All About The Joy
All About The Joy is a weekly hang-out with friends in the neighborhood! We share insight, advice, funny-isms and we choose to always try and find the positive, the silver lining, the "light" in all of it. AATJ comes from the simple concept that at the end of the day we all want to have more JOY than not. So, this is a cool place to unwind, have a laugh and share some time with friends!
All About The Joy
A Quest for Online Empathy, Unexpected Turns in 911 and TV Sci-Fi Joy
Can a child really land a plane, or have we just been watching too much TV? We're diving into the wild world of 9-1-1, where plot twists and disappearing bees leave us scratching our heads. Our conversation isn't just about the show, though; Cynthia and I get caught up in an unexpected wardrobe coincidence and can't help but laugh at life's little surprises. Together, we navigate the absurdity and charm of our favorite TV dramas, contrasting the expected happy endings with the unexpected turns that keep us on our toes.
From the fictional to the digital, we tackle a more serious topic: the venomous bite of online cruelty. With the tragic death of Liam Payne, One Direction member, weighing on our hearts, we're prompted to reflect on how empathy often goes missing in action online. Sharing personal stories about nicknames and cultural nuances, we highlight the importance of kindness in our keyboard interactions. We talk about the misuse of mental health as an excuse for bad behavior, advocating for a respectful approach in the age of anonymous comments and viral hate.
As we wrap up, the conversation turns lively once more, with musings on sci-fi favorites and the everyday quirks of road rage. We explore how social media might be shifting societal values, questioning if it's simply amplifying what's already there. Our chat winds down with a call for joy, as we reminisce about iconic sci-fi shows and laugh over luxury cars forgetting their turn signals. It's a reminder to find humor and empathy in every corner of life, and we hope you'll join us on this rollercoaster of thought and laughter.
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Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth
DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.
Hey, how you doing Cynthia. Hi everyone, welcome to All About the Joy. We're early because we want to have a little girl chat before Rick shows up. If he shows up, I think he will. Now you can hear me and everything's cool.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yes, can you hear me? Yes, am I good.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, we're still having a little digital silliness or whatever, but it is what it is. You know what I mean. Okay, let's talk about 9-1-1 from last week. You didn't watch it now, did you?
Cynthia Ruiz:No, I didn't, but I you know. It's so funny, it's been such a crazy. I still haven't watched the last 10 minutes of the ending of last week, of last week, I know, so I stopped right at the part when they're in the garage and the bad guy got shot, or yeah, the bad guy got stabbed.
Carmen Lezeth:I'm trying to remember what that was. Oh, okay, you I can't, because the last 10 minutes changes everything. Okay, let me just give you my overall assessment in general of this three episode arc. For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, cynthia and I I think Rick too secretly, but he just don't want to say it we are obsessed with 9-1-1, the TV show that stars Angela Bassett and Peter Krause. So my overall assessment is this it did not work for me it's like where'd the bees go?
Cynthia Ruiz:Where?
Carmen Lezeth:are the bees, and they don't answer that at the end. By the way, that's not in the last 10 minutes. Where'd the bees go? And also it just I don't know.
Cynthia Ruiz:There were a lot of questions.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, look at the little boy, the little nine what is he Eight, nine years old? The little nine what is he eight, nine years old? He helps bring in the plane. Okay, like, and then he's like okay, bye, okay, and nobody's gonna talk about that. There's like a million cameras no one's gonna.
Cynthia Ruiz:No one's gonna talk about the boy. No one's gonna talk about the other plane that crashed with Athena's plane like where's that guy and the stewardess that flew out the right?
Carmen Lezeth:yeah, so I, I'm just going to tell you that's one of the things I didn't like, because usually what they're really good at, even though it is, I'm going to say this, don't get offended, it is bubblegum tv, and what I mean by that is I say that with sci-fi as well. Like I don't like BSG or star BSG for those of you who don't know is Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars, and I like those shows, but they're too dark for me, like they're just not. And so bubble gum sci-fi would be like star trek, next generation, right, well, there's always a happy ending right, yeah, so it's kind of like this show, 9-1-1, which is different from chicago fire, which I think is a little bit darker.
Carmen Lezeth:But this show is that it's bubble gum there's always good news, whatever but this just wasn't working. There's too many loose ends and it's just wasn't working. There's too many loose ends and it's cheesy. Yeah, okay, I think he's nine, nine or 10. I don't give a shit, maybe he's 12. I think he's 10 years old.
Carmen Lezeth:He is not a teenager. He is not a teenager. He is a young little man who plays video games and knows everything about a plane. And when walks onto the plane, he goes to see the pilot and he's oh, this is a airborne. Yeah, and you're like oh, little man's very impressed with planes. Okay, you got it. So when the plane gets hit by a another plane, it's like he helps ang Bassett again saving the world, which also, you know what I mean. It would have made more sense if that other crew member, the other pilot, actually didn't have the heart attack. Yeah, like when they were trying to save him and he actually was able to get up Cause. Then I was like okay, now it's believable, but it was just weird. So I think they made a mistake there. And then, okay, here's the other part. This is not telling you anything about the ending, but here's the other part that pissed me off. Remember that.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, they land okay, the eight-year-old lands the plane, fine, I'm going to suspend disbelief and believe it because I want to, you know. But then here is this woman whose husband is a firefighter. She's been on the police force forever and she's still doing cpr on this guy. As the cabin is filling with smoke, as everyone is telling her to leave and she's no, I must stay. I girl.
Cynthia Ruiz:I was screaming at the TV. I said drag his ass, throw him down the slide and do the CPR on the ground. That's what I was saying. I was like that five second interval is not going to do anything.
Carmen Lezeth:Throw him down the slide.
Cynthia Ruiz:Okay, you feel me right?
Carmen Lezeth:Oh my God, rick is back on, is not going to do anything. Throw him down the slide, exactly, okay, you feel me right? Oh my God, rick is back on. Can you hear us? Can we hear you?
Rick Costa:Yeah, I do, you hear me okay.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, we can turn you down a bit, though You're hot, hot.
Rick Costa:I'm going to turn you down. Thank you so much.
Carmen Lezeth:You know, that's what I meant. I love how we all have Listen.
Cynthia Ruiz:it is not a requirement to be wearing your olive oil and we did not plan this. We did not plan this.
Rick Costa:Listen, my hair looked crazy. So I was like no, we ain't dealing with the hair, we're just going to put the hair on.
Carmen Lezeth:You know, I really appreciate it, but this is so dorky, funny, Like we have a uniform now and everything, um so mara just said I said I'll ask angela leave the damn body. Yeah, I was doing the same thing, cynthia was. Which is just throw them down, the stupid shoot right, there are other firefighters, other responders.
Cynthia Ruiz:That can continue. I'm like.
Carmen Lezeth:and how many times have we watched this show and people have died after just three or four of those? Halfway on the plane while it's going down and somebody is still pumping, I'm like come on, I don't know.
Cynthia Ruiz:It's definitely been past 20 minutes. The man is gone. Bitch, he's dead. Let him go.
Carmen Lezeth:I was not happy. Oh, my God, I'm so glad you felt the same way, yeah.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yes.
Carmen Lezeth:You know how.
Cynthia Ruiz:The dorky moments too, like I know the clips are cute, like when Bobby's like the plane just stopped right there in front of him.
Carmen Lezeth:Standing on top of the truck and then he goes tell me in person which is I love you, cause she's about to die. People, the plane is about to move.
Cynthia Ruiz:There's an eight year old behind the wheel of the plane.
