All About The Joy

Celebrity Aging, Walmart Mishaps, Beauty Trends and Quirky Anecdotes

Carmen Lezeth Suarez Episode 158

Ever had a bizarre encounter while shopping for something as simple as lotion? Andrea shares a cringe-worthy story. We're also sharing our most amusing anecdotes and pondering the modern quirks of work-life balance. With memories of childhood remedies like Vaseline and Vicks, we laugh our way through the serious topic of managing work and personal time, especially when the lines blur as you work from home. Our personal stories shed light on the challenges of setting boundaries while keeping the nostalgia factor high.

As we wrap up, let's take a nostalgic journey through the beauty of aging gracefully. Imagine the surprise at realizing beloved stars like Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock are 60 years old! Our conversation touches on beauty routines, the origins of Vaseline, and the joy of music that connects us all. From quirky celebrity gossip to choosing the perfect song to jolt you from a trance, this episode is a delightful blend of humor, memories, and thoughtful insights. Join us for the laughter and connection that make our podcast a joy to listen to.

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Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth

DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hi everybody, welcome to All About the Joy. It's me and Cynthia. We might have other people. We don't even know if we're going to let Rick in. Hi, cynthia. Hi, we're a little early because we're going to try. If Rick does not come on early, we're going to try to do a little recap on 9-1-1. Okay, do not slip up and tell me what happened. What I wanted to tell you about was I was a little bit stressed that Athena is that her name? Athena again is in a drama, and the last thing that what's his name, what's her husband's name, bobby? Hi, melanie, rick will be here soon. Rick will be here soon. Oh, you know what? I think Rick is here right now.

Rick Costa:

Yes, let's talk before rick gets here and I'm like, oh, okay, it's like that, wait.

Carmen Lezeth:

And you heard me the whole time. Right, wait, here's what's so funny. Is you know how you? You slide it out and then you slide it in for the chat room. So I couldn't see that you were on. So I was like hopefully he won't come on or whatever I was saying. And then I happened to just glance over and I see three people. I'm like, damn it, okay, we're just doing a little recap on 9-1-1, the third episode of the arc of the B-NATO, which I thought the first episode was dorky as all hail. Right, celia, you agreed with that. But the second episode, which aired last week, was so good and I'm just saying I'm stressed because I don't want Athena, which is played by Angela Bassett, to be in these situations anymore the poor thing just got off a boat that was sinking her whole house went on fire, right like right now, the whole fire.

Carmen Lezeth:

She almost lost Bobby, but they all die, almost die, like every other episode. All right, but you started watching tonight's episode because it's on right now or whatever. It's on at five, my time, your time. Eight o'clock, your time, oh my God. Okay, don't say nothing. You weren't supposed to watch any of it, so we could just critique episode two For 5 minutes. No, we're done now. No, because you know what happens, because the last scene is Bobby Running with Oliver Stark. That's his real name. What's his buck? His character's name is Buck and he's running with him off the movie set and he's like of course, she's driving the plane or whatever Flying the plane. I was like ah, rick, are you feeling FOMO?

Rick Costa:

Not really.

Carmen Lezeth:


Rick Costa:

Not really.

Carmen Lezeth:

Rick watch the show.

Cynthia Lopez:

I promise you would love it. I even wore my shirt today. I know you're wearing it. I'm watching it, Los Angeles.

Carmen Lezeth:

Fire Department shirt today. No, you're wearing it. Los Angeles Fire Department t-shirt and the back is it's cool, right? It says emergency or whatever.

Cynthia Lopez:

It's really cool.

Carmen Lezeth:

Rick, how come you're resistant.

Rick Costa:

I just have too many things to watch, just like another thing to watch.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, I feel like we need you to step up. Look at what t-shirt I have for you, rick.

Rick Costa:

It's backwards, but it's Star Trek right it's not backwards.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's the camera. What do you want?

Rick Costa:

me to do?

Carmen Lezeth:

Hers is see, cynthia's is backwards. You didn't say nothing to her.

Rick Costa:

Because I don't care about the fire stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh wow. Well then, rick, it was nice having you on the show.

Rick Costa:

We all know why you like the fireman show it's for the fireman. Let's be honest.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my God, Look who's on. Andrea. Andrea, I just finished telling Cynthia I know Andrea ain't going to be on today, because she always lets me know when she's going to be on.

Andrea Nunez :

You know what? I just barely looked at the email, like three minutes ago, and then that's the kind of day it's been. So here I am.

Cynthia Lopez:

Is it soccer practice? Again? It is yes.

Rick Costa:

Hopefully she's not mad at you again.

Andrea Nunez :

Perceivable future.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is Natalia mad at you again was the question.

Andrea Nunez :

Oh no, I think she's okay today.

Carmen Lezeth:

We had a bit of a tussle yesterday, but we're it's moment by moment it's so funny because I was thinking about you, not that I want to talk about your daughter, but just in general. You and I were having a conversation about kids and their addiction to makeup at such a young age, and I don't know if you saw the article in the LA Times. I read it and I was going to send it to you. It was. It came in today's paper and it was all about how they're called Sephora kids and these kids are starting at age eight. But it's actually a. It's a little scary. They're starting at age eight Whereas, like when they did the studies, like 10 years ago, they were starting at 12 with the obsession with skincare, the obsession with makeup, and they showed a picture of a young girl maybe she was nine and she's a TikToker, of course and she's telling people that they should use a night cream, blah, blah, blah.

Carmen Lezeth:

And so all of the makeup companies and all of these skincare, they're towing a line because, on the one hand, they know that the kids are too young, because their skin hasn't fully developed, but on the other hand, you know, they said it very diplomatically, but basically those are their people buying shit from them, so they want to keep them on and I'm like no, there's an easy solution Don't let the kids in the goddamn store if they're not with a parent, and I don't know.

Andrea Nunez :

Maybe don't give them money or don't buy that shit, but so did you guys see the article at all?

Carmen Lezeth:

It's. I mean, I know I wouldn't have thought of you guys, I thought of Andrea. I just read it this morning and it was a fascinating article. I'll send it to you on. Yeah, I didn't see it. Yeah, but it like, on the one hand, it made me feel better because a lot of kids are not doing anything different, but they're learning a lot of stuff from all of the like instagram and tiktok or whatever, and so they're learning all about. Melanie just said, at age eight I was lucky to have chapstick. My mother used to put vaseline on my face. I just remember when it was cold out especially, it would be like Vaseline on my face. You know what I mean? That's what I remember like on the bus, like whatever.

Cynthia Lopez:

Lather it on.

Andrea Nunez :

Yeah, what Andrea? I just said wow.

Cynthia Lopez:


Andrea Nunez :

Vaseline, yeah, the Vaseline, Like the thought of the thick Vaseline on your face just makes me like oh gosh.

Carmen Lezeth:

I have beautiful skin, though, so mama did something wrong. No, I know no.

Andrea Nunez :

I totally understand why, but I can imagine as a kid. You're like someone slathering that on your face. You're like you know what.

Carmen Lezeth:

I used to get embarrassed because she would do it on the bus, like it would be, like I guess she would see ashy skin or I don't know what, because I don't remember her saying ashy skin. That's not a term that was said in my household, but that's probably what it was like dry skin or something, because remember, it's a Spanish household, but I remember vividly on the bus and she would put, and it would. She'd be mad, like I didn't put it on to begin with, so it was my fault. You know what I mean. So that's it, did your mother?

Andrea Nunez :

okay, I will face the girls out of the house with sunscreen on my hand. Let me like did you put it on your neck? Is it on the back of your neck?

Carmen Lezeth:

oh, so it is a mother thing. Yeah, I do. Okay, cynthia, do you remember? Did your mother used to do that to you too? Was it it like a Honduras thing, or something?

