You know what I mean being something that isn't Because we always associate it with being old, as opposed to being a thing of respect and honor. You know what I mean. So it changed my mind about that. But anyways, I sent you guys some questions about aging and that's where it came from. Wasn't that funny, mr.

Rick Costa:

I remember in church likei would sometimes have to deal with kids and stuff. I have kids, church stuff or whatever, and like here's mr rick and I'm like, mister, why you make me old?

Carmen Lezeth:

like it just felt weird, but you get over it I think if you switch your mind, mr and miss, don't bother me as much. But when you get called ma'am, I don't know about you, cynthia, but being called ma'am is like I think you know gray-haired old lady I was like we don't need to be all like that.

Cynthia Ruiz:

That's just like in Spanish, when you say doña, doña, yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

That might hurt if somebody said it in Spanish. I need time. I just got through the madam thing. You know what?

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

I mean.

Cynthia Ruiz:

That would definitely hit a whole other way.

Carmen Lezeth:

Did someone say doña to you?

Cynthia Ruiz:

Oh, one person did and I was like oh, I was like what?

Carmen Lezeth:

How old were they, though? Like six.

Cynthia Ruiz:

No, they were younger than me. But the reason why they said it? Because they were like but you're married now? And I said yes, I'm married, but I'm not that old.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, see, here's the thing Her kids at the time they're still pretty young, but they were like five and six, so it's okay. But I will admit to an embarrassing situation where I was in the grocery store always in the grocery store my eyes are always wandering too, by the way, always looking at the fine man in the grocery store, you know what I mean and I was checking out this fine boy. He was so good looking and I was like damn, and his body and everything, whatever, and he like passed by me or whatever, and he's oh, excuse me, ma'am, and I was like ma'am my brother ain't looking at me at all.

Cynthia Ruiz:

He's not looking through you, you know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

So the age matters, like a guy in his 30s calling me ma'am is so much different than a 10 year old.

Cynthia Ruiz:

You know what I mean right, yeah, so melanie is asking. She says that sounds bad, what it? Are you asking about the?

Carmen Lezeth:

word doña oh doña.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Yes, cynthia, sorry. Doña is like saying señora in Spanish yeah, but it's for say. For instance, you would say señora to your mom, but to your grandparent you would say doña. It's like a ranking, basically Very formal, very formal, very.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, eld, you would say Doña, it's like a ranking, very formal, very formal. Elders, it's like ma'am, but ma'am is for everybody, doña is for the old.

Rick Costa:

I was going to say Doña for me, feels even older.

Carmen Lezeth:

This is wrong. This might not be a good subject. I'm feeling really old right now. But the first question was what are some things that make you feel old? So I think we talked about some of those, but, cynthia, do you have another one? You said you did your homework, girl.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Oh yes, Back pains and joint pains. Yeah, you were starting to tell me in the green room. What happened? Oh my God. So lately I've been having a pain in my right knee, like going up and down stairs, because I've been trying to do the stairs more. Man, I always have to hold on to the railing because I feel like it's going to buckle and I'm just going to go flying down the stairs.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is that like a new thing, or is that something you've always had?

Cynthia Ruiz:

Is that a new thing? Yeah, um, it's probably been like that for about a month or so now.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, rick, what about you?

Rick Costa:

I mean that too. For me, like the body isn't what it used to be, that's for sure. Like I hurt my right knee, as we all know, like from a while back from the stupid wasp incident, but then the other day my left knee hurt and I was like wait, I didn't hurt that knee. Why is this knee hurting like I don't like?

Carmen Lezeth:

this because you're putting pressure on your other knee while you're trying to heal the first knee that got hurt by the wasps I guess so and again. I just need to say if you ever encounter more than one flying thing in your car, i'm'm just saying it's probably a nest somewhere. I'm just going to throw that out there. I thought when you told the story it was just one.

Rick Costa:

Nope, it was a swarm. I will say, oh wait, let's see what Melanie said.

Carmen Lezeth:

Melanie just said, scrolling for the year you were born on an online application is not oh, I know what you mean kind of like add yourself to something and they're like, and it's like 1990, 1970, I feel like 1970, scroll, scroll, it's weird. That is a big one, oh my god sympathy pain oh, sympathy. Pain, rick, yeah, ricky. Why is so your, is your knee the big problem, now the other knee, or are you feeling better? No, no, no, no it was just a one-time thing.

Rick Costa:

It's pretty much better than the right knee. It's just once in a while if I twist a little bit weird, I'm like oh yeah, there it is again, but it's pretty much bad. I could do everything. I walk, I can lift, I can do everything. Up and down stairs was the worst thing, but I'm fine now. The other thing I was gonna say was when kids are talking about stuff and I ain't got a clue what they're talking about, and I'm like what is you even talking about?

Rick Costa:

they're like oh you so old you don't even know this. I'm like I have no idea what you're talking about. Or if I say something like, oh, I remember when I recorded that my vcr what's a vcr?

Carmen Lezeth:

yeah, that's so weird. Okay, I will admit something that happened today. It wasn't today, it was yesterday. There was a. Okay, everyone knows I love george michael. Don't even talk about george michael, because that it'll be over.