Carmen Lezeth:So she's like I love you, bobby, and he's I see you. Tell me in person. I was like no, I'm not believing that, and it flies right over. Stop. Yeah, I don't know to be cheeky, but I don't know something's changed I'm not happy, yeah we're done with rick.
Rick Costa:We're done with I was gonna say this is the show you want me to watch.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, got it no, the show is good, like the like the first. I'm not gonna pan. I'm not to say all of it sucks right now, this is just the current season, but the show is good. Yeah, but I'm just making fun of this arc. These last three episodes They've been promoting it as B-nado.
Cynthia Ruiz:And it really was only the first episode had to do with the bees First and second. We don't know where the bees went.
Carmen Lezeth:We don't know where the bees went. We don't know where the bees are. I'm waiting for the swarm of bees.
Cynthia Ruiz:They got 2,000 of them and there's still like 10 million to go.
Carmen Lezeth:Why is Eddie Sport in that stupid mustache? That's not working for me.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yeah, he looks like a 1970s porn star. He totally does Get rid of that.
Carmen Lezeth:He totally does. And also I'm over that mean boss with the new captain, oh yeah yeah, he's not new though he's, I know he's from the first or whatever.
Carmen Lezeth:I'm just, what is that all about? And he's you need to clean and buff that floor. And then he spits on it. I'm like stop, this is a little over the top, this is dumb. I rick, I'm telling I don't know. It is a weird divergence these last three episodes. It feels like they're doing some weird cheeky, like I love Lucy thing and I'm not getting it. What is happening? Because none of it makes any sense. But okay, I just want to make sure you agree with me, cynthia, that I wasn't crazy. I'm crazy, but not like that. How you doing, rick?
Rick Costa:What's up, what's up but not like that how you doing rick what's up?
Carmen Lezeth:what's up? Doing good, doing good. How's everybody else? We're good. Do you have a tv show you want to talk about, so you don't feel left out? Not with firemen in it now you don't want to talk about chicago fire. No, I know I you know, what. I am a little bored with, kind of some of the shows now, so I'm not watching them anymore now that I've done my. What do you call it when you watch it all at one time?
Charlie Mattera :Cinch watching.
Carmen Lezeth:Like I cause I didn't watch it all at one time when you told me about 9-1-1 and I just started watching it. And then I watched Chicago Fire. But like I've done, three seasons of Chicago, I'm done. I'm like, okay, the and I just have you guys ever seen the show the Bear?
Cynthia Ruiz:No, I heard it's really good though.
Carmen Lezeth:So I didn't know his name was Carmen. I had no idea and I anyways, it's an interesting show. You know Eva Girl's from Dorchester. I know Eva Evo. I forget her last name, eva. I forgot E Evo. I forget her last name, eva. I forgot Evo something. Yeah, I'm happy for her and she already won an Emmy and everything, but I don't think I can get into the show that well. But anyways, I was trying to restart watching that because the next season's out and I'm like, yeah, this, I don't know, I'm not into cooking.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh, it's about cooking yeah, it's called the bear. It's called the bear because they call him the bear. He's the bear, but his name is carmen. They and the thing is, for the longest time I kept hearing carm, they keep they call him carmy. And I mean, I know my name is a man's name or a woman's name, it depends on what country like. If you're in italy, it's a man's name or whatever. But it never even dawned on me that his actual name was carmen, even though I've heard it. In Italy it's a man's name or whatever. But it never even dawned on me that his actual name was Carmen, even though I've heard it. You know what I mean.
Carmen Lezeth:Somebody tried to call me Carmi that's what happened the other day and it got. I was like, I'm sorry, what'd you say? They're like like the bear. I'm like, yeah, don't do that again. No, carmi's not going to work. When I was growing up, they used to call me carmencita and that would drive me up a wall, which was stupid. That was Teresa would always call me carmenchu and then she would carmen. Cynthia, your face call her now.
Carmen Lezeth:I swear to god and then she would be like that's what my mother used to call you. I'm like you know what. There are some things you can lie to me about my mother, but that's's not going to be one of them, because I don't remember much. And then, the more I hated it, the more she would call me it. What was your nickname? Cynthia?
Cynthia Ruiz:I didn't really have one, are you sure? My mom used to just call me little angel, but that was it.
Rick Costa:Okay, little angel, little did she know ricardo no, no, no, cindy, nothing no cindy, she's latina mom, said anybody.
Cynthia Ruiz:He didn't say only family it's funny because, like now, people are starting to call me cindy or sin.
Carmen Lezeth:no, You're letting them call you Cindy, oh yeah my friends and stuff I had a problem with.
Rick Costa:Sin. I'm like don't call me Sin, I ain't a Sin, I like Sin my friends call me Carm, my friend friends call me Carm, but not you guys.
Carmen Lezeth:But oh wow, sin is cool. Not like Sin, like S-I-N, it's C-Y-N. Why do you have to go to the negative? I'm just joking, okay, I'm just saying religious people. But be negative, cynthia. Let's give you a nickname. Rick, what was your nickname? You really?
Rick Costa:call me Rick, ricky, only Ricardo files in trouble.
Carmen Lezeth:Ricardo Rickster. Nah, nobody said that I'm going to call you Rickster, my Rickster.
Rick Costa:Whatever floats your boat.
Carmen Lezeth:He's like whatever bitch the Rickster the Rickster, that sounds like a Friends thing, right? If you have the show the Friends or whatever bitch the Rickster the Rickster, that sounds like a Friends thing, right. If you have the show the Friends or whatever, oh yeah.
Rick Costa:I did have one guy that would once in a while call me that. Now I didn't think about it, yeah.
Carmen Lezeth:I have to take that away from me. I thought it was my original. You see how you just did that. I thought it was mine.
Rick Costa:Because I just remembered hey, Victor, I'm like huh, oh me what?
Carmen Lezeth:No, it's over, it's over. Okay, what did I send as a note? Oh manners, let me tell you what happened. Let me tell you what happened.
Charlie Mattera :I want to ask you what happened was.
Carmen Lezeth:You already know what happened, right? Do you know what happened I?
Rick Costa:think so. Yeah, I heard about it yeah, I'm so mad.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, so this is what happened today. This is what happened today and it just you know what it's just building. I don't know what is wrong with people. Stop being mean, I don't understand. Okay, so this young man the only reason why I know who he is is because my nieces, my godchildren they're not my nieces, but my godchildren used to love One Direction. So that young man, who's part of the Harry Styles group, one Direction, died. He fell out of a window of a hotel and there may or may not have been other circumstances. We don't know yet because they don't have official autopsy. It doesn't matter. A young man who is 31 years old plummeted to his death from a fucking window fall.
Carmen Lezeth:So I'm reading an article article, I forget where it was hollywood report or whatever and then I go to the comment section and there are people writing jokes and nasty isms and saying he deserved it not all of them, but a lot of them, like it was probably even. And then people trying to slam down the people and I'm like what is wrong with us in this world today? Yes, yes, leo, what's his last name? I forgot, I wrote it on my Facebook page. But what is wrong with us. And here's my thing, and this is the post I put on my facebook page. I think we need to normalize. If you can't say something to someone's face, don't motherfucking write it in a goddamn comment. You stupid, stupid, weak human being behind a keyboard. I'm sorry it got me. I, we cannot be those people.
Cynthia Ruiz:People are not right in their brain. Man.