Cynthia Lopez:

It wasn't Vaseline, but it was definitely cream, some type of lotion. Most of the time it was Eucerin. I still use Eucerin today.

Carmen Lezeth:

I still use Eucerin today. That is what I use on my skin, on my body Every day Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Look at Rick, Andrea. You missed last week's, when Rick got all befuddled because he wanted to talk about elderly people and masturbation and we were like wow, wow.

Andrea Nunez :

I have a story about that. Oh, please share. So, rick, now's your chance. Okay, so one day about I don't know a year ago, I'm at Walmart.

Andrea Nunez :

I don't go to Walmart for all kinds of reasons, but I don't know what I was doing there and you know, everything's all locked up. I think we were looking for some lotion or something like that. Right, everything's all locked up. So you know you have to like get a person. So I'm walking around trying to find a person and I see someone like with the I guess it's a vest that they wear, and they're sort of off in the corner and then closer, I can hear the conversation and I'm starting to see where they are. They're like in the area where there's like condoms and stuff like that, and there was. I swear to god, I can't imagine they would have this at walmart, but I think there was some kind of sex toy and it was two elderly people asking the dude questions about the like. I'm not even kidding, no, it's good, but like I was traumatized I mean I thought you were gonna say something was happening.

Carmen Lezeth:

In the corner live I was freaking out.

Andrea Nunez :

That's why I was like this it was like I mean, maybe and I know that I'm thinking about it like what, if it was like a tiktok that someone was doing or something like that, you know what I think question, and I'm like, and you're going in and out like, oh shoot, I'm not moving, though they were asking really in-depth questions, okay, um, but they were like really in their 80s, late 80s, or at least they looked like it. One person has a walker. It was a whole thing.

Andrea Nunez :

So I was traumatized and I was like okay, you know what you guys. It was just like I'm happy that they're doing it and that they're getting toys and all of that. I don't want to hear about it in a walmart.

Carmen Lezeth:

I guess you know what okay, listen, you're so crazy to even say that. Where else are they supposed to ask questions?

Andrea Nunez :

I don't know, man, I don't know, why you so uptight about sex and masturbation and toys here is really what my issue with it is, and this goes to like not on the list.

Rick Costa:

Not on the list, look at that she didn't want to hear about it from people to get social security checks why though go ahead, go ahead this was like.

Andrea Nunez :

This is why you shouldn't lock your shit up. Let me just get my lotion. I don't need to go talk to a person. All of that stuff was locked up too. Just let people buy what they want to buy. I was just so frustrated about that aspect of it, like I gotta come up on what's really a personal conversation about their sex life just because I want to go buy some lotion. Like that's the part that really gets me off.

Carmen Lezeth:

See, I would have been all up in it. I would be like go ahead, grandma, go ahead, get your shit. Go ahead, girl.

Andrea Nunez :

I am very pro-elderly sex. Do it, do whatever you need to do.

Cynthia Lopez:

But let me get my lotion without having to hear about it.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's all I'm saying, cynthia saying again she didn't hear you keep it to yourself, keep it quiet, right? I'm all for it, but they don't want to see it, they don't want to hear it, they don't want to know about it, yeah okay, I'm just saying it's look at. I love that that Rick broached the subject last week. He did not.

Rick Costa:

He did bring it up, but not like that but it was an AARP and I just thought wow there was an article.

Carmen Lezeth:

I went and found it. It was a good article, andrea. There was an article on AARP that popped up and Rick saw it and it was about like what was it elderly and masturbation or something. And he was like I didn't want to see it. And I was like, on AARP, you can choose what articles you want to see. So we started making fun of him. What did you choose in your AARP subjects or whatever? But it was a good, informative article and that's probably where they got it from, like sex toys or whatever. Like they probably got information. Okay, again, not on the list. Um, it's funny, because I wouldn't think you would be that uptight about that, andrea. I'm just learning so much it was just that.

Andrea Nunez :

I guess it wasn't that I was uptight, it was just really like uncomfortable and I was like I'm just here for some freaking lotion and I hate being here and I didn't want to come here in the first place and now I gotta hear.

Carmen Lezeth:

listen, you're talking to the person that talked to my neighbor upstairs and I was was like honey, if you're going to be having sex at two in the morning, if you could be a little bit louder, because it's hard for me to hear it completely. But the thumping is and he's oh my God, I'm like I'm going to say it every time, cause you don't need to be that loud. And when a woman is screaming like and it's so fake, how do you not know that? Maybe fake, how?

Cynthia Lopez:

do you not know that? Maybe you don't care. That's how I am, I don't give a shit, I'm so mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

But I would love to know what the walmart worker thought of that conversation I thought he was psyched about you, said he was having a conversation with them, right?

Andrea Nunez :

he was. He seemed pretty uncomfortable. I'm never gonna get my lotion Like I can't interrupt this conversation. Obviously, Right, there's not another person to be seen because they don't ever want to pay enough people to work there. So I was like we got to go.

Carmen Lezeth:

We're not getting this is because they have everything. They have a lot of things locked up now because there's been so much of these kind of crash and dash and take stuff and steal stuff or whatever. I actually don't think that it's. I've never heard of it happened in my area and the other day, when I was in target, I'm like why are these like that? And they're like, oh, because I'm like when did it happen? Then, like what's never happened here, I'm like so why are we locking up toothpaste and deodorant? I I don't know what that's about it.

Andrea Nunez :

for sure has not happened in my area.

Carmen Lezeth:

No it hasn't.

Andrea Nunez :

As far as I'm concerned, it's okay. So you want me to buy from Amazon? That's what I decided.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm like it's just not worth it now to go to your local store, like even CVS. Cvs has the same thing. They're all locked up and everything, and'm like I'm not doing this, I'll just order it from amazon. I don't care, like it's just, it's sad, but they're gonna. Here's the thing. They're gonna be out of business, right, they're gonna end up because no one goes there anymore. So, um, but even prescriptions you can get online. Now, yep, I mean from legit you could always get prescriptions online. But I'm just saying, but yeah, wow, this is so fascinating. I don't know where to go from here. I guess we're back in AARP's graces.

Rick Costa:

I never had my mom spread Vaseline over me, but she has. When I got when I was a child, she put Vicks all over my chest to loosen up the sickness.

Carmen Lezeth:

Remember, vicks, the way you just said that after that conversation.

Rick Costa:

It didn't sound right.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm the only one who saw that go weird.

Andrea Nunez :

Vaseline all over me. What.

Carmen Lezeth:

Vaseline all over me, what I know. So, look, I think the Vaseline thing too was first of all, it's very protective in the winter, especially when it's not in Los Angeles, when you're in Boston and the snow, whatever. But I also think it was just one of those things. That's what she had in her bag as close to moisturize us. It was like you are not going to be looking like this or whatever, like it was never like a kind thing. It was like you messed up. So here you go, you know what I mean.

Rick Costa:

But she actually do it on the bus, because I thought that's what you said oh yeah, oh yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

She put on my her bag and put it shoot, I'm gonna do a lot of things on the bus. You get smacked upside the head on the bus too. If you did something wrong hours ago and she remembered, yeah, the bus was at some sacred place where you did it, where family business was not done now. But yeah, I would just be like we'd be taking the bus somewhere. You know what I mean, or whatever I was young, it was really little.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think I was at first grade, first second grade. That's how I remember it, because I was at saint patrick's in roxbury. That's in roxbury, right? That's cool, yeah, when I lived on. Yeah, oh my God, that's so weird. Anyways, okay, rick, do you feel like you've gotten all the information you needed on elderly citizens and masturbation and sex? Do you have any more questions, rick or Andrea?

Rick Costa:

I am full to capacity. Do you have any more questions? Rick? For Andrea, I am full to capacity Full to capacity.