Carmen Lezeth:

I will fly wherever you are and slap you upside the head it's like friends and freddie, mercury, aretha and whitney, those and Whitney, those are my people. Okay, so I told I've been there but Jonas Brothers or somebody. Jonas did a cover of Careless Whisper and I'm so sorry, horrible. And I was like who is this Jonas person? Like the looks I got from people in the office was like what. I don't know who this Jonas person is, but this is a horrible rendition of Carol's Whisper. I don't care, do not be messing with my. And that's when I feel old, because I realize I guess I should know who Jonas is.

Rick Costa:

It's three brothers. Three brothers, yeah, jonas brothers.

Carmen Lezeth:

Clearly I'm older than both of you. I don't even know who they are. Is there a song I would know.

Rick Costa:

That I can't tell you because I don't really listen to it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I can't even think of the song right now. But they're like a band, like a boy band and whatever.

Rick Costa:

Together and song. Yeah, they do together, they do solo. I think they start off with kid shows like a Nickelodeon thing, did they?

Cynthia Ruiz:


Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, this show is definitely sponsored by AARP. That's so funny.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Okay, what makes you feel young Me? It's keeping up with all the musicians and shows that these kids watch, and I actually know what they're talking about that keeps you young.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think so. Okay, what do you mean? Like knowing who the Jonas Brothers is? Okay, I'm saying it wrong. It's like when people say the Facebook, right. You're like oh God, yeah, okay, how do you say it? You don't say the Jonas, it's Jonas Brothers. Oh, just Jonas Brothers. Okay, sorry. And you guys can't name one hit song. So clearly they're really good.

Rick Costa:

That's not my thing.

Carmen Lezeth:

That damn song is in my head though, that other song of gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, whatever the Taylor. Swift song, that's on every meme on TikTok. Now, shake it off, shake it off. I don't think I've ever heard a song from Taylor Swift. I can't get that one out of my head Melanie's. I even know that Jonah's brothers are a boy band. Don't ask me to name a song, no.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Okay, we all know who they are. We can't say what the songs are, though I can't help you, Rick.

Carmen Lezeth:

what makes you feel young?

Rick Costa:

I think I'm going to say similar to what Cynthia said. When I know stuff that other people just you don't know that, it makes me feel like I'm in the know. And are you old? Why you don't know that I don't know.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I don't know if there's anything that makes me feel young. I'll be honest with you. I was just telling Cynthia, when we were in the green room, that one of the things that's bumming me out is no, everyone knows, I like to work out, or I used to. Now I can't seem to get myself together to do it consistently, but I've always had, like, my arms. You know, I work out with my arms, whatever, and they always look good, but now I can't even lift. I can't lift because of my wrist. I'm having issues you know what I mean, right, so I'm feeling really old with that. I used to feel really young because I would feel like I could beat most people running, you know what I mean. And so now I've not. I don't have that right now either, and I'm wearing a brace and I'm like it's just all bad. So I don't know if there's anything that's making me feel really young lately. Yeah, I don't know.

Rick Costa:

It's tough.

Carmen Lezeth:

Maybe when I go get my Botox and then I'm like oh my God, I don't know, that's when I feel really young, but yeah, no, I don't have anything else. How old do you actually feel If you had? To give it a number.

Rick Costa:

Depends on if you mean physically or mentally.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's two different things, exactly. Let's go with both All right, go ahead, Cindy.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Physically, I probably feel like I'm in like 70s or 80s. Mentally, I feel like I'm in my like late 20s, early 30s. Really, mm-hmm, rick, in my late 20s, early 30s, really.

Carmen Lezeth:


Rick Costa:

Physically, let's say, I'll give it a number. I don't know Probably what I am. To be honest with you, physically, mentally, I'm still a kid. I never grew up. I'm a Toys R Us kid, that kind of thing.

Carmen Lezeth:

God, why are we all opposite today? I feel it's like you against me, all it, like both of you against me. I'm like the opposite. I will say this I feel, even though I'm not fit as I was before I'm not, and I could certainly lose 20 pounds easily I have never loved my body and my presence more. I know, know that's weird, but I've never been more comfortable with my skin, with my body. It's like you don't give a shit, I don't care. This is it, this is it right here? That's all I got.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not stressed about it anymore. I'll be honest, I've never really been stressed about my body or my weight, but it was always because I was being compared to white women that I danced with, which I could never compete with that, so it was not an issue. Do you know what I mean? It wasn't an issue because I mean it could have been, but it wasn't for me, but it wasn't for me. But I think that's kind of one of the things that's really interesting.

Carmen Lezeth:

And then in my head I feel like you were saying mentally I feel like I am and this people are going to be like oh, please, comment. But I feel like I have such wisdom now I handle things better. Like I don't have these temper tantrums Like I remember when I was younger, like if somebody would do something that I hated, or if somebody hurt somebody else, I would, you know, I'd behave correctly in the presence of other people, but then I would have like a fit, I would cry, I would be so upset. I've had like in my room or whatever, by myself, I'd be freaking out. And now things don't bother me anymore.