Carmen Lezeth:It's just how we talk to each other. Of course I'm sitting here screaming or whatever, but I'm just, I'm really looking at, I am one of those people that always believes in the best of people and I just, you know, like the hurricanes that just happened or whatever, that used to be a time when we came together and we'd be like it doesn't matter, we're going to help our neighbor, we're going to do this, whatever, and instead we're vile to each other. Everything has to be about politics and you know, that's all these conspiracy theories. It's keyboard warriors. Thank you, melanie, that's the wording I was looking for and I said keyboard cowards is what I said, because it's just seriously if you can't say to someone's face and look at, 90% of people ain't going to say to nobody's face. That's why I get called out for being bold or whatever, because I will say whatever I need to say to your face, or I ain't gonna say nothing at all, or I keep my mouth shut plus 99.9 of the people are strangers.
Rick Costa:They don't know him thank you, that's a great point why do you have anything to say except thoughts and prayers?
Carmen Lezeth:it's just a cruelty and i't know. I was reading the comments and then I was like, okay, it's just one article, whatever. And then I was reading another article and the same thing and I'm like what is wrong with us? So I was wondering where you guys might have. I was thinking about like when I learned manners and etiquette and tact. I think we've lost that. I learned that when I was a little kid. I learned that from my mother. I learned it from the elders. You did not. You. You would never disrespect someone like this. You would never do that. Death is death so unimportant to us that we can't be better humans during I don't know.
Rick Costa:I don't know. Why is it so easy? Just because he's a famous person, you get a pass. No, you don't get a pass right, like they wouldn't do that for some. Why don't they go on everybody's obituaries and write all that? They don't do that, but because he's a famous person, I got something to say. You don't even know him.
Carmen Lezeth:Shut up yeah, or they wouldn't say. If it was someone they knew personally, they'd be throwing up their gofundme pages and their obituaries. I'm serious, you know? Please help. And here's the memorial service. Oh, I was so mad and it's always someone because I started when I went to look at the other article, I would start looking. I wanted to go look at their profiles. It's always somebody who ain't got and I'm not saying always yep and got no followers and got no information. You, you know what I mean.
Cynthia Ruiz:It's like these weird people who are just they're loners, they're bullies or they're just mentally ill. Yeah, they're just crazy.
Rick Costa:Yeah, they hide their identities, for sure.
Carmen Lezeth:I know, but why would you? Okay, but okay, okay, do you? I'm asking an honest question. I am not trying to be Miss Goody, two Shoes at all. I am asking a question. Do you ever wake up? You're like, ooh, I feel like being cruel today. Let me go on my pretend profile. Where does that come from?
Rick Costa:I don't know Some messed up people in the world, and that's why mental health is such a crazy issue now.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, but are we using mental health as an excuse for just fucking bad behavior all the time? That's the other thing. I'm tired of that. Not to you, rick, I'm just saying that's the next thing. Right, there's a gun shooting. It's mental health. You know what it's bad behavior. Stop making everything about mental health. You know what I mean. You got angry, you grabbed a gun. You chose to hurt somebody instead of using your words to have a conversation. You know what I mean.
Carmen Lezeth:People get mad at me all the time. They say I'm too bold, I'm too direct, whatever. We all know the negatives that I get. It's fine, but you know what. You know for sure. I'm going to talk to you or I'm going to I'm too direct, whatever. We all know the negatives that I get. It's fine, but you know what. You know for sure. I'm going to talk to you or I'm going to tell you where I stand and then I'm going to walk away. I'm not going to go pull out a gun or go right under my private profile. You are evil, I hate you. I hope you die well or whatever. These things were horrible. And the jokes I don't know why that threw me more. I'm not going to repeat the jokes, but you would understand why they were so cruel.
Cynthia Ruiz:Just the fact that anybody would say a joke after somebody just died is bad. It doesn't even matter what the joke is.
Rick Costa:It's just bad in general.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't understand it do you think it's because of social media? See, I think we're also using social media as an excuse, because I wonder if people, if we didn't have social media, let's say, technology was different and it went a different avenue. I I don't know what that would be, but let's just, you know, think about it, right? I think as society grows and gets better, there's also the part of us, the evil part, the bad part, that also gets worse. I don't know if we're using technology now as the excuse.
Rick Costa:I think if everybody had to, it was mandatory that you couldn't use any kind of a social media without actual identification. You couldn't make a fake account. That would be a game changer, Because again, I can go back and oh, I saw what you said, but when you make a fake name you have no profile. What am I going to do? Yell at nobody because they're not going to respond.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, so I own the website globalverificationorg. A long time ago not a long time ago, it was like 10 years ago I pitched this idea when I was at JP Morgan to this guy. I said you know, I really think there needs to be. It's just what you just said, rick. There needs to be a way in which, like we have passports, there needs to be a way in which you can have a verification of your one name and it's verified everywhere.
Carmen Lezeth:It was during the height, when Twitter was Twitter and Twitter was verifying celebrities or government officials or whatever. And because of the people I worked for, I would get verifications for them, right, you'd go to their agents or managers and they would take care of it, whatever. And it got me thinking like, don't you want to know if I'm a legit person? It doesn't matter whether I'm a celebrity or not. So I bought globalverificationorg as a nonprofit because I wanted to put together a package, whatever.
Carmen Lezeth:And it fell through because the person I spoke to wasn't that high end and we didn't anyway. It was just an idea, but that would be part of it, because then people who don't maybe have a global verification would not be able to comment or, if they did, you would dismiss it because you're like they're not a verified account. I, I thought about that 10 years ago. I'm not even lying. I own that name, by the way, I still own it. I pay it every year because I'm like you never know, you never know like I was doing a whole quarry check for social media.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, I mean it would be like a passport, but it would be really hard to implement because you'd have to have every country do it. You'd have to, you know. But look at, no one ever thought the internet would be the thing. No one would ever thought email would? You know what I mean? Like you have to have big dreams and thoughts or whatever, and I think, using the technology with Bitcoin, right, what is the technology that- Blockchain Blockchain.
Carmen Lezeth:That's how I started learning about that. That would actually be a possibility, Anyways, maybe somebody smarter than I. I actually reached out also to Mark Cuban at one point and was like it's just an idea, Somebody should do this, because we're going to find ourselves in a situation and I do think that's where we're going where at some point, you're only going to pay attention to legitimately verified people that you know and just dismiss. I really got all up in a tizzy about this today.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yeah.
Carmen Lezeth:It just hurt my heart about humanity. I know that sounds dorky, but I swear there are very few times on the planet that I lose faith in humanity.
Rick Costa:Yeah, don't know how they get that way. I really don't.
Carmen Lezeth:Where did you learn right from wrong manners? Do you remember I know Cynthia's going to say school?
Cynthia Ruiz:From my mother. Yeah, I was told you know, speak what's spoken to and don't. You know, don't interrupt when adults are talking. You say please and thank you all the time. She would just give me the look and I would know, okay, just sit there and be quiet, like yeah.
Carmen Lezeth:So it started from young way back, when it's a very cultural thing too like I would never talk back to an elder. Even today, I'm shook when it begins talking back to their mothers in the grocery store and the mothers are like honey, I hear you, I'm like you hear her, we all heard her. Stop that bitch. No, I'm just kidding. Like, make her hear you. Why are you negotiating? I do not believe in hitting kids. Negotiating. I'm not an advocate. I do not believe in hitting kids. I'm just metaphorically speaking, but it is shocking to me negotiating with a three-year-old or a four-year-old.
Rick Costa:That's crazy. That is crazy and that's why I was so horrified when it was a few years back, where teenagers little gangs maybe would go around punching old people, knocking them out, and it was a game. I'm like, are you kidding me? Like I couldn't believe it.