Carmen Lezeth:

The church van is fixed and ready. All of the members will be in attendance.

Rick Costa:

I'm here to serve if you need more, it's quite all right. You've done your part, thank you.

Carmen Lezeth:

So one of the things I put on the list was this idea of work-life balance. So we're going to switch gears completely, and the reason why I want to talk about it is because I had this really weird experience this weekend. And it wasn't a weird experience. Here's the simple truth of it. On Saturday mornings I have scheduled myself to do work because I don't have enough time during the week and by five six o'clock at night I'm exhausted. I can't keep doing more work that I hate for my clients.

Carmen Lezeth:

So Saturday morning I woke up it was like 530 in the morning and I'm like okay, have my coffee, I'm just gonna go through, I'm going to try to do all of these financial things we have to do.

Carmen Lezeth:

So turned around and just had to do all of these like financial statements, because taxes had to go out and everything, and I went to go do that and it was going to be like five different accounts, 20 different bank statements.

Carmen Lezeth:

It was a lot of work and my plan was to do most of it Saturday morning and then some of it Sunday morning and then go back into work on Monday and if I had anything left over, then try to do it then. So all of a sudden I go to my email and I'm about to log on and in the email the guy that I work with one of my coworkers, one of the people that I manage whatever had written in an email to me Friday night and said hey, carmen, just wanted to let you know I did all of the bank statements, everything is done, everything is updated. It should be all set. We can talk on Monday. I have a few questions, but I hope you have a great weekend. And I started I was like full on bawling, crying and I was wondering how you guys handle work-life balance, because clearly I'm not doing it correctly.

Rick Costa:

I mean one thing for me, like I said the other day on the program, is once work is done, I'm done.

Carmen Lezeth:

How do you do that mentally I?

Rick Costa:

just do it.

Carmen Lezeth:

But you clock out so you don't have to answer your phones anymore.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, the phone goes on. Do not disturb, I don't hear anything anymore and I don't think about it. Turn everything off and that's it. I don't think about it until the next day.

Cynthia Lopez:

And one thing with me is I don't have my work emails connected to my cell phone, because if I did, it would just be going off.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's not about my cell phone. Nothing's on my cell phone. It's not that I'm just answering my cell phone. It's not that. Thank you. That's a good one too. People should do that. Why don't you tell everyone again? You only have your personal emails on your phone that you access regularly all the time. Yeah, Go ahead, Andrea. I know you have an answer.

Andrea Nunez :

I'm just thinking about it and I can't remember now if you, if you and I had this discussion, or if this was like a dream, cause you're a couple of my dreams over the last few weeks. But you said you're just the kind of person who gives your all to whatever you do. That's just your personality, yeah, but that's bad in this case. So what I'm like, that's what I'm thinking about, it like it's in order for you to have a certain whatever the balance is you're looking for, you almost have to go against your natural way of being right. So I don't know that I have a great answer for it.

Andrea Nunez :

I don't know that I have a great work-life balance. It really was almost like forced on me because I used to really like power through and I would work on something until it's done and stay up till all hours of the night and all that kind of stuff, and I just physically can't do it anymore. There's just a certain period, like a certain time it's usually about, I would say, three or four o'clock where it's I'm not getting anything productive done right now. So I'm just just going to check out, you know, and I will still go back in, check emails or even answer emails or something like that, like later at night. I'm also a night person, so sometimes I think more clearly at night or I am more creative.

Andrea Nunez :

Yeah, I'm a morning person for sure, but yeah, I mean what it ends up being, and of course, this is part of working from home and also working for yourself. There's just not really an off button.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, charlie just said. I guess if you love what you do, it makes the difference. Yeah, I don't love what I do at all.

Andrea Nunez :

Yeah, I mean maybe, but you're like, that's what you know. I always have a problem with that.

Carmen Lezeth:

Like, if you love what you do, you'll never work a day. No, actually, you'll work your ass off. You will definitely be working. Yeah, all this, you see a lot of these tiktokers who end up in that same, like tiktokers who are becoming influencers or whatever. They love what they're doing or whatever. And then you see them burn out and they get off of tiktoks and I'm not saying that's what they thought they were going to be doing, but I know what you mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

Charlie, I totally agree with you that if I loved what I did, it probably would be easier. But I think I'm not at the point yet where I just physically can't do it anymore. I feel obligated, like I get paid so well, this has to get done. I fired people. We can't hire people till we have it cleaned up. You know what I mean. It's almost like it's if I don't get it done, then we can't actually solve the problem to get me from stop doing it. But there has to be a better way. And Dan, who did this? I sent him a thank you. I'm like I'll take you out to dinner. I was so happy. He just powered through it. He just was like, he just did it. And he's like and and you know the other thing, and I'll just say not that I want to complain about my hand. That's the other part. I've been in so much pain so it's harder to type, so everything is so much harder to do, you know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

Do you guys do things like take me days, do you? Is that even a thing anymore? Do you take personal holidays? Do you lie to your boss about it? Yep, expand, do 10.

Cynthia Lopez:

Yeah, If I've had a rough couple days, whatever at work, I will take a personal day. Sometimes you just need it. But again, like Andrea said, it's harder when you work for yourself I think there are pluses and minuses.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know if I'm getting to the point now where I feel like, um, I see the truth in that, but there's pluses and minuses. Okay, andrea, no problem. Bye, thank you for stopping by. We love you. Bye, girl, and Andrea's dropping down because her connection keeps going up.

Rick Costa:

Thanks for the education on lubricant Sex toys and elderly.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'll tell her later. Bye girl, okay, let me take her off here. Bye guys, okay, cool, let's jump to the next thing. Do you guys want to feel old again? Okay, the movie Speed. Have you both seen the movie speed?

Rick Costa:

is that the one with the bus?

Carmen Lezeth:

yeah, keanu reeves. Oh yeah, do you know how old it is?

Rick Costa:

it's old, isn't it?

Carmen Lezeth:

30 years. Wow, wait, here's what's gonna kill you. Even Do you know how old Keanu Reeves is?

Rick Costa:

No, See 60s yet.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's 60. No way, he is 60 years old. I'm like, oh my God, sandra Bullock, 60 years old. Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock looking fine as all hail too, and Keanu Reeves, too, making 60 look like 30. For sure, kevin Costner, he's not in speed, but you don't hold it, because I started going down this rabbit hole.

Rick Costa:

Is he pushing 70?

Carmen Lezeth:


Rick Costa:

Oh, I'm up.

Carmen Lezeth:

Ok, samuel L Jackson.

Rick Costa:

He's up there. You got me up there.

Cynthia Lopez:

Yeah, he's in a 60, right 75.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I, he's up there. Yeah, he's in a 60s, right 75. Yeah, what? What? That's what I was saying. Okay, all right, here's one. Do you guys know who kathy bates is? Oh, yeah, yes, okay, she's starring in a new show too. It's the revival of member the show matlock. That our parents, oh yes. Oh, my god, there's a new matlock. She's the Matlock or whatever. Yeah, I haven't seen it, but that's why she was on the article.

Rick Costa:

She's one of those in misery, right, yeah, that's what I was going to say. I remember her from that.

Carmen Lezeth:

And now she's all skinny and everything. And then the article they asked her like so how did you do your weight loss? And she's, I worked and then I lost the last 20 pounds with Ozempic. I knew it, I knew it I was like you know what that answer works. Girl, go ahead, that's going to be for you. Me too, I've been working really hard, and then I'm going to go take Ozempic and say that I worked really hard for 10 years.

Rick Costa:

At least she's honest.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, it was, but it made me laugh.