Carmen Lezeth:

So Melanie just said, mentally I'm in my 20s, physically 40 ish. Yeah, yeah. So I see, I feel like I'm the reverse, and I'm not trying to be controversial. I really was thinking about this. I just feel like I wouldn't want to go back to my 20s. I've said this before. I want to see how the hell this ends. I want to see how this path goes. I have worked too hard, way too hard when I was young.

Rick Costa:

I remember people saying to me though, like that, I have an old soul, because the things that would kids would be like all excited about. I'm like, yeah, that's boring to me.

Carmen Lezeth:

We tell all children that though you know that, right, I'm sorry, rick, you do. You have an old soul. I don't even know what that means, but you know, we tell all kids this, right, okay, what does?

Rick Costa:

it mean to have an old soul Like you probably have a conversation with old people and it's like normal. It's not even weird. It would be like even though you're a child you're having like a deep conversation with old people as if you're old too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, I wasn't there when you were younger, so I don't know. I'm not trying to diss you. I'm just saying I've said that so many times to all my nieces and nephews and it's all bullshit Like from my mouth to them Because I'll be like you. You are so mature, you're like an old soul, you could handle this better. Baby See, that's the way I was working through some issues with my children. Oh, speaking of kids, isn't it Emily's birthday today? It is. It is Emily's birthday. Emily Harris. Happy birthday. Oh no, what's her last name? It's not Harris, it's Pinto, emily Pinto's birthday today. So happy birthday to her. If she watches the show, I did send her a text this morning before.

Carmen Lezeth:

Cynthia's all like whatever. Okay, so now do you feel um like if you were talking to a 15 year old today, rick? What would you tell them about? What aging is like, what?

Rick Costa:

would you say to them? Well, one thing I've always said, and a lot of them would argue with me, is the more you know, the more you find out you don't know.

Rick Costa:

And they're like that sounds so stupid. Like literally have people arguing me, that sounds so stupid. I'm like you ain't there yet, you'll figure it out, but it's true, the more you know, you like wow, I don't really know as much as I like, because we all think we're so smart when we're teenagers. Oh my, you don't understand, dad. Yeah, because they were never teenagers. Come on for real so yeah, that's one thing I'd be like, really seriously, you don't know everything. You think a lot, but you really don't they're not gonna believe you either either.

Rick Costa:

No, they're not, they're not. They got to learn the hard way.

Carmen Lezeth:

I want to share what Melanie just said. She said who says to younger people when I was your age? Oh my God, I try never to say that, but I've said it so many times.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Everybody says it.

Carmen Lezeth:

And isn't it weird when you catch yourself, because you remember that's what grown-ups used to say, and now you're saying it and you like that's not what I meant to say, but it is what I meant to say, because you're not going to understand yeah melanie says what keeps me young is keeping up with technology.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, that's good I was just yelling at rick in the green room because he was acting like I didn't know what the vpn was. I'm like, um, yeah, that's a good one. I think a lot of people and I say this about people I love in my life who are older, who think it's funny to call themselves is it Ludwig, ludwig, is that what you say when you're somebody who doesn't know how to use computers, you're not up with technology. I think it's called Ludwig or whatever. Alden says it all the time about himself. They think it's called Ludwig or whatever Alden says it all the time about himself. They think it's funny. And I'm like I actually don't think that's a funny thing. You should be keeping up with technology to the best of your ability. One of my clients, their grandmother, is 101. This year just turned 101. Child she always on her phone texting people. I'm like 101.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

Yeah texting people. I'm like 101.

Rick Costa:

That's great. I crack up when people at work be like what's your fax number? I'm like, are you for real Fax?

Carmen Lezeth:

Why do we still have faxes, though? I don't know.

Cynthia Ruiz:

I love it when people are like what's a fax machine?

Rick Costa:

Yeah, then I heard about these blowing up pagers. I'm like like there's still pagers out there who has pagers, that's what I'm saying? Did you hear about the whole in the middle east? A whole blowing?

Cynthia Ruiz:

up pager thing.

Rick Costa:

I'm like we still got pagers. People still use these things.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Well, I mean doctors still use them.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm sorry, cynthia, doctors still use pagers that makes sense to me, though, because they can't pick up the phone, yeah melanie just said oh, because she, melanie's comfortable with both apple and android.

Carmen Lezeth:

I got you. Yeah, apple and android are just. I'm not a big apple person, but it's just funny how apple people get so indignant and it's like coke and pepsi really not a big deal to me, like whatever, but that's a whole other conversation. Yeah, I think the other thing about like whenever I tell gen z anything, I feel that they smirk because they're doing that thing, like, like what you were saying, yeah, okay, whatever old person you don't really know, but I'm gonna listen to you and pretend I'm giving you respect, but I'm really not. That's the thing that makes me feel old. I would say, you know what I mean, because I know that they're doing the thing that they, because they do think they know more than we do, like we weren't ever their age. And now what I realize is I just don't say nothing now, I just wait, because it's going to happen. You're going to figure it out the hard way, because all I need is to be disrespected once and then we're done. I'm out. I ain't got no children for a reason.

Rick Costa:

Baby, that's what I'm saying, like I used to say to my son, you don't know how lucky you are because you have the internet. You can just look up literally anything. I had to go find it in an encyclopedia. What's an encyclopedia?