Carmen Lezeth:It was like homeless people too right, they were doing it to homeless people. I remember that, yeah, I would even say like that. So that is also part of it is to me there's also another level there that we don't all of us not us, but all of us as a group don't think homeless people are valued anyway. So it doesn't surprise me that teenagers or whatever would think that'd be a funny, cool game or whatever. You know what I mean. Or old people. We don't revere elders. In this culture called America I'm sorry, Latinos do. I'm sure in Portugal they do there's a very different culture where elders are revered. I don't know if it's still true today, but I'm certainly not feeling it. As I'm becoming an elder, I feel I need more motherfucking respect bitches. No, I'm just kidding.
Cynthia Ruiz:I mean, even today, if I'm out with the kids and Gray, my grandson, and if the grownups are talking and Gray will try to chime in or whatever, we'll tell him nope, adults are talking, not for kids. And sometimes he'll still chime in and he'll get popped in the mouth and he'll.
Carmen Lezeth:It was like wait, you popped in the mouth, you don't mean a little like a tap in the mouth okay, yeah yeah, no stop. So okay, gray is four. Six, oh my god six. Yeah, all right, totally good with it. Sorry, whatever, yeah, so he'll get like a little pop in the mouth or whatever. And then, yeah, six, oh my God Six. Yeah, all right, totally good with it. Sorry, whatever, yeah, so he'll get like a little pop in the mouth or whatever, and then yeah.
Cynthia Ruiz:And then he'll stop and he knows. So we're still keeping the tradition going Like the tradition, no respect.
Carmen Lezeth:But even I think we talked about this too, like in school. We talked about this before. If I got in trouble with one of the nuns because I went to Catholic school for 12 years, shoot me now. And they called your mother. It's not like you thought yeah, my mother's going to come and she's going to argue for me and she's going to get me out of here, whatever.
Cynthia Ruiz:No, no, no, no no.
Carmen Lezeth:We got in trouble. They always sided with the stupid nuns. Sorry for all the nuns out there that might be.
Rick Costa:Just the mean ones, just the mean ones.
Carmen Lezeth:We had sisters of charity, man, I think that mattered, because they were mean. Yeah, blessed Sacrament. You went to Blessed Sacrament, cynthia, right? Yeah, they were sisters of charity, which means they had no money and they were supposed to like it. They were angry. Yeah, that was a different time, but I just I don't even know how to. I don't know if we can fix it, but I think if we don't value people's lives while they're alive, why do we care when they die?
Rick Costa:What's the expression? Give them the flowers while they're still alive.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, but it's weird, right? I don't know this. I couldn't remember his name. I know I posted it on my thing, but whatever his name was the guy from One Direction, liam Liam. Yeah, I just was heartbroken, it was just a sad story, that's it Sad story. And I knew my godchildren would be upset because they used to follow him or whatever, and I was like, oh, that's so sad, and whatever happened doesn't matter if it was his fault or somebody else's, it's just in that moment, that's all you know, and it's a sadness, oh, and you would think him being so young would kick in more compassion because, oh my gosh, he barely lived, you know.
Cynthia Ruiz:And how he died. You hear stories of little toddlers falling out the windows on accidents and stuff like that. It's the same thing. It's still a human being. It doesn't matter what age you are. It's still sad. Someone fell out a window or balcony or whatever and died, fell to their death.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, I think people like to be angry and like to be angry and upset and sad and like to pretend that they're being bold and making a powerful statement. You know, there was a guy on TikTok. So somebody wrote something on TikTok about Prince, about some lawsuit that's going on, about a documentary that's not going to come out and it's sad and blah, blah, blah. And they started off the Tik TOK by saying for a petty reason. So after I heard the whole Tik TOK, it was like 10 minutes on. Whatever, I was right, this is not petty, okay.
Carmen Lezeth:So of course I get all these notifications and somebody wrote this long thing Like you don't understand who Prince was, and blah, blah, blah, trying to explain to me that this was, for they misunderstood and I miswrote, and so when they wrote their whole thing from this place, of all I wrote was this is not petty. That's all I wrote. You know what I mean. You could have taken it either way, but they went on their tangent and then I responded I said no, no, no, no, I'm like the biggest Prince fan. I'm saying this entire thing is a big deal. You know what I mean. My and I wrote my apologies for my mistake and then they responded oh, I misunderstood.
Carmen Lezeth:I was like okay, see, okay good okay took a little work, like everybody, bring it down a motherfucking notch, but it's because we think the worst in people. We do not think the best in people. Now, I could have written something more so, but it wasn't a thought in my head. I was just trying to be like quick and pithy and using the person's first sentence as a comment in the opposite way. You know what I mean. But we just are always ready. You know this one. You drive in, you do the same thing. Somebody cuts you Right, not like oh my God, their mother probably died and they're rushing, oh my God.
Rick Costa:Or it could be anything yeah.
Carmen Lezeth:It could be anything, but our first thing is like I do it, I am not a. That's where you would find. If somebody put a camera in my car, a whole image would be destroyed. Let me just say that.
Cynthia Ruiz:It's so funny. The other day I read a meme and it's like a husband and wife talking on the phone and the wife is driving and the husband says oh, how was your day? So she's oh, it was okay. And then it goes and she's driving. She's yelling yeah, it was okay, it was an okay day. She just goes back to normal. The very next day the same thing happened between me and juan. He called me while I was driving. He's like oh, it's your day, I'm like it was okay I have caught myself too many times.
Carmen Lezeth:That is too funny.
Rick Costa:Wait, Richard, you said something before and I Well, that story reminded me when my son, my son would drive with me. He'd be in the back whenever when he was little. And you know we all get mad because people do stupid things when they drive. And every once in a while I'd be like, dad, you got anger issues. They can't even hear you. Why are you yelling at them? They can't hear you. I'm like, let me be mad. But I was going to say about misunderstanding stuff. You text years and years ago, somebody, I guess, drew something and it was really cool. I thought it was amazing and I and I wrote, oh, that's really nice. And I see, see, see, n-i-c-c-c-e-e-e exclamation, exclamation, exclamation. Yeah, nice.
Carmen Lezeth:Nice.
Rick Costa:They get all upset. Nice, that's all I have to say. With all that work, nice, I'm like no read it how I wrote it Nice, Like they didn't get it.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, no, oh, that's yeah, that's too bad. Yeah, and why would they? For somebody to say something I did was nice, that'd be good enough, somebody taking the time, but yeah, we're, yeah, the whole car thing. I have to say I try to stop myself because I have said some things that Eva's shocked to be in the car by myself. I have said some things. I'm not going to admit it now, but I have said some things and I get ashamed of myself because I'm like what is wrong with me? Like it's just a person I didn't mean, especially if you're driving a really expensive car. I almost one time I think I told you this before, cynthia, I almost I was.
Carmen Lezeth:I am so sick and tired of anybody who has a Tesla, a Mercedes and out any car that's like over a hundred thousand dollars, mercedes and out any car that's like over a hundred thousand dollars. I don't know. Do they not come with directionals or blinkers? Do you not? Do you have to buy those separately or something? Because why can you not let me know where the fuck you're going? It is the biggest pet peeve I have, and one time I almost pulled up to this stupid, motherfucking Bentley and that's the car I want next is a Bentley. I do, everybody knows that but I almost, and I almost did my little with the to the passenger side Because I was going to be like, do you not have a fucking blinker? But I did it because I caught myself. I was so angry because here's the thing hit me, rich person hit me because my car is so old and I'm gonna be like, oh, I'm watching those 9-1-1.
Cynthia Ruiz:I'm gonna be like that woman who's always doing always me go ahead.