Cynthia Lopez:

I was like okay, she needed that last little push, yeah, but she is 76 years old.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wow, I couldn't believe it. I was dying. She looked good, she looked good. Okay, this one is the last one, but this shook me. I don't believe it. I was dying. She looked good, she looked good. Okay, this one is the last one, but this shook me. I don't know why. Danny DeVito.

Rick Costa:

He's got to be up there too. He's got to be like pushing 80?

Cynthia Lopez:

He's 79.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wow, that's incredible. That's incredible to me. I'm just saying Wow, wow, yeah. What are you guys staring at, god?

Rick Costa:

bless them, oh I don't know.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know right, it's so weird, it's so amazing. Oh, how old? So Molly just asked how old is his wife, Rhea Perlman? Oh, I don't know.

Cynthia Lopez:

Oh, she's got to be around the same age.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, oh she's got to be around the same age. Yeah, hey Google, how old is Rhea Perlman?

Cynthia Lopez:

76 years old, 76. Wow, yeah, yeah, wow, and they all still look amazing.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

Well, yeah, because they're all doing everything very natural, very demure, yeah, everything. I have an appointment tomorrow for botox, so I'm very excited I do it. I'm like can you see it? Can you see the wrinkle? Yeah, okay, see it. When you make that face? Yes, okay, wait, I just want to show the audience See the? Okay, you can't. Yeah. But this is usually really deep If you look at there's an actor who has it and every time I'm like, oh, just a little Botox would help me so much I think of who the actor is. It's a guy.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's a guy and it's really deep. I can't remember who it is, but every time I see it I'm like, oh dear, a little Botox would just help that dent in there, but usually it's really deep. So, anyway, I don't know. So, anyway, that's what I'm saying. Like everyone does everything naturally, you know what I mean. I just massage. I massage, that goes away, and I drink lots of water. Yeah, lots of water.

Cynthia Lopez:

Are you putting your night cream on in your Vaseline Vaseline?

Carmen Lezeth:

I think a lot of people used Vaseline back in the day, yeah, especially on my elbows and my knees.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

Always. That's why I don't have such bad dark. Audrey used to use it always as a chapstick. I still do. I just put it in these little jars.

Cynthia Lopez:

See, I couldn't do it on my lips because I've been licking it all the time.

Carmen Lezeth:

Really yeah.

Rick Costa:

What do?

Carmen Lezeth:

you use.

Rick Costa:

Does it taste weird?

Carmen Lezeth:


Rick Costa:

I don't know.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not licking it.

Rick Costa:

I mean if it's on your lips.

Carmen Lezeth:

Those things are all the same. It's just petroleum, right, you know that it's. Did you know that petroleum it's just? It's from like when they dig oil wells. I never knew that People use Vaseline all the time. They don't know where it comes from. And then people found out I remember it was a group of people, I remember it was. We were on tour on a bus and I was like a group of people. I remember we were on tour on a bus and I was like why is everyone so upset? Like I was so confused. You eat fruits and vegetables, you kill animals and eat them, but all of a sudden, like somehow Vaseline is the enemy. And, by the way, vaseline is actually the brand name. It's actually petroleum jelly. It's like saying a Coke, coke is the brand name, but it's actually cola or something right Coke is the brand name, but it's actually cola or something right, or soda or pop or whatever.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, Let me see. Sitting is the new smoking. Did you know that?

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

What? Oh my God, really Sitting, yeah. So most people. Okay, wait, I'll have to send you guys these articles. These were great articles.

Rick Costa:

So instead of saying I'm going to go out for a smoke, you say I'm going to go out with Sid.

Cynthia Lopez:

No, no, no, no, health-wise.

Rick Costa:

Health-wise. Oh okay, Now I got it.

Cynthia Lopez:

Oh, okay, yeah.

Rick Costa:

I was not See Cynthia, me and you I was not following at all.

Carmen Lezeth:

Me and Rick were on the same page, I think the people that got confused during this whole thing were you two, not me by all the comments, or whatever. Wait, I just got a text message and I have a feeling it's somebody I don't want to talk to. I have no idea, okay, anyways. Oh wait, it's about my appointment tomorrow for my Botox. I'm not even kidding. Wait, oh wait, it's about my appointment tomorrow for my Botox. I'm not even kidding.

Cynthia Lopez:

Wait, wait, wait. I have to get this. Everybody hold on it's about her Botox.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh no, this is an important message. Please wait. This is Paula. We are just confirming your appointment with Brit. Absolutely yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, all right, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that today has been a very tough live stream that's funny, okay, so I was reading this article about sitting is the new smoking, meaning that health-wise, it's doing more damage to us. And it is saying that now we are sitting and not moving more than ever before. So do you? I could not believe this. Most people are sitting 11 to 12 hours a day. Wow, that seems normal to you, cynthia? Yep, really, yeah, yep, that's very true.

Carmen Lezeth:

So they were talking about all these things you should do so that you don't do that, because sitting harms us. Being inactive it's the idea of being inactive and not moving, because our bodies should move. It can contribute to and I thought of you, rick, because you deal with this on a regular basis but it pertains to dementia. There were all these things that they can link it link horrible things to health-wise, and that was one of the things on the list, like dementia. Blood clots is another thing. Yeah, blood clots. They talked about that, and so they gave all these ways in which you should try to move every day and even if you're sitting at your desk, you should not sit still like you can move your feet while you're sitting at your desk, and people have bought like treadmills under their desk, which I think that's weird, but you do, you. I can't imagine we're at my office or whatever China.

Cynthia Lopez:

That's so funny is the other day I was on Yahoo and I was reading a little article and they were talking about the same situation, about people sitting for too long, and they were saying people end up with what's called a dead butt and basically because you're not using your muscles basically your butt muscles, your glutes, are what helps your back and your legs when you're walking, what helps your back and your legs when you're walking. So if you're sitting all day long, you're basically you know having a dead butt, your muscles in your butt.

Carmen Lezeth:

I feel like my butt is dead now I do. I used to have a nice butt. Now I feel like it's a little saggy and I'm very sad about it.

Rick Costa:

I've heard people say that it was pretty interesting. Yeah, they say that the strength of your legs is a really good indicator of your health, especially when you get older. Is there a?

Carmen Lezeth:

thing called dead boobs, because I got those too. I love the girls. I'm just saying this is Rick's favorite show. I can tell your leg strength and your I think abs are probably the like your core strength, your abs. If you have great abs you're probably going to do okay. But, like I'm suffering from really understanding how fit I've always been to, how hard it is to get back on it. My abs are shot, my butt is dead. I'm going to use that now all the time. My legs are not as strong as they used to be at all. Like, just trying to get back to that level of fitness is so hard. And I'll do this thing where I'll have a great workout, like I had one great workout the other day or something, and then I'm like dead for two days because I'm in so much agony and pain. So trying to get back into it is really hard. So are there things you guys do not to have a dead body? Please share, please share In my situation.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I used to do that, but I can't do that anymore Not outside anyway, but I have to keep getting up to check mom. So, even if I want to, I literally have to get up do that anymore. Not outside anyway, but I have to keep getting up to check mom. So even if I want to, I literally have to get up every once in a while and make sure I have cameras. But I still sometimes I still can't tell what she's doing. So I'm like let me go run and see what she's doing so she don't burn down the house or do something crazy. But yeah, but it's definitely a bad thing Actually. Out, I bought this thing and you put this on top of your desk and you put your keyboard up here and you stand up and then you just type on the keyboard so that way you're standing.

Rick Costa:

You're not sitting all the time.

Carmen Lezeth:

Mellon just said not me. I'm on my feet at least 10 hours per day.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, that's tough.