Carmen Lezeth:

But see, our parents used to say the other things too. Right, you don't know how easy you have it. I used to have to walk five miles to school or whatever it is. To the library, but we're doing the same thing. It's just every generation does this. It's so weird.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, it's true, it is true.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, how does age work for you in the workplace? Oh wait, I didn't ask Cynthia. About what would you tell someone who's 15.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Oh, a Gen X. Now About getting old they're Gen Z, you're Gen X, they're Gen Z. Oh, sorry About getting old, that when you're in your 30s, your body's going to start to give you warning signs. Really, yeah, you got to start feeling little things here and there, and then, once you hit 40, that's when you start feeling the pain.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, wait, really, yeah, I don't know. Can we maybe say for some people For some, I guess. For some people. I don't know, can we maybe?

Cynthia Ruiz:

say for some people, for some, I guess For some people.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying Well, because I think it's going to be different. For look, I think there are some things that definitely happen to all people, men and women. Wrinkles happen, they're going to happen, live with it. Sagging things happen. Things start to sag. That never sagged before. You know what I mean. That's gravity, you know. Like whatever, I got to be quiet because I know I'm going to wake up tomorrow and be like my knees, my back. Actually what Cynthia just said absolute truth.

Rick Costa:

Yes, that's exactly and there's not, and there's not a lot that we can do about it. You can try to be fit and exercise and all that, but outside of that, what can you do?

Carmen Lezeth:

no, but that's a good thing. So so here's what I want to do, because I think this is really an important part of it too. I think we've also been socialized to believe that aging is bad and aging is decrepit and declining, and so this is going to sound like I'm, you know, again so full of wisdom. I think because there was a time I didn't think I'd see my next birthday. I love my birthday.

Carmen Lezeth:

I make a big deal out of my birthday every year because I see it like another year accomplished Right. Most of my friends are always like, oh, don't remind me, I don't want to talk about Nobody wants to get older, because we see it as some negative thing. And I always saw it the opposite, like, wow, I made it another year. Always saw it the opposite, like wow, I made it another year. And I think that's also what made me so excited, because I remember when I was little, thinking about like my dream. It's still my dream today. I want to be like 65, 70, sitting on my porch of my beautiful ranch house after being so successful. I better get on this shit quick, being able to look out at all the land I own.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:


Cynthia Ruiz:

I know, but this is what I'm saying, right, next time, making those cups in other colors.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm going to be out working ceramic and shit doing it myself painting. But it's true, I've always had that dream that I wanted to see myself get older, and I think a lot of it was because my mother didn't make it. You know what I mean? I never saw my mother get older and I realized as I got older that she was so young you start to realize how young she was when she passed away. So I think that, for me, has worked in my favor, in that I get excited about getting older, but I get it because it is a change, but I want to put a spin on it to see if we can't make it a more positive thing. So what is a positive thing about aging?

Rick Costa:

I was thinking about this today. It wasn't even anything to do with the whole topic because I already knew, but I think it makes me feel privileged to still be here, because there's a lot of people that are younger than me that just died, that have died Family members of. My cousin was 34. I was 33 and she died from cancer and I thought because here in my mind, I'm like we're going to grow old, your kids are going to play with my kids and they're going to have kids and they're going to play together. And I was like, nope, none of that's happening now. Wow, it's like a privilege. I don't take life for granted because we don't have an expiration date. We don't know Healthy people not to be morbid, but healthy people could just drop dead, healthy athletes. So I think it's a privilege it's not, it's a privilege that we're still here.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

I love that.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I don't take it for granted because we don't know when our time is up. Nobody knows. So it is a privilege. If you're still here, use the time you have and don't waste it. I was telling my friend yesterday because right now he's unemployed and I was like I really could kick myself. There was a time where I didn't work for quite a while, I was on employment and now I look back and I'm like you could have did so much.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, but don't do that. That's not fair. That's not fair to do that.

Rick Costa:

But I'm just saying. I'm just saying that time is so valuable Like we need to understand that.

Carmen Lezeth:

do what you can yeah, I agree with you. But what I don't want to do because I think this is the lie we tell ourselves you do the best you can. When you're in that moment, you do the best you can. When you're in that moment, you do the best you can with what you have in front of you. Being unemployed sucks, I don't care how much time it gives you. It's hard not to have a paycheck. It's hard not to know how you're going to pay the bills, feed somebody. You don't take care of stuff. I don't want us to then romanticize like oh my God, I should have built a business when I was unemployed. That makes sense, you know what I mean. Like I had so much time I should have done. No, you were probably sad, depressed, whatever. That's why I'm going to stop.

Rick Costa:

That's why I'm shutting down. But the lesson is if that ever happens again. Now I know better.

Carmen Lezeth:

And depending on the circumstances, because if you were unemployed and you didn't know if you'd be able to make your next mortgage or food on the table, I don't know how up you'd be to like you know what I'm starting business. I'm going to do this. Maybe you would, I don't know. But I look at I don't do well when I'm sad and depressed, I just don't. I know there are people out there, a lot of artists, who are like they're alcoholics, they're in and out of rehab and they're like creating artwork and it becomes amazing. But I'm not that person. I need things to be okay for me to be able to create stuff. So I'm just trying to give you a little bit of a pass.