Carmen Lezeth:You're gonna have to pay.
Rick Costa:That sounds there's these portuguese guys. They media comedy stuff, but it's like from. They're american but their parents and everybody were portuguese, so they talk like them, with an accent, and so they do all kinds of skits and for us it's like super hysterical. But they're like there's one where a guy is driving and it's constantly people ticking them off and one of them, I remember, was like hey, use your blinker, use your blinker.
Carmen Lezeth:I think blinker is an East Coast thing Probably. Because no one knows what that is out here. Out here they say directional. I'm like, I don't give a fuck what you call it, use it Turn signal, whatever it is.
Carmen Lezeth:I swear they don't put them on the very expensive cars unless you actually ask for them, because that would be the only reason why If I had a Bentley, which is the car I want next. I keep saying that because visualizing If you visualize it, they're laughing Like. I feel like if people get like really like they get like an attitude or something, they don't seem to think that people behind you don't need to know where you're going.
Cynthia Ruiz:Think about it the Tesla's driving themselves, so they're just like, oh, I have the whole road. It doesn't even know how to use the blinker.
Carmen Lezeth:Let me tell you, tesla's especially, I don't know. Okay, so we've had Teslas out here for a long time, but you could just throw a rock Everybody has a Tesla on everybody but now they have those ugly. Have you seen the ugly Teslas? I don't know what that is. Is that what it is? They all have those here and I'm like seriously. You're such a loser because you don't need this thing and it's ugly, it's all shaded. I'm like you people, crazy, it's crazy.
Rick Costa:You want the latest toy. You know what almost ticks me off. Worse too, it's like a pet peeve about the blinker turn signal whatever you want to call it. They're driving, they're turning, and after they're already turning, then they turn it on. I'm like, I already know you're turning. What are you turning it on now for?
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, I, sometimes I'll try to give them a for effort, cause I'm like, okay, at least you tried, at least you tried I give you some, cause there was a thought process. You know what I mean? I think the worst is when people just cut you off. I think that's the worst when people cut you off, and I am one of those people. If you're coming in and there's like a lot of traffic and you speed by, everybody else is in line and you speed by. I'm going to get up so close to the other car you are not getting into my space. I don't care what's going to happen, because you did not wait your turn and now you are creating more traffic and I'm mean about it. I'm like whatever, whatever, whatever.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yeah.
Rick Costa:I remember one time I was driving and it was almost to a light and it was two lanes and this giant white truck decided he wanted to come in my lane and you were about to get on top of me. I had to literally go over the sidewalk on the grass and there's poles every so often on the sidewalk.
Cynthia Ruiz:Why didn't you let?
Rick Costa:the truck go. I am so lucky. No, no, no, he didn't see me apparently. I'm here and he's just like hello, what are you doing? He would have hit me. I had to literally go over onto the sidewalk.
Cynthia Ruiz:I would have been on my horn.
Rick Costa:He didn't even hear that. Of course, I'm nothing. I'm like are you serious?
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, melanie just said I'd rather drive an AMC Pacer than one of those ugly trucks. I don't even know what an AMC Pacer is, but I'm with you Sounds ugly.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't drive a lot People. Melanie said it's an ugly car from the 1980s. Okay, I'm laughing because they think I don't care if it's an ugly car. I just think people out here in los angeles, melanie, which you can imagine I love my town, but I will say this every time there's a new anything, everybody has to buy it, even if they don't need it. And those cars they're not only ugly, they're big and boxy and they don't fit in the right lane and they just feel, I don't know, useless.
Carmen Lezeth:But we do have driverless cars. They're not teslas, but we I don't know if you guys have them in your area all the driverless cars. Do you have them yet? I actually was against them. But you know what? I don't know if I'll get in one, I will eventually. But here's the thing that's cool they really do follow the direct, they use their blinkers, okay, but they drive normal, like if everybody drove.
Carmen Lezeth:Look at, we all think we're great drivers, right, let's just admit it. We all think we're the better drivers we do. I know when I mess up and I will be like I'm sorry, I'll be like sorry, I'll put my hand out, whatever. You know, people don't care, they mad, they mad, but I try to be like I'm sorry, whatever, but we all think we're the best drivers and I think that's the problem. You know what I mean. So the driverless cars are all automated, so they all really work perfectly. They can sense when people are around. They stop they.
Carmen Lezeth:You know, do you guys have the delivery services that are the little carts that go on the sidewalk? They're remote, they're like there's no people If you order food, those are the cutest things. They're called Coco and they're like you'll just be walking around or whatever, and you'll see this little thing with a long. You know those bike flags? Yeah, so it's a little cart with four wheels and it just moves along and then it sees you and it stops and then it moves around you and it goes to wherever it's going. Then you have a code and you take your food out, but it's just, they're all over the place here. Carol said, on the Tesla you don't have to press the brakes. Yeah, I'm not a fan of Tesla. Yeah, they're little robots, I guess is what they're called. Yeah, they're little robots, I guess is what they're called. Yeah, they're little but they're cute.
Rick Costa:The only robots I've seen here is in the grocery store, these big things that just go up and down the aisles and you know, if you get in front of it they'll stop.
Cynthia Ruiz:Oh yeah, I've seen those.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, mario said the driverless cars out here are Waymo. Yeah, what is Waymo, though? Is that Google? I don those, those google. I don't know who owns them, but yeah, they're whammo. I don't know what they are. They're cool though. I like them, yeah, and I do the delivery service thing. They don't use it for everything, but I think that's cool too, because then you don't have to worry about somebody coming to your house or doesn't amazon have, I guess in certain places, drones that will fly and bring you stuff.
Rick Costa:I've heard.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh my, god, we're getting so close to Star Trek Next Generation. I'm so excited. I have not had a drone deliver anything to me yet, but I have seen drones around our building many times. I don't know why, but it's our building. I don't know why, but I see drones more often than not nowadays. Do you guys see them?
Rick Costa:Not really. You're just so progressive, out there we're behind.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't know if we're progressive. They're all up in our business out here. That's what I'm starting to realize. I don't know if it's because people have drones themselves. I don't know if it's like state-sponsored, but people have them as toys out here too. Oh yeah, oh my God. State sponsored, but people have them as toys out here too. Oh yeah, oh my god. That is so weird.
Rick Costa:I'm just excited that we're getting closer to star trek time. Yeah, jetsons, we thought that was a cartoon oh, the jetsons made I'm from the jetsons remember the maid. That's what I'm waiting for somebody clean my house for me.
Carmen Lezeth:Thank you you don't have to wait for that. You just got to pay for it. You want a fucking robot. You can have a person.
Rick Costa:I heard they're trying to come up with that now.
Carmen Lezeth:What.
Rick Costa:You could have a home robot and you program it and tell it what to do.
Carmen Lezeth:What the iRobot, the vacuum thing.
Rick Costa:No, no, no, no. A physical, human looking robot and dishes and cook and everything.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, why would you want that when you can actually have a person do that for you?
Rick Costa:Why would people want the ugly Teslas? I don't know.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, fair point.
Rick Costa:I'm just saying yes, give me that.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh chance. Okay, that's going to be weird Now how. I don't know if it's not going to be in my lifetime.
Rick Costa:It's not gonna be in my lifetime, it's not gonna be in our lifetime transport.
Carmen Lezeth:I'll be like carmen I'll be there in five minutes, we doing the show live together, right. That would be cool, though, right, and then you would just go like on stargate sg1, you would go. Remember when they do the one where it's too I? I think they did 2010, by the way, I don't think they went that far in the future. I think the name of the episode is 2010. It's so weird, but they go and you just stand there and then it beams you through the Stargate and it brings you to the other thing, like within five minutes. Yeah, but there was an evil part of those people that gave them that technology.