Cynthia Lopez:

Being on your feet for a long time too, though, is bad.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, and they're also talking, but she's working. That's why she's saying she's working. I think, too, it's this thing where I really believe that you should be moving throughout the day. Right, it's just walking, or whatever. Like people are like, oh, I did 10,000 steps, I'm. Like that used to be my regular. Like that's not To me, like if I do, I don't do it now. I don't do it now. That's how. I know it's so painful, but there would never be a time that I wouldn't clock in and, by the way, I never cared about wearing a watch or whatever, but you were just so active. So now I realize how hard it is to get five or 8,000 steps in a day if I actually don't go to work and I'm at home. It's really hard, so interesting but how it?

Carmen Lezeth:

used to be. What do you do?

Rick Costa:

oh god, I'm sorry, this show was now sponsored by ozempic. No, it's not, I'm just kidding. No, and I don't know if we would.

Carmen Lezeth:

Would we be okay with ozempic?

Rick Costa:

I wouldn't want to do that why.

Carmen Lezeth:

Why? That's an interesting question.

Rick Costa:

Because I'm very natural, everything natural, really Anti, nah, if it's not natural. Even if everything else that you've tried, If it's something I have no choice in is life-threatening, then of course, well, wait, wait, wait.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't even want to say life-threatening. Let's change it. What about do you believe and again, I'm not attacking you Just great conversation, just whatever. What if it's somebody? Cause I used to feel the same way about antidepressants for people, cause my thing is, you need to be on in talk therapy, you need to talk your feelings out to it, cause you know Dr Carmen, who's a psychologist, all of a sudden, but I used to think these things, I would never say anything and I was always like, why are people taking so much?

Rick Costa:

medication and they're not just talking things out. How do you feel about people taking medications? I brought that up not long ago also with my mom. I didn't realize I didn't have that one and she was like totally different personality, like violent, mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'll explain to people. You had called me and told whatever we were talking, and you said that you had forgotten to give your mom one of her pills yeah, I forgot that I had run out.

Rick Costa:

So I'm just filling up her little box of pills like here yeah not realizing that one was missing, because I called, and twice actually, and they just never got back to me, and then they just slipped my mind and I forgot.

Carmen Lezeth:

But you noticed a big change in her.

Rick Costa:

Oh my Jesus, oh my gosh. Yes, so mean Just saying horrible things to me.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, so to get. I don't want to talk about your mom so much, but just to get to the point that we were talking about to begin with, so you can understand how medication helps the situation.

Rick Costa:

But you're okay with that. Oh yeah, I know some people that I don't want to know you if you are not on your medication okay.

Carmen Lezeth:

So how come you don't feel the same way about something like ozempic, if people have a problem where they can't lose the weight in a way that is easier? They've tried, they, whatever, like. We can talk about oprah's a great example. She has all the money in a way that is easier. They've tried, they've whatever like. We can talk about Oprah's a great example. She has all the money in the world, could have all the trainers in the world and she went on. Whatever it is, she went on, but it's the kind of same thing and now is living her best life. Would you say that it's unfortunate because she didn't do it, naturally, you asked me.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I asked you what I would do. Yeah.

Rick Costa:

What I would do, yeah, what I would do. If somebody else has to do that way and that's what they want to do, that's fine, you do you. But me personally, unless it's like a life and death thing, I really don't want to take nothing like that.

Carmen Lezeth:

If there's any possible way to do it naturally, I'm gonna do it naturally so you would say if there's any way you could possibly do anything naturally with your mom not taking medication, you would rather that she not take medication and just do it naturally oh, if there was something heck yeah yeah, so I I have a different thought process on it.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's cool, I get it.

Carmen Lezeth:

But I will just say a little bit that there might be some like we're all making a little bit of judgments on people, and now I'm trying, I'm calling myself out because I used to feel that way about mental health until I started understanding that and this is how I understand it in my little simple brain when someone explained it to me was it's taken someone X amount of years to get to this place of depression.

Carmen Lezeth:

Right, like 35 years or whatever it is that they've gone through, they've gotten to this place and then they're in this depression place. What some of these medications do is they help speed up that part of the brain that helps you get back on track, and then that, along with talk therapy, helps you get through it faster. So it's not that they don't have to do any work, but and I don't know is it serotonin, is that what it is in the brain or whatever? I don't know what it is, but they were just saying that it helps fix that. So we're not waiting another 30 years to try to fix the problem. You know what I mean.

Cynthia Lopez:

Medication is an aid in that sense it helps to balance them out so that they're able to talk out their feelings, because with depression, they can't really find the way to express it. So the medication kind of balances that out so that they can get it out.

Carmen Lezeth:

And if you're like 30 years into some drama or whatever, it is like whatever has traumatized you or whatever, I ain't gonna make no judgment on how you get out of that. I hope it's not through alcohol and drugs, but that's why I understand Like people get mad at homeless people on the street. You try to walk a day in someone's life where they lost their husband because they had all these medical bills and he died of cancer and then you lost the house and then you lost everything. And now you're on the street You're begging for money because you haven't had a job in 30 years Cause your job was taking care of your husband and your kids or whatever. There were so many different stories. And then people get mad because there are homeless people who are like down on their luck and want to have a drink. I get it, I totally get it.

Rick Costa:

And then there's people that have a not a mental, a chemical imbalance in the brain. It's no fault of their own. There's nothing they can do about it. They weren't traumatized, nothing happened to them, it's just something in their brain ain't working.

Carmen Lezeth:

You just said something that Oprah said about. I don't think she's using Ozempic, it's a different one. Whatever it is, it's not the Ozempic one, because I think that's the diabetics. That's the other one, whatever it is. Oh yeah, I've seen the commercial.

Rick Costa:

We go VO. I've seen that commercial a million times. I had to sing at some point during the broadcast, of course, but you sang a little bit too much.

Carmen Lezeth:

There was like a whole chorus.

Rick Costa:

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

Carmen Lezeth:

So what she was saying is and again, however, people need to explain. Whatever they need to explain is fine with me, but I'm just sad that she even thought she needed to. That's what I felt bad about was you shouldn't have to explain to anyone why you do what you need to do to live your best life. But what she was saying is everyone who is obese isn't someone who has the same problem. So a lot of people can drink. It doesn't mean everyone is an alcoholic, and she was using it like like what you just said about the imbalancing. So there are a lot of people who are obese or whatever it is overweight, obese or whatever and they have a certain type of gene that isn't going to, no matter how much they starve themselves, no matter how much they exercise, they just can't get past that. You know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

To me, when I heard her explain it and I've heard other people talk about it I'm kind of like hey, she said a long time ago, if she had found a pill she said this on one of her shows she'd be the person to buy it. She would buy it, she would sell it to everybody. And she found it and I'm like good for you, as long as it's not harming anyone else or it's not doing what we thought it was doing before, which was we thought it was taking away from diabetics drugs or whatever. I think that was a little myth that was going around. But I look at, I am struck. I'll tell you, right now I am struggling because it makes me feel gross not to work out and it's been like too long now. And here's what I mean. I'm walking every day, but that's not my. That's not what I need. I need the sweat, workout, the hardcore, whatever. And it's not happening. Sometimes it is, but it's not and it's getting really hard to do it, whatever Right.

Carmen Lezeth:

So I was talking to my doctor and I was like so can I get the own Zempik thing or whatever, like would that help me? And she started laughing Bitch. She was like no, no, you may not. She was like there's no need. She's like what you need to do is eat right. You know she was doing all that stuff you can get back. You got to do is eat right. She was doing all that stuff you can get back there. You got to do it slowly, whatever I was, just because she laughed at me in a way, it wasn't nice. I wasn't trying to cheat or anything. I was just saying am I someone who qualifies? You know what I mean? Because, and here's the thing, I don't know, and that they don't know, they don't know, and that they don't know, they don't know if you have to stay on it forever.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's going to be something they have to figure out, and what are the implications of that? But people who are diabetics have been on a similar drug, which is the Ozempic one, for a long time and the ramifications are not. They live, they do. Well, you know what I mean. So, yeah, I look at whatever's going to work to make people feel good. Cynthia, you haven't talked about it. What do?