Carmen Lezeth:

Unemployment sucks, and so I want the best for your friend to get another job or to get a blessing of a lot of money from somewhere to stabilize. Now that's what I'm going to pray for you. I want you to get a lot of money so you don't have to work, so then you could go do all the things you want to do during your free time that you now have. See, you got to be very specific with the Lord. That's what I remember. You don't want to say you know what God next time I'm unemployed? He might only hear that part.

Rick Costa:

I do believe being specific is important.

Carmen Lezeth:

Being very specific, being very specific how does age work for you guys in the workplace? I'll start with this one. I'm going to start with this one. Let me tell you. Let me tell you something, and this I know I'm going to be in my 70s and 80s, god willing if I am blessed to live that long.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, my experience is right now that people who are not keeping up with what is going on, like Melanie said, with technology or whatever, if you are not going to keep up with what's going on in the world and in technology, then you're not going to make it in the workplace. You're just not. Yeah, I am happy to retire as soon as motherfucking possible, so I don't care, like. If I have the money, I don't. I'm not gonna work, I'm good, I live a very simple life, like I don't.

Carmen Lezeth:

But there are people that keep working for my clients and my clients are very loyal. I work with very good people too much, no matter how much I complain about them on this show especially. But I don't work with people I don't like. But they have people that they have worked with for 30, 35 years and I'm like. Okay, as much as I appreciate, you've had this landscaper for 35 years.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, the reason why the lawn isn't getting mowed is because he can't get on the tractor, whatever it is, whatever it is. So either suck it up and be okay with it, because then we have to hire somebody else like I don't or fire them and let them go. Those are your choices, but you can't keep complaining about it to me and my one of my clients is really mad at me. I'm like I don't care, I'm done, I don't care. Fire them or pay them and just be okay with it and hire somebody else like you you have choices is really mad at me. I'm like I don't care, I'm done, I don't care, fire him or pay him and just be okay with it and hire somebody else. You have choices.

Rick Costa:

As they say, the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

Carmen Lezeth:

Go ahead, isn't that Einstein?

Rick Costa:

I can't remember.

Carmen Lezeth:

That is Einstein. Yes, it is. Yes, that is the definition of insanity. I'm going to bring that up. Thank you for reminding me. I'm going to bring that up Because I'm going to cut the check every time. I'm going to cut that check, you're going to sign it and then I have to listen to 35 minutes as to why we have to then hire somebody else to come in and actually do the work, or, oh my God, you can mow the lawn yourself. That's always an option. There's, there are so many options. So weird.

Cynthia Ruiz:

yeah, yeah, okay, okay I'm just saying I, I think in the workplace that's my issue with age and I don't want to have ageism, but in my head I'm like at some point, yeah no, it's very true, because at my old job was me and this 76 year old woman both working at the desk, and anytime her computer would crash or anything like that, she would ask me to help her with it or she didn't understand something, always asked me. She said you should work for it, and I'm like hell. No, because I hate computers, but I have to learn it for work. You know what I mean. Like you have to know the technology as much as I hate technology, but it was always that thing, like there was a. There's such an age gap between me and her that she will not learn new technology.

Carmen Lezeth:

But you know what? It's so weird Cause I Andrea is going to be mad if she listens to this, but I don't think she listens to the show regularly. But I'm just saying, One of the things that bothers me about Alden and Andrea is they're both so resistant to social media, Like Andrea used to have. She don't use social media at all. She don't whatever. And I'm like this is what's going to happen. Exactly what you're talking about is what's going to happen, Because technology is what is the substance of what we're doing in the world right now?

Carmen Lezeth:

It is all about online. And actually Hayden, who we're going to have on the show next week, his film festival what am I calling it? The film festival that he does is online, so he has a software program, whatever. And Hollywood is having a really tough time with a lot of things because of streaming services or whatever. And look, we're having a show that people watch and it's online. You know what I mean? It's not like we're sitting at a television or going to a movie theater, Like everything's moving this way. So I always get really nervous, but there's a weird kind of I don't have to learn that shit, I don't do social media. I'm like okay, I'm not just saying it about Andrea.

Cynthia Ruiz:

I get what you're saying, but think about it.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

During the pandemic, everybody had to learn how to use Zoom.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Because that's how you had your meetings, that's how you worked. So she had to learn that technology, and now she has. Obviously she uses it.

Carmen Lezeth:

So you have to know the technology, anything new that's coming out, but I think there's a resistance that happens that it's in, and I'm not just saying andrea alden does the same thing. There's a weird kind of I don't need if it's like it's below you. You know what I mean. I'm like, okay, I look at andrea's gonna fucking scream and yell at me. I just already know when I said andrea, I meant another andrea, not the one that's on the show. I mean, look at it, andrea's going to fucking scream and yell at me. I just already know when I said Andrea, I meant another Andrea, not the one that's on the show, it's Andrea Smith. We love you, andrea. She's going to be so mad at me, but it is that same thing. It frustrates me because it's not that I care whether or not she uses social media or not. I'm just like this is basic stuff we're talking about.