Rick Costa:The aliens? Yeah, I remember that.
Carmen Lezeth:The aliens. They were bad. They were trying to get rid of the earthlings and they were wiping them out by giving them vitamin injections. That was actually making them not able to have babies. So then they were dying out over time.
Rick Costa:And so then Colonel O'Neill and the gang I'm just kidding- Listen, if you could talk about firemen, we could talk about Stargate 4. We could talk about.
Carmen Lezeth:Stargate 4. They get together and they make a decision that they're going to try to go back in time to send themselves a note not to go to that planet to begin with. Oh, so fascinating.
Rick Costa:And doesn't the note barely make it through, or something?
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah right, the note barely make it through or something. Yeah, the note barely makes it through. Okay, this isn't even Star Trek, this is Stargate SG-1. We're really bad sci-fi people.
Rick Costa:Yeah, but Black.
Cynthia Ruiz:Mirror. She mentioned that too.
Rick Costa:Black Mirror that's pretty cool too.
Carmen Lezeth:Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Cynthia. You're not into sci-fi, Eh.
Rick Costa:I'm not really a.
Cynthia Ruiz:Star Trek person. I like Star Wars oh.
Carmen Lezeth:You like Hayden, then Wow, you like Hayden and you weren't on the show with him. We were fighting with him. Okay wait, cynthia. Okay, wait, I want to be clear about something. Okay, you like Marvel, though you like fantasy action. So you like want to be clear about something. Okay, you like Marvel, though you like fantasy action. So you like Marvel and DC comics? Yeah, not DC, I like Marvel. Okay, but you could sit through. I mean, we like we can sit through, we do like Superman, we do wonder woman.
Cynthia Ruiz:Wonder woman.
Carmen Lezeth:Yes, they just have a bad franchise. They don't do good movies is what it is. It's not that we don't like the super friends, right, the super friends, yeah, but you don't like. Okay, you like Star Wars, like you're addicted to.
Cynthia Ruiz:Oh, I have the whole collection, you don't like Star Trek.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't even understand that. Wait a minute. I'm just hearing this for the first time, me too.
Cynthia Ruiz:I'm not a big fan of Star Trek, I'll sit there and I'll watch it.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, wait, wait. Let's be clear. Star Trek Next Generation oh my God, rick Dick, are you serious? And you've never watched stargate sg1? No, and you've never watched battle star galactica? No, okay, first of all, you probably, she probably would like battle star galactica because it's dark like star wars that's the irony. And edward james almost is in it. I can't believe you've never seen bsg. Okay, first of all, she probably would like Battlestar Galactica because it's dark like Star Wars that's the irony. And Edward James Olmos is in it. I can't believe you've never seen BSG. The cast is, and it's well-written, it's beautifully done. I just never want to watch it again Because it's too dark. So really I did not.
Rick Costa:That's one of the shows that actually made me like legit boo-hoo cry Really. Bs actually made me like legit boohoo cry really.
Carmen Lezeth:Bsg battle star yeah, when the president, when she was gonna die. Oh yeah, answer. Don't get me wrong. It hurt me like I was sad, but it's not a show. I never. I don't need this. It's like x files. I loved x files. I was a fan addicted. I watched it, but now I can't watch it anymore. It's too dark, it it's too scary. You know symptoms like whatever X-Files. Did you watch X-Files?
Cynthia Ruiz:Yeah, I did watch X-Files.
Rick Costa:Okay, but I like that kind of stuff Because that's closer to the horror genre.
Carmen Lezeth:That's right, yeah.
Cynthia Ruiz:Twilight Zone. Twilight Zone. I watched it here and there as a kid.
Rick Costa:Carol mentioned Black Mirror. Did you watch?
Carmen Lezeth:that I don't know what Black Mirror is. I don't even know what that is.
Rick Costa:It's like a scarier Twilight Zone kind of sort of oh.
Cynthia Ruiz:Yeah, I've never even heard of it.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, I'm shook. Oh, twin Peaks. Yes, david Duchovny. That's when I first started liking him and that's why I watched X-Files.
Rick Costa:Loved Twin Peaks. You didn't watch Twin Peaks. Stranger Things oh yeah, I like Stranger Things. If it's horror, she's going to like it probably.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, I can't believe. I've known you for your 40 years on this planet and I'm just learning that this is game changer. This is game changer.
Rick Costa:Yeah, the Star Wars thing. I'm shook, I didn't know, I'm shook, I thought you were.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't mind if she likes Star Wars. We all like Star Wars, we're not mad at it, but we would never be like Star Wars over Star Trek. I can't even say the sentence.
Rick Costa:It's like At Star Wars it's more fantasy-based. Star Trek at least tries to be real. But you can't force choke somebody in Star Trek.
Carmen Lezeth:That's not a thing, I don't know how we can get her to switch. Can we find her? I don't know.
Rick Costa:I think people are just wired to one over the other and there's a few people that like both equally Not many, but most it's one or the other.
Carmen Lezeth:I think there are some people who just are not good people.
Cynthia Ruiz:Wow have you ever tried to watch Star Trek Next Generation?
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, like I said, I've watched a few episodes, but I'm not going to sit there and binge watch it all. Okay, charlie, look at me.
Rick Costa:I was like okay, help us, charlie, please help us out, charlie.
Carmen Lezeth:He says of course, of course, you're a star trek fan.
Rick Costa:Yeah, wrath of khan.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah that's old school, that's even I.
Rick Costa:Just I wonder if maybe that's what we need to do get her into the movies, get her hooked through the movies but I what we need to do get her into the movies, get her hooked through the movies, but I wasn't looking.
Carmen Lezeth:As much as I appreciate the movies, I don't think they're the.
Rick Costa:They're not the there's only some that are. It's every other. They say it's like a thing, it's this curse of star trek movies, but maybe no not kirk.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, wait, here's the thing. I think the episode that kelsey grammar's on. Do you know which one I'm talking about? Where? That might be an interesting one for her to watch. You know what I'm talking about, right that's the time thing.
Rick Costa:Had a time to do time.
Carmen Lezeth:You see what I said. Kelsey don't know nothing because maybe she'll watch one episode one. That's a good one. The Cayman one is a good one when Picard ends up going anyway with the flute.
Charlie Mattera :Oh, that's so good they call him Cayman.
Carmen Lezeth:That's why I know that's really good, that's a really good one, something inner light, I think that's the name of the episode. It's called Inner Light, cynthia. Listen, I had to watch all of 9-1-1. I might need you to watch one or two episodes, one or two episodes of Star Trek Next Generation. Charlie just said the time tunnel with Jimmy Darin. Oh my God, I don't even know what that is, charlie.
Rick Costa:I don't either. I'm sorry, I don't know what that is either.
Carmen Lezeth:Charlie, I don't know what that is. I feel like I should know. Let me look it up.
Rick Costa:You know, the other one I really liked and stands out to me is the one where they went into some place and nobody could dream except Deanna Troy and she was having nightmares. And when you don't dream like it's a scientific fact, you will go crazy.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, but the problem with that is she would have to understand who Deanna Troi is, because that affects her differently than it would most people. Okay, the Time Tunnel is a classic American science fiction TV series that aired from 1966 to 1967. Okay, charlie, I love you with my heart, but none of us were born then. It starred James Darren as Dr Tony Newman and Robert Colbert. I know it's probably Colbert, but you know what's his name? Stephen Colbert says Colbert as Dr Doug Phillips. The show was created by Irwin Allen and revolves around two scientists who find themselves trapped in the time stream, experiencing notable periods of history. Oh, that sounds like the one with Dracula. What's the name of the show?