Cynthia Lopez:

you think, yeah, no, I agree. I think anybody who's tried everything whether they've, you know, worked out, they've eaten right, they've done every single fad that's out there and nothing's worked. And it's true what you said there are genes in your body, there's hormones in your body that won't let you lose the weight or it doesn't let you know when you're full, so people just keep eating and they end up gaining weight.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's a good one.

Cynthia Lopez:

That's a good one and it's hard. So I think if you know, if it's a last resort cause you literally have tried everything, then I say go for it. That's why people do the gastric bypass thing.

Rick Costa:

I was just thinking about that because I know people that have done it and they're like you have to understand. When you do this, you can't have sugar no more for the rest of your life.

Andrea Nunez :

Really, that's for everybody.

Rick Costa:

I know more than one person. I know that they said first of all you have to lose weight before they even do it to prove that you're serious and that you can do it. But then they're like you can't have sugar. And most people that I know that have done it have gained the weight back and now you're screwed because you can't have sugar. I remember one girl.

Carmen Lezeth:

it was a birthday party, but then how do you gain the weight back?

Rick Costa:

Because they just eat other stuff. But I remember one girl. She said I can't have that because she had one little bite of a birthday cake. She had to go home sick.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, maybe for some people it works and some people it doesn't. I don't know, because some people have it.

Cynthia Lopez:

There are some people that do very well with it and have it. There are some people that do very well with it and they keep the weight off. Wait who's?

Carmen Lezeth:

the guy in the morning. I used to watch him when I was little. Oh man, he was just on because of the hurricane.

Rick Costa:

Oh, NBC the black guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he did it he looks good.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's doing good. He's been on it for a while, right. Whatever his name is, that weather guy he's the only one I know Well, because he talked about it all the time.

Rick Costa:

Come on chat. Somebody must know in the chat what's his name.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't have the chat on, so I don't know if you guys can see the chat. I don't know.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I can see it. I can see it.

Carmen Lezeth:


Cynthia Lopez:

But yeah, I do know others that have done it and they've gained some of the weight back. How do you gain the weight back if they make your stomachs problem Because they're not controlling? They're not controlling what they're eating, how they're eating, and they're not exercising and doing what they're supposed to do, because you have to keep up with it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Here's the thing I prefer people to try that pill than do the surgery. Surgery is no joke, man. I waited how many years before I had hip surgery. You know what I mean. I know I should have done it a long time ago, but I was not going to go under that knife. I was dragging during COVID walking outside like Frankenstein.

Cynthia Lopez:

I was in so much pain, had me doing research on the poor surgeon.

Carmen Lezeth:

I was because I was so afraid I think surgery should be the last resort and I think the thing I I do like about the pill that people are doing is that it has been used. I think that's always the best kind of surprise is when they find a drug that does really help for something else that's been helping for so long that, oh, a side benefit might be that it can help other people. And then they try to like it's not something new, that nobody has ever tried before. So there's a part of me that kind of likes that and I feel it's a safer thing than doing that surgery thing. I didn't know about the sugar thing. Oh Lord, no, I'm a sugar queen.

Rick Costa:

Some more chocolate cake I have chocolate cake.

Carmen Lezeth:

I do Tonight. I have a little chocolate cake for myself.

Rick Costa:

We're going to sit there on the same wavelength today.

Carmen Lezeth:

But you guys making fun of me because I like chocolate cake.

Rick Costa:

I love chocolate cake.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my God, that's my favorite.

Rick Costa:

I can't remember the last time I had it though.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, are you serious? Then that's not your favorite.

Rick Costa:

Because I try not to eat sweets ever, if I can yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh God, you're not living your best life. No, I treat myself at least twice a month at least, especially if I do a good workout or something. So, yeah, that's my Friday night or Thursday night pants, it's gonna be tonight because, we talk about it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I did buy it today, but I just buy one slice because if I buy, a whole cake is going it'll be gone that night. It'll be gone that night. Yeah, that's worse than wine for me. Yeah, like I don't buy sweets and have them in the house at all unless I'm going to have, but I always buy one slice. And people, you're so stupid. Why are you paying $12 for a slice of cake? Because that's how much they are when you go buy them whatever. And I'm like I know I could make a whole cake. I'd eat the whole cake and then I'd have a real dead butt.

Rick Costa:

Are brownies on the same level as chocolate cake or no?

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm same level as chocolate cake or no.

Rick Costa:

Oh, I'm not a big brownie person. I can't eat them.

Carmen Lezeth:

I will eat them that I like too. Which one do you like better though? Chocolate cake or brownies?

Rick Costa:

that's a good question yeah, chocolate cake? It's not, of course, you're not I would more likely eat brownies more than the cake, yeah all right, I think you're no longer in the cake.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, all right, I take the cake. You're no longer in the cake world. You got cake always.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, but I love the cake too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, what's a dessert you don't like that people always have? I don't know Whoever came up with that thing at Christmas. That's that fruitcake thing. I don't care who makes it, I don't care who delivers it, I don't care how bling-bling it is. Fruitcake sucks people.

Rick Costa:

It sucks Seriously who came up with that shit? I don't know Somebody with a big garden.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, but you guys know what I'm talking about, right?

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I think so yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think that's the worst thing I've ever seen or tried to taste. And people still come to your house at Christmas and stuff and they bring that shit Stop. And people still come to your house at Christmas and stuff and they bring that shit. They still bring it. Stop, because someone gave it to them, they just rewrapped.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, they re-gifted. That's like pineapple on pizza for me.

Cynthia Lopez:

No, I don't think so I'm going to a party tonight. I'll bring it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, you don't like pineapple on pizza.

Rick Costa:

I like pineapple, but not on pizza.

Carmen Lezeth:

Not on pizza Really. Yeah, I'm not a big pizza person, which I know is a big surprise to people, but I'm not. If we were hanging out in person and we ordered something you guys ordered pizza I probably wouldn't even eat any, unless I was really hungry. I only like really New York pizza. But yeah, are you guys both pizza people?

Rick Costa:

I like it, but I don't have it often though.

Carmen Lezeth:

So pineapple on pizza is your most thing. Okay, I don't know how we went to pineapple on pizza, but I said desserts, but okay.

Rick Costa:

Fruit. We said that fruit thing on Christmas.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, that's right, right, right, right. Do you guys like? See, I don't like things that are. I don't like fruits and desserts together, so I don't like like carrot cake. That don't do nothing for me, that carrot cake, it just sounds like carrot cake. My mom loves it, Pumpkin cake or none of those things. None of those things work for me. Fruit and cake do not put it together for me ever.

Rick Costa:

For me, if it's gooey and a consistency that's gooey, I probably ain't going.

Carmen Lezeth:

I got to think about that for a moment.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

You don't like pie, like apple pie. I love it, apple pie.

Rick Costa:

Flan. My mom loves flan.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, I don't like flan. I don't like that. No, you don't like custards. No, like you. You don't like custards, but apple pie and got no custard in it.

Rick Costa:

You don't like custard.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's the consistency, I think just wow, there's so many things about you I don't like.

Cynthia Lopez:

Right now you're off the list different strokes for different folks since we're talking about favorite things, I I was watching the show Stranger Things, so I watched all four seasons. I don't know if you've seen it, stranger Things.

Rick Costa:

Even though there's a fireman in it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I saw the first few seasons, but I don't watch it anymore. It's too scary. It's not scary For me, it is. It's too scary. The upside down world. I remember.