Rick Costa:

Just picturing her going. Carmen, the one time I listened to the broadcast I'm going to let her watch the part where you just made fun of how she talks. I wasn't trying to really imitate her. You need to get rid of that, rick. That's what she's going to say Like the expression that people use all the time, and I just go, why you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I just go why?

Carmen Lezeth:

Right, because the dog don't want to learn. That's all I'm hearing.

Rick Costa:

I don't know, like why, if you had to like the pandemic, like I almost said, linda Cynthia said I don't know where Linda came from, but yeah, if you had to, then guess what All of a sudden you can Wow, I don't know.

Carmen Lezeth:

We were using Zoom way before that, but I guess more people had to learn how to use it. Zoom's been a business device for a long time, but I hear what you're saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think for me too. I feel like when I think about my mom and what she missed out on, like even the simple things like a microwave, a VCR, like we didn't have all those things going up. That would be so shocking and I don't want to miss out on whatever's coming next. I think it's so fascinating. You know, everyone's afraid of AI. I learned something about AI the other day that did freak me out. Someone said AI is not a tool, and I can't remember what they were saying, but it really freaked me out and made me see AI in a different light. So maybe we'll have a conversation about AI at some point in the future with somebody who's much more of an expert on it, because it taught me something I didn't think about before. But AI is the thing now that we're going to start dealing with that we're already dealing with and to not be aware of how that's going to affect us.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think that's what makes you old is when you stop learning and you stop engaging, and I think it's a facade that you get older and then you stop learning. I think you should continue learning, continue trying to. It's not that hard. You just got to be in the know. Now I don't know all of the young singers. I do not, because it's not my music the Shake it Off song with the Taylor Swift. I really like Taylor Swift, who she is and how she presents herself, but I don't know her music. You know what I mean, but that song is a meme now. So Melanie says I don't like AI.

Rick Costa:

And now the new laptops they're automatically shipping them with AI built in already. So it's like now. You can't even avoid it.

Carmen Lezeth:

So let me just say something AI has been around for a long time, so that's the number one thing. You should all know. The you know any time that you know it's just different kind of iterations of AI. You guys AI, siri is AI. What do you think Siri is? You know what I mean when you guys are using that on your iPhone or whatever, or you're calling on Amazon whatever the Amazon was, alexa or whatever all those things.

Rick Costa:

Everybody's. Alexa just said yes. How can I help?

Carmen Lezeth:

you. I clearly don't have Alexa but I don't have the other one either, but I just all it's all been iterations of it. Melanie just said I think someone's spying on you today, Sue. I don't want you to think like that.

Rick Costa:

If you have this, you are already. If you have a smartphone.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, if you live in the United States and you have a home with windows, it's already happening. We have drones everywhere, we have satellites, but don't think about it as a negative thing, right? And I don't think anyone's spying on me specifically. Now here are some things I would suggest. If you're going to change, close your drapes. You know what I mean. Don't like my neighbors across the way. Don't change with the drapes open. Take off your bra and everything, all up in the wind and think none of us are going to see it. You know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

There are things you can do, but AI has been around for a long time. We're calling it artificial intelligence now out loud, but computers have been around for a long time and this is where we're going. And here's the good thing. I always say this to you, rick Star Trek next generation. Everyone loves the show, everyone loves that whole concept and idea. What do you think all of that is? And if you want me to get you really freaked out, go see 2001, a space odyssey, which was a movie that came out by stanley kubrick in two, in 1965, I believe, right way before we were born something.

Carmen Lezeth:

1965, and he was already. That was the whole thing was how computers were taking over. Hal ends up taking over because it's a learning entity. It learns as it goes along, and it learns so much that it starts taking over the ship. That's 1965. So AI has been around for a long time the concept, the idea and even the processes. I think it's better to learn what's happening and understand it. That way you can feel more comfortable about it and understand how to protect yourself than to be afraid of it. Melanie, just an idea, just a concept. Idea out there. Rick, what were you going to say?

Rick Costa:

I don't remember now.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, great, because I'm happy.

Rick Costa:

But I do remember again bringing up that movie 2001 A Space Odyssey. Yeah, I'm like, there ain't no way this was made in the 1960s. There ain't no way. Yeah, you're right, you watched it right. So I'm like so if they could do that, then imagine what we could do now. And it's going to come to a point where they'll go I believe they're going to make TV shows and the entire things will be AI and we're not even going to know the difference.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's already happening. That's already. I mean, that's why all of the unions are fighting. That's why Gavin Newsom, here in California, just signed something about artificial intelligence and the movie industry. There's a lot of things that are changing, but being afraid of it isn't the best way to. We can have fear if we take that fear and move it into a channel that is positive and so use that energy to make sure that we understand what's going on, understand how it's going to affect us and move through it. So we get to the side. Because look at the thing I love about humanity I don't mean to be dorky, I'm being very serious is I love that, no matter what we learn, we want more. You know what I mean. Like, the more we know, the more we want to know more, and that filters throughout all of us. Like the minute I accomplished making $15 an hour, now I want. I want $20 an hour. You know what I mean. Like, now I want $20 an hour, you know.

Rick Costa:

I think it's a human thing too, Cause, like when you look at the Olympics or like this record, nobody that's the fastest human. But then somebody comes along, I'm going to beat it, and then they ended up beating it. How? Cause?