Rick Costa:Quantum Leap?
Carmen Lezeth:Quantum Leap. Cynthia, did you ever watch Quantum Leap?
Cynthia Ruiz:No. I actually watched the new one.
Carmen Lezeth:No, the new one wasn't good no you got to watch the one with Scott Bakula I remember it, but I never really watched it. Okay, I'm going to try to find this the time tunnel with Jimmy Darin, because that sounds good too. Sounds like where maybe Quantum Leap got. Ah, quantum Leap got the show.
Rick Costa:That's what I talk of the most amusing ones to me is when he jumped into a female's body. Those were always funny.
Carmen Lezeth:It was. But you know what Great acting they did, really great writing, great acting with that. Do you know what the premise is? Cynthia Of Quantum Link, she don't care, she ain't going to watch it. I can feel. When you were talking about 9-1-1, I felt joy in my heart because I trust you and I was like you know what. I'm going to trust my cousin and I'm going to watch one episode. Let me see how it goes. I was open to it At first. I don't like cops, I hate cops. I'm going to say it again I hate cops and it's about first responders. It's not just about firemen, by the way. We just like the firemen. But I was open to it and see, I have now changed. I'm bringing all my old EpiPens to the fire station next week, by the way, to recycle them, because I need an excuse to go see the fireplace.
Rick Costa:Do they recycle them or?
Carmen Lezeth:something. It's not that they recycle. They take them Because you don't, I never. So I get an EpiPen every year, two of them, but you don't ever want to throw them in the trash because people will take them, thinking they can use them. It's just bad. And also even something simple, as when people are dealing with the garbage they could accidentally puncture them. There are just so many reasons why you never want to throw needles into the garbage. Never throw needles into the garbage. You have to dispose of them at a place Usually your doctor's office used to take them. They don't take them anymore. They won't take them back.
Rick Costa:In my company we sell these things. They're called sharps containers and they're just for putting needles in. And it's one way. You can't even go into it. Like it goes in one way, and that's how you can't take it out.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, but then what do you do with it? You have to dispose.
Rick Costa:They have to bring it to a certain place.
Carmen Lezeth:That's right. So I'm bringing all of my EpiPens to the fire department because I found out that they accept them there. I used to have to drive like an hour to go deposit them and I'm like I just because it's just the EpiPen, now I have 10 boxes of them because I haven't been in 10 years. So I just try to do my due diligence. Why am I talking about EpiPens?
Rick Costa:Any excuse to talk about firefighters, apparently. Oh my gosh. I think asking cynthia to watch star trek or quantum leap is like asking andrea to watch field of dreams it's probably not gonna I don't think so because you know what.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't think so because cynthia is. I'll actually watch an episode. Okay, thank you See Cynthia's much more open. Andrea and I have a really great friendship, but there is nothing I could be like I'm going to die, please watch it. She's not going to do it because now it's like a thing. You know what I mean? It's a thing. Now Charlie just said I'm going to make a happy stick. I don't know what that is. Am I missing something?
Cynthia Ruiz:You're going to slap me with the happy stick, slap me with the happy stick.
Carmen Lezeth:Isn't that cute.
Rick Costa:I'm going to need a definition.
Carmen Lezeth:We need more information, Charlie. I don't know. Maybe I should just invite him to come up. We're already at the hour mark. How did that happen so fast this time? That was fun Almost.
Rick Costa:Oh, because you started earlier. Yeah, yeah, without me.
Cynthia Ruiz:We still have five more minutes.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, I'm going to pop. You can go smoke and be on the phone with us. You could do those two things. How do I do it, rick?
Rick Costa:Oh shoot. I never Facebook Messenger.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't even know where to get it now. I used to know where to. Oh, here it is. They change it. You know what I mean? And then, okay, talk amongst yourselves.
Rick Costa:Oh, I said absolutely All right, let's go, let me get them, let me get them.
Carmen Lezeth:I'm going to Messenger All. Oh wait, here's.
Charlie Mattera :Charlie, let's wait. Try to configure yourself, though I'm in here somewhere. It's all black right now.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, why is it all black?
Cynthia Ruiz:I'm glad it's not just me.
Carmen Lezeth:No, it's not just me, no trust me, here's the better part, charlie's part of Hollywood. He should be like an ace at this, but it's always the people from Hollywood who don't get this right. No, baby, why are you in blackness? It's okay, ace at this, but it's always the people from Hollywood who don't get this right. Baby, why are you in blackness? It's okay, it's mysterious.
Charlie Mattera :I don't want to be mysterious.
Carmen Lezeth:Do you want to log off and try again? For some reason, your camera is. Maybe it's not turned towards you. It's turned.
Charlie Mattera :Wait a minute. Is that what it is?
Carmen Lezeth:It's probably facing the wrong way because, oh, a minute, is that what it is? It's probably facing the wrong way because, oh my God, he did that, I didn't do that. Here he comes. Is this it yet Okay Is there a way in which you can change the camera?
Charlie Mattera :Wait, wait, let's see.
Carmen Lezeth:Do you have an iPhone or an Android?
Charlie Mattera :No, not that. Wait, this is actually more fun All right. Now, where are you guys?
Cynthia Ruiz:We're here, we're here.
Charlie Mattera :No way Wait.
Rick Costa:Where am I? This is so much more fun.
Cynthia Ruiz:I hate this.
Charlie Mattera :Who's going to do stuff?
Cynthia Ruiz:We love this.
Charlie Mattera :Wait Now, let's see. Yeah, I know you're so, you guys, I want you to see my hat too. Man, I got this.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh, come on yeah oh, now I see a cm in the middle okay, we see a cm, so now you just have to turn your video on.
Charlie Mattera :Turn the video on. Turn the video on. Turn on the video. I see a CM myself, but I don't see no video. Wait, come on man.
Carmen Lezeth:That's okay if you want to be like I was like it's too much.
Charlie Mattera :The camera. Add the camera. What the fuck. Look at this shit.
Carmen Lezeth:That's awesome.
Charlie Mattera :What is this?
Carmen Lezeth:You know what's so funny? This, along with the fact that none of us knew the name of the show you were talking about showing your age. I don't know.
Charlie Mattera :Yes, definitely that I am. I'm an old buzzard. So wait, now I want to see your hat. I'm so confused.
Carmen Lezeth:I know If you an old buzzard, so wait, now I want to see your hat. I'm so confused, I know.
Charlie Mattera :If you can't see the hat it says on top, it says vote for Joe, not the psycho.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh yeah, Okay, we don't talk about politics on this show.
Charlie Mattera :A buddy of mine sent that to me.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh, we don't talk about that Okay, but you know we don't talk about politics on this show. I didn't know that. Of course you knew that. How do you not know?
Charlie Mattera :When have I ever talked about politics on here. I'm sorry I'm not going to talk about the mental midget that's running for president. I said dope.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, okay, you were going to talk to us about a TV show, Quantum Leap Ripped Off.
Rick Costa:Oh no, Jimmy Darin.
Charlie Mattera :Because I knew Jimmy Darin. He passed away like maybe a month and a half ago. You know who he was. Jimmy Darin was Moondoggy in the Gidget movies years ago. He was like a beach bum kind of guy during the Frankie, avalon and that Fudichello movies way back. That's who he was. He was a big star. What was his big song? I forget he had a huge. He was a big star. What was his big song? He had a huge heartthrob in the 50s and 60s.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't know, I feel bad.