Cynthia Lopez:

Anyway. So in one of the scenes one of the girls gets hypnotized by this creature and in order to save her and to get her out of there, they have to play her favorite song.

Rick Costa:

Oh yeah, I remember that.

Cynthia Lopez:

What would be your favorite song to get you out of a trance or to help you?

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, I just want you all to know that if you forget this, all you have to do is call my goddaughter, juliana, and she will tell you what it is. I will tell you right now. So it's recorded, it's.

Rick Costa:

George Michael's Carol's Whisper.

Carmen Lezeth:

Really. Look at this Really.

Cynthia Lopez:

Oh, absolutely yeah, that's Juan's favorite song too. What what, he loves that song.

Carmen Lezeth:

Would he answer the same way I just did? No, I I'm gonna ask him later on. George michael is my man right? You know that? That's george michael. Prince right, freddie mercury, aretha whitney those are the people right that's the same one.

Rick Costa:

That goes I'm never gonna dance again.

Carmen Lezeth:

That same song you know very well that's the song motherfucking. You just wanted to sing.

Rick Costa:

Oh, my God.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's like is that the one that goes? Yes, bitch, what would be yours?

Rick Costa:

It's probably a religious song that y'all never heard of, so there's no point in singing it. It's not going to be a religious song.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's some nasty song, nasty by. Janet Jackson. Is that what it is? No, is it.

Rick Costa:

I'll say one that you know. Let's say Smile.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, it's not Go ahead. Why don't you tell us All right, all right, for real. What is your song? If you were in a coma, what would it be?

Rick Costa:

this is a song by angela and veronica and it's called lifter of my head okay, you could sing a chorus.

Carmen Lezeth:

Go ahead it's.

Rick Costa:

I don't know something about it. I can't. I'll have to send it to you if I even knew a hint of the song.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'd be like rick. Is that the one that goes like this? I can't sing, but it'd be funny. Okay, what if it had to be? Okay, we're in a remote area. They only have top 40 songs from when we grew up. You have to be very specific with right. The doctor said it cannot be a religious song. What song would it be to get you out of the coma? That is the only medicine.

Rick Costa:

It would have to be by either Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston, probably.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, what song? Oh gosh. And I that might make me go back to sleep. I can't sing at all and that song is like the hardest song ever.

Cynthia Lopez:

And I, I, I. It'll be Carmen singing it to you.

Rick Costa:

Yes, I'll wake up and be like please stop.

Cynthia Lopez:

I'll do anything.

Rick Costa:

Wait, that is so funny, that would work, yes, oh my god, it's snow white with the kiss, finally wakes up that is so funny.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, we got it. Carmen singing whitney houston I will always love you, got it, got it. That song is so hard to sing and no one can sing it like she did. No one can oh.

Rick Costa:

I did see a girl on one of those shows the talent, whatever and wow, I was like Whitney we proud of you, girl.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, I mean, I think people haven't done justice to it. I mean, Jennifer Hudson just sang it the other day and it was off the hook, but it was not Whitney.

Rick Costa:

Did she just get married or engaged who? Off the hook, but it was not Whitney. Did she just get married or engaged who? Jennifer Hudson?

Cynthia Lopez:

I think she's married.

Rick Costa:

Let me text her. Somebody with a talk show that was on American Idol. I think just got engaged.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know the gossipy stuff.

Rick Costa:

Okay, I just happened to see it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Who is she engaged to?

Rick Costa:

I don't remember his name.

Andrea Nunez :

I'm just wondering, because you were so intrigued, hey Google, who is jennifer hudson, married to according to wikipedia, hudson met david otunga, a professional wrestler in the wwe and a harvard law graduate, and the couple became engaged in september 2008 in august is that who he're talking about?

Cynthia Lopez:

Somebody else, then I'm thinking of Maybe it was Jordan Sparks that got engaged? No, it wasn't her.

Rick Costa:

I know her for sure. No, it wasn't her either.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, Jennifer Hudson's the one who sings.

Rick Costa:

She has a talk show.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, so she's had a partner. Oh, it doesn't say whoever the recent person is, but she was married. Oh, she's dating Common.

Rick Costa:

Oh, I think that's the one. I think that's the one yeah. Common, that's the one.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, we love Common Okay.

Rick Costa:

That's the one. That's the one.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, okay, all right, they're not married. It just says it's her partner. All right, we got celebrity gossip out of the way, yeah, so anything else you want to know? Oh my god, it's already 115. Oh, yeah, wow, 15, 111 or something same thing, but we spent like 10 minutes talking about stupid chat room.

Cynthia Lopez:

Shit, what, what do you?

Carmen Lezeth:

want to know my song. I don't care you have wine. He should know your song, oh that was wine song, that's right.

Rick Costa:

What was yours then?

Cynthia Lopez:

down under by men at work.

Carmen Lezeth:

No no, you're in a coma and I'm gonna have that song. I love that song. Is it the same song? I'm thinking Okay, hum it or sing it for me. Do you come and land on a moon? Yeah, why, that's your favorite song. I love that song.

Cynthia Lopez:

What is the meaning? I don't know. I just love the song. It might have been because I've always wanted to go to Australia. I don't know.

Carmen Lezeth:

You want to go to Australia? Okay, we'll talk about that. Let's go to Australia. Okay, we'll talk about that. Let's go to Australia instead. It's a longer trip, yeah, that's a I would. Okay, you were surprised by mine, carol. At least mine is in the genre of George Michael. We like them. You weren't surprised. It's George Michael. What song would you have thought it was?

Cynthia Lopez:

I don't know, I thought you would have picked a Prince song.

Carmen Lezeth:

actually, yeah, no, people who know me, like my real friends it's George Michael and Prince have the same kind of place In my life, like the love. The love is there for both of them fiercely. But I have always, always been a George Michael fan, since day one, since he was doing Wham Rap. You know what I mean. It's so dorky back in the day in the 80s Prince was later on that I just fell in love. But it is, yeah, it's always George Michael probably.

Carmen Lezeth:

The reason why Juliana would know my goddaughter is because in my car I have a CD player still right, because it's an old car, right it turned 20 years old, october 4th, my car Wow, it's in perfect condition. Yeah, 70,000 miles. It finally turned over to the next yeah.

Rick Costa:

Who do you think is?

Carmen Lezeth:

prettier Prince or George Michael? Oh, they're two different, but they're both gorgeous. They're both just beautiful men, but they're different, right? Both gorgeous, they're both just beautiful men, but they're different, right? Yeah, they're very different. Who do you think is prettier, rick?

Rick Costa:

As a guy yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Or as a woman, however you want to call it.

Rick Costa:

I just think they're different, I'd probably lean towards George, honestly.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think Prince is such a sensual. There's just something. He's got like an exotic look An exotic look, but there's also just something really deeply sensual about him. He was probably the kid in school. Yeah, he was short or whatever and very tiny whatever, but he probably walked in the room and owned it even when he was seven. I think you can just see that he's that guy, that kid.

Rick Costa:

And the fact that he could play any instrument practically makes him the coolest.

Carmen Lezeth:

But he was self-taught too. It's pretty amazing to have that here. But George Michael, I think what I loved about him, I don't know I loved that he was a dorky guy who was singing rap and that somehow he was accepted into kind of the whole community. That was because he always gave props to black artists and like in a real authentic way and it was just interesting to watch him. But I always knew he was gay, but we were always hoping he wasn't or like when we had that moment where we thought we could change, was it him and aretha that did the song.

Rick Costa:

I knew you were waiting see I gotta go listen.

Carmen Lezeth:

so here's the thing in my car and my honda, the I mean I have a lot of CDs, that but it never changes. It is a CD of just George Michael's best songs, and every time I hang out when I used to hang out with Julia, cause you know Juliana because now she's older, now she's 16. And so she ain't got time for her godmother.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what I mean, but we sing that song at the top of our lungs. Yeah, that's what she would know. Yeah, cynthia would have failed that answer. It's so sad, like you had a test on Carmen and if you failed it I would die, but if you got it right I would live.