Carmen Lezeth:

when you want it, man you're going to do whatever it takes, and that's, I think, what's the best part about the human spirit is the ability to always be progressing forward. Now, I'm not saying it's always positive, I'm not saying it always turns out okay. We can think about the atom bomb and we can think about Oppenheimer, the whole. You know what I mean. We can think about all the mistakes and bad things that we do, but we still try to progress. Even if we take 10 steps backwards in the process, we always try to progress forward as human beings.

Carmen Lezeth:

Fear is a vile part of who we are as humans. But the thing I love about fear, whenever I feel it, is I'm like you know what, I'm going to take that and I'm going to make myself courageous. I'm going to find a way to take fear and make it about courage now, and that's all about like fighting through that fear. So I refuse to be intimidated by artificial intelligence. I've told you before I'm excited about it. I'm intrigued by it. I have this dreamy idea of Star Trek Next Generation sometime happening. You know what I mean when we live in a world where there's real equality and real substance and all these kind of things we see in the movies, but I also know that it's going to be a tough time learning it and getting through it. It's not an easy thing and I read a whole article today, which I already said, but we'll talk about it some other time when we have somebody who knows more about it than I do.

Rick Costa:

But it changed me article today, which I already said, but we'll talk about it some other time when we have somebody who knows more about it than I do.

Carmen Lezeth:

If you never heard of ChatGPT, you might be old or you might be someone who's not paying attention to artificial intelligence because you have other things going on in your life.

Carmen Lezeth:

So Rick just introduced you to ChatGPT. How do you say it, chatgpt? Yeah, com, just go there, go check it out. But you don't even have to do that. Google now has AI. You can also go on your Windows platform. It also has an AI source. I use it. I use this all the time Copilot on MSN on Microsoft. I use it all the time. Copilot on MSN on Microsoft. I use it all the time. What?

Rick Costa:

You can make beautiful pictures with it. Just describe what you want.

Carmen Lezeth:

The pictures are gross. I think the pictures are you can still tell artificial intelligence.

Rick Costa:

I'll be like beach landscape with mountain in the back. I'll say something like that it's half decent. I can't draw, I think it's cool.

Carmen Lezeth:

Look it. I use AI to help me with a lot of stuff with editing, with doing the show notes with it gives you a whole template, like I use AI all day long. And here's the thing I bet Melanie does too. She just doesn't realize it. Yeah, there's a lot of it, you know. Rick said if you have a phone, you're probably using AI, and you don't even realize it. So yeah, wow, what can you do now that you couldn't do when you were young? Or I'll reverse it what could you do when you were young that you can't do now? I can't do a split anymore, and let me tell you I'm trying. I used to be able to do a cartwheel and then land in a split. I used to be able to do a backflip, land in a split. You know what I mean. I don't think I can do a backflip. I'm scared to try. I can still do a cartwheel.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know about a backflip, though I need to do some ab work because my tummy's heavy now I don't do a split. I wish I could say I could even get close.

Cynthia Ruiz:

Can't do a split anymore. I can't run anymore. I used to be able to just stand up and put your leg up. Can't do that anymore. You mean put your leg straight up, I used to be able to split. I used to be able to split. No, not anymore. I'm dying to be able to split. Are you not mad anymore? I'm dying. I'm like I'm curious. Listen just real quick I'm trying to take off my bra as a hassle, okay.

Rick Costa:

When he's going to see Jean-Claude Van Damme do splits. I'm like ouch.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, what the thing is I'm going to get there, though is I'm gonna get there, though I'm gonna get there, I gotta get back there I don't need to do a backflip, but I still should be able to do a split. That shouldn't matter age-wise. That's about flexibility. I just haven't been working on it. It's so sad, rick.

Rick Costa:

I mean when I was little like what is your split? Game like well, yeah, I mean never did a split. When I was little, we used to have the playground and all that stuff. I was a little monkey man. I was climbing everything.

Carmen Lezeth:

Today, no, can't do none of that I ain't doing none of that. I think one of the things that I do better today than when I was younger. I said it earlier I handle situations so much better now. I said earlier, I handle situations so much better now. Melanie just said I see AI popping up on apps. Try to get away from its input. Yeah, you can't. You're already using it. I understand the fear, but I want you to work through that fear, melanie. Yeah, google, all of it is AI.

Rick Costa:

And they're keeping track of everything you type.

Carmen Lezeth:

Sorry, yeah, but okay, okay, but stop. That's been happening all along, that's not that's what I'm saying oh okay, that's just what I'm saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh okay, yeah, yeah, everything is already out in the web, if, okay, if you use an atm or a debit card at your atm machine to get money out, they already have all your information on the internet. If you do any online banking at all, all your stuff is already on the internet. If you do any online banking at all, all your stuff is already on the internet. If you do anything with a social you just said earlier that you don't put in your birth date when you have to scroll your stuff is already on the internet. It's already out there. It's just. How do you learn to protect yourself is really what we need to do.

Rick Costa:

Okay, what's your?

Carmen Lezeth:

split game. You didn't, no, I said, said I can't.

Rick Costa:

I've never done a split.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

I can't do a split Never never.

Rick Costa:

But I was going to say now I lost it, that's okay, that's a problem, I did memory have you always had that though.

Carmen Lezeth:

Not like today. I keep cutting you off and changing the subject, so that's why you get in confusion.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:


Carmen Lezeth:

There were certain things I think that I believe are folk tales or lies that we've been told. But then people do it anyway. So older people fall and have to get their hips replaced. That's like a normal that actually it's been a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's no reason why old people have to fall and get your. You need to break their hip right. People fall because they're not being careful and then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy Like I really do believe that. Oh my God, okay, I'm gonna have knee problems tomorrow.

Cynthia Ruiz:

I'm a fall you already know what's going to both of us. Like I hate you guys.

Carmen Lezeth:

You jinxed me y'all did this to me. There's another one that I think is a folktale too. I don't remember what it was.

Rick Costa:

I do think if you move it's you're less likely to get hurt. If you're sedentary and you never move at all, you're asking for trouble you gotta keep moving and that's the difference between. I think that's why these people live to 90 and 100. If you look at them, they're like they don't sit down and do nothing watch tv, they're moving, they're gardening, they're doing stuff and they're socializing with people, they're eating well, right, that doesn't mean they're having a glass of wine once in a while.

Carmen Lezeth:

There's what's that? The guy, this I forgot what it was called. Oh, it is the blue zones. So the blue zones was or is this concept that in certain areas of the world there are people that are centurions, so they're a hundred years plus. And this guy I forget what his name is, but he investigated why these people lived such healthy lives. So it's not just that they're 100 years old and older, it's that they're 100 years old and they're still got their, they're with it, they got their minds, they're still out there, like Rick said, gardening, they're still doing stuff, they're praying and there were all these kind of common things.

Carmen Lezeth:

And some of the places are like Sardinia, italy, loma Linda, california here is one of the places Ikaria, greece is another place.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okinawa, japan, nicoya, costa Rica I don't know how to say Nicoya, but I think it's Nicoya.

Carmen Lezeth:

Those are the places that are the blue zones and the studies have been done and a lot of it has to do with socialization, is a big one, like a lot of people belong to a church or they belong to a social group that they go to on a regular basis. Some people drink wine. They don't eat as much red meat as most they still do but they don't. They have a lot more plant-based stuff and it's an interesting thing, so you can just go to bluezonecom and check it out. But yeah, I do think that we have been socialized to believe that getting older is bad and everything is about decline, as opposed seeing what I think are the blessings as we started this show the blessings of being able to live as long as we have and enjoying that and being grateful for it, because so many people don't get that shot. I would love to be doing this show and we all in our hundreds right well, it would be 90 whatever I saw this video of people in japan.

Rick Costa:

It was a restaurant in japan and they purposely hired all old people, all senior citizens. And it's like a funny thing too, because they're like now you might mess up your order, so don't get mad, just just laugh and be like thank you, and. But they're like they talk to the people working and they're like oh, I love this, I feel useful again. Oh, it touched my heart.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wow. Well, it has to feel useful all along, right, like Miss Joyce, who is my favorite client's grandmother who's 101, I asked her. I'm like what's the secret? And she is not kidding. She's like champagne and put a little bit of blueberries in it because it makes it healthy.

Rick Costa:

So she has champagne every day.

Carmen Lezeth:

This is not a lie.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:

She is not lying.

Carmen Lezeth:

So she has a glass of champagne every day. She puts a little blueberries in it to make it healthy. Okay, it champagne every day and she puts a little blueberries in it to make it healthy. She's just so awesome. But she's with it, she got it. She don't live with no nurse or nothing. She got her own place. Don't get me wrong. I think having a certain amount of established wealth helps as well. Right, so there's. There is that part of it too, that there might be some correlation between also being able, but these people in the blue zones are not wealthy people. The most important thing seems to be also connection, right Partnerships and marriages and friendships and family and whatever. It's so fascinating. Wow, hey, this was a fun conversation. I just, rick, you just told me it's an hour. I didn't. I thought we were like 20 minutes in.

Deon Cole, TikTok Video Netflix:


Carmen Lezeth:

Just one last question. Is there a time that you would prefer to be at than this moment in time? Do you look forward to being older or do you wish you could? I know earlier you said like what your body's felt like and your mind felt like, but do you wish you were a certain age now?

Rick Costa:

If I had to give up the wisdom that I have now?

Cynthia Ruiz:


Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I said it earlier, I need to see how the hell this ends. I am not kidding, you know what I mean Just too much sweat and tears. I want to see it. I want to see the end game. So, hey everyone, thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate it. It's so exciting, cynthia, as always. Thank you, rick, I adore you. Thank you for stopping by. Please remember a few things. All about the joycom is where you can see where our podcast is. Please follow us on Apple and Spotify. We're also on YouTube. I'm shook by the whole YouTube thing. I'll talk about that at some other point, but check out the live streams there as well. Anyways, thank you everyone for stopping by. We'll see you again next week and remember, it really is all about the joy. Bye everyone. Thanks for stopping by. All About the Joy. Be better and stay beautiful. Folks. Have a sweet day.