Rick Costa:

I would be dead. Wow, it's interesting too that we all picked the opposite sex for the song singer. So I said Mariah or Whitney. I said George, and you said no, I just said it's interesting yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think if I was in a coma, if you put on music that I like, I would you know I wouldn't, because that's what they say.

Cynthia Lopez:

I guess why are we talking like that?

Carmen Lezeth:

Why are we talking like?

Cynthia Lopez:


Carmen Lezeth:

It's weird, because if I'm in a coma play some music I like. I'm going to come and sing baby I'm going to come and sing.

Rick Costa:

I'm going to sing.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm going to sing Smile. I'm going to sing songs I don't even know.

Rick Costa:

I'm going to pull the thing out of my mouth Shut up, stop, carmen.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hey, he's going to say I know Mariah, I know some Mariah songs. If I can't do Whitney songs, I really can't do. But yeah, okay, cool, this was fun. I'm sorry about the chat people. We didn't have a lot of people chatting afterwards, right, I guess it doesn't matter, it's okay. I want to say thank you to Melanie and Charlie and Andrea, of course, and yeah, I appreciate you guys coming on. Yeah, are you guys working tomorrow? Yep, okay, cynthia, you're going to watch the rest of 9-1-1 tonight. I know I'll watch it tomorrow, okay. Do you want to talk this weekend about it? Okay, I'm, I'll watch it tomorrow, okay, do you want to talk this weekend about it? Okay, I'm going to watch it right now. I am totally going to watch it and then we can talk about it. Are you going to be around? I love your t-shirt, thank you.

Rick Costa:

Cynthia, are you watching Agatha all along? No, not yet okay, you're off the list.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh wait do I be watching Agatha all along? You have?

Rick Costa:

Disney plus. Do you know why I don't have Disney plus off the list?

Carmen Lezeth:

oh, wait, do I be watching agatha all along? Isn't that disney plus I can get? Okay, do you know why I don't have disney plus? Because if there's nothing to watch that you want to try it I don't keep streaming services just to keep paying monthly, but I could get it for a month. Should I watch it, or is it good? You want to give us a little recap?

Rick Costa:

if you liked wandavision a lot, then you maybe might like it. If it's like this, then I'm not sure you're going to like it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is it as good as or better than Loki? No, Okay, then no no.

Rick Costa:

Loki's up here, way up here, the bar has to go higher.

Carmen Lezeth:

For me, like I have to, is it better than WandaVision?

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

No, is it better than WandaVision?

Rick Costa:

No, no, okay, no A lot of similarities.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is it better than?

Rick Costa:

Deadpool. Deadpool's a different animal, though, yeah, because Deadpool's designed to make you laugh and it was just designed to be crazy.

Carmen Lezeth:

I really want to fly to New York and see Hugh Jackman in his Broadway play that he's doing. Did you see that he's doing a show? Did you see what he so this? Did you see what he so he's on? I saw it on facebook.

Carmen Lezeth:

Actually, he's like all right, everybody, so I'm gonna do this. And he's sitting on a couch and there's a stairwell behind him. You know he's in his living room, whatever, and he's so I hope you guys will. And then, of course, ryan reynolds is that his name? Yeah, I was walking behind him and he's hey, you're gonna come watch me in the show. And he's like why am I in it? And he's yeah, sure. And he's like, hey, are you going to come watch me in the show? And he's like why Am I in it? And he's like, yeah, sure. And he's like, yeah, okay, I'll come, it'll be fun and it's totally. He's not going to be in it, but they're so cute together. But Hugh Jackman is going to be doing I think it's 30 Days in New York live on Broadway, and it's just going to be him.

Rick Costa:

Somebody wants to give me?

Carmen Lezeth:

an early birthday gift. My birthday's in January, but I keep buying myself stuff for my birthday.

Rick Costa:

I showed you guys, my new sneakers right.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh yeah, Aren't they cute. I wore them the other day. I got so many compliments. They're so cute.

Rick Costa:

I think a really funny running joke. If Ryan wanted to be funny with you is like just Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, I thought he said Hugh.

Rick Costa:

No, hugh, if Just Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Oh, I thought he said Hugh. No, hugh, if Ryan showed up and Hugh didn't even know and just walked past him. Even if it's an interview or something be like till you're 90. Which is from the if you saw the movie. Yeah, that was so funny.

Carmen Lezeth:

You have to do that till he's 90. I wish I had kept the link because it would have been so funny. So there's this little. I don't know if you saw it on instagram. I'll tag you guys. I don't know how old it is, but it's hugh jackman saying, just to bring it all back, saying that the song that whitney houston sings, I will always love you. At the end she says I love hugh and she actually does say that and he's alone.

Carmen Lezeth:

Listen, everybody listen. And he's so cute because he thinks I'll tag you guys in it. It's on that and he's a little. Listen, everybody listen. And he's so cute because he thinks I'll tag you guys in it. It's on instagram and it's so adorable. But she actually does say I love, I'm not gonna try to sing it.

Cynthia Lopez:

She does say you gotta learn it, you gotta learn it for rick.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know the song. I want to really work on it a little bit. I know the song but I can't get those notes. You know what I mean, so I'm trying to work on it. That's the only problem with my singing. Poor Rick, good thing. I don't live in Connecticut, peaky.

Cynthia Lopez:

Millie Vanilliate. What Peaky Millie Vanilliate.

Rick Costa:

Oh my God. God girl, you know, it's true.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my god the thing is, so many people lip sync now it's so weird, but they were. They never were singing the song. But I'm sorry, jennifer lopez, that's all I'm gonna say. I don't know but it wasn't their voices, though right.

Rick Costa:

It wasn't their voices, though right.

Carmen Lezeth:

It wasn't their voices, it was someone else's. That's different.

Rick Costa:

At least if it's you and you're lip-syncing and it's still you.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, but if it's you and you're using a synthesizer, again, I could sing perfectly with a synthesizer. That's the whole problem I'm having. I'm sorry. That's why a lot of the artists today Jennifer Lopez is a good one they can't sing without equipment. We can all sing with fucking equipment.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, I saw a video come up in my feed on YouTube the other day with Michael Jackson.

Carmen Lezeth:

Nothing, no music no, nothing.

Rick Costa:

And it's brilliant, he's amazing.

Carmen Lezeth:

They do that with a lot of them now. They did it with Whitney, they did it with Prince, they did many of them with George Michael, but those are people who can actually sing, so then they did it with Jennifer.

Rick Costa:

Lopez. Didn't I send you the one they did with Jennifer Lopez. I did, but it was so bad.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yes, alright, on that note I am going to jump off. I should tell everyone we do have a store. All about the joy. You can see the cushion that Rick has in the back and I have my cup here and we have other swag and a hat.

Cynthia Lopez:

We have t-shirts, please. No, not yet. I want to order it. There's nothing in here.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm going to get the bag next and I want to get that cup that he has. I like that design. I'm going to make that one into a bag too. Get that cup that he has. I like that design. I'm going to make that one into a bag too. Yeah, it really is all about the joy I got to. Okay, that's about time. And the sticker yeah, but those are individual word stickers, right they're?

Rick Costa:

not yeah, but I put the whole thing up there.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, interesting, you're so cute, cute to put that up there. Thank you so much everyone. Thank you so much for stopping by. We appreciate you. We'll see you again next week and remember it really is all about the joy. Thank you everyone. Goodbye, say bye everybody. Thanks for stopping by. All about the joy. Be better and stay beautiful folks. Have a sweet day.