Charlie Mattera :Jimmy Darin. He was a cool guy, very nice guy. I know the name he was a famous singer and did all those old cheese dick movies. I see a picture.
Rick Costa:Can you put it up on the screen? His son is Did all those old cheese dick movies, you know. Oh, I see a picture. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah.
Carmen Lezeth:Can you put it up on the screen?
Charlie Mattera :His son is the guy from. His son is the reporter, the Hollywood reporter guy, jim Moray. That's his son. He does for like Channel 9.
Carmen Lezeth:Why do you have two? You have two things going on here.
Charlie Mattera :You have two, I have no idea, I know you can hear me, I can hear you. What's that little button?
Carmen Lezeth:I'm just saying, for some reason there are two, press that button, it's okay, you're fine.
Charlie Mattera :Press buttons Press the button.
Carmen Lezeth:Rick, I meant can't you put it up on the screen? Share it.
Rick Costa:Share it. Let me see.
Carmen Lezeth:I want to see who Jimmy Darin is.
Rick Costa:Jimmy Darin is Jimmy Darin. He was a big dealio. It's not so easy now, because now I'm using Firefox and the options are different.
Charlie Mattera :Oh, Firefox, whatever that is.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, Rolling rolling, Charlie. I think it's hilarious that we can't see you.
Charlie Mattera :Because I'm rolling pot, you know, and it's, it's not illegal anymore.
Carmen Lezeth:We don't do politics and we don't do drugs on the show.
Cynthia Ruiz:He used to sing Come Fly With Me.
Charlie Mattera :Pot is not a drug.
Carmen Lezeth:I'm messing with you, Charlie. Go ahead, Cynthia. What did you say? Did he used to?
Cynthia Ruiz:sing Come Fly With Me.
Charlie Mattera :Come Fly With Me. No, that's Frank Sinatra.
Carmen Lezeth:Oh, come um. No, that's frank sinatra. Oh, we're all like we know that song that's the king charlie, I'm just messing with you. You're just so funny because you're so I don't know what the right word is.
Charlie Mattera :Like regular guy, but not no, I'm from another planet that's what I'm saying I you know what, when I was a kid, my mom used to say that I was an alien, that they dropped me off on the doorstep and left me there and I'd look at her and she'd go. She'd say look at your father, he has earlobes. Look at your sister, he has earlobes. She goes, I have them, you do not have them. She goes your ears are attached to your head. She was just a direct sign of aliens. Oh, you know who?
Rick Costa:it is Star Trek Deep Space Nine. He was the lounge singer. Yeah, do you remember the lounge singer?
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, Rick put it up on the screen. Why are you not?
Charlie Mattera :able to share. He used to do the Jerry Aldini for Star Trek.
Rick Costa:Yeah, I put the link in the private chat.
Carmen Lezeth:What? The James Dean one, the new one with the Star Trek.
Rick Costa:Not James Dean, jimmy Darin.
Carmen Lezeth:Darin Gidget Guy, whatever.
Charlie Mattera :He's been dead forever.
Rick Costa:Yeah, he was a great singer.
Carmen Lezeth:Let me see if I can do this.
Charlie Mattera :Oh, here it is. Oh, that's not that one. I want the good shit.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't know who this is. I'm so sorry.
Charlie Mattera :Oh, here it is. Look at these nuggets.
Carmen Lezeth:What do you mean, nuggets? What are you talking about?
Charlie Mattera :One person there knows what I'm talking about.
Carmen Lezeth:Okay, wait, let me see if I can do this. Can I do that Share?
Charlie Mattera :Okay, wait, let me see if I can do this.
Carmen Lezeth:Can. I do that Share. Can you guys see it? Yeah, oh my God, look at Cynthia's camera again. We're going to lose her.
Charlie Mattera :Wow, so that's him right. Yeah, that's Jimmy D. I don't know who that is.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't even know him on Star Trek.
Charlie Mattera :Oh, this is beautiful. This is a pretty nugget. I got right here. Oh my god.
Carmen Lezeth:Charlie's just going to piss me off now.
Charlie Mattera :Roll him, roll him, roll him Okay.
Carmen Lezeth:All right, charlie, yes, dear, did you care that kid died? Did you see those terrible comments that we were talking about earlier today, about people having bad manners? What do? You mean about that young kid die from One Direction.
Rick Costa:Liam Payne.
Charlie Mattera :Yeah, what the fuck was that all about? Let me tell you something. When I saw it, the first thing that went through my head was somebody threw that kid off the balcony.
Carmen Lezeth:You know what? No one's sure what's happened, but there was some theories of what's going on. Was he in Colombia or something? Where was he? Argentina, argentina, he was in Argentina. Yeah, it's just sad. I was just more upset about how people were making jokes and being horrible.
Charlie Mattera :There was supposedly three, four people in that room and oh, he went crazy. I ain't buying it.
Carmen Lezeth:We'll wait until the autopsy, until they come up with the whatever.
Charlie Mattera :Injuries are consistent with a fall, but I'm like what's he got inside of him? They didn't say that.
Carmen Lezeth:Because they're not ready to yet. Charlie's like starting the gossip mill. What are you doing, dude? Are you in Argentina? Are Charlie's like starting the gossip mill? What are you doing, dude? Are you in Argentina? Are you there right now investigating? I am?
Rick Costa:Where do you think you got them, nuggets?
Cynthia Ruiz:That's why we can't see his face. He's undercover. He's undercover, right no listen.
Charlie Mattera :Expert opinion. Okay, when I first heard this, the first thing that ran through my mind was just don't pass the smell test. There's a lot more to this story than anybody's saying, and I don't see a kid who's at the height of his career, with everything to live for, and he's in a room with a bunch of other people and all of a sudden, he's the one who ends up over the balcony. The whole thing stinks.
Carmen Lezeth:Yeah, but it stinks just because he also died.
Charlie Mattera :I think he had a little help, I think somebody helped him. Wow, all right, we'll see.
Carmen Lezeth:All right, we're going to close out the show before we start the conspiracy theory.
Charlie Mattera :What a horrible way to do yourself what I said the way the guy died, if he killed himself. What a horrible way for no, no, he didn't.
Carmen Lezeth:I don't think he killed himself.
Charlie Mattera :I don't think he did that like remember the other guy, ridley scott's brother, tony scott, jumped off the bridge downtown. Remember that years ago. I'm sure he thought it was a great idea. Halfway down he probably said, fuck, this was not a good idea.
Carmen Lezeth:No, but if you're high as a kite, or drunk or whatever, on drugs. You might not be all there to make a coherent decision.
Charlie Mattera :I want to know if you jump from a very high place, do you scream and you're like ah. And then you run out of breath halfway and you're like ah.
Carmen Lezeth:This is the movie making mind and process coming up with the script on the fly while he's rolling in joy, trying to figure out what the story is. Okay, everyone, we're gonna jump off because we're past the hour mark. Charlie, thank you for visiting. We'd love to see your face next time. We'll do it better next time. Don't jump off yet, cause I'm gonna get mad at you. Wait till I close the show.
Charlie Mattera :Somebody's got to go through your stuff and look at all the shit you have. No, thank you.
Cynthia Ruiz:What's it just. He's just right To end on a good note to put your faith back in humanity. So my neighbor across the hall came knocking on my door the other day. Yeah, and she's a very sweet lady, kind of keeps to herself and her kids and stuff. She comes knocking on my door so I open it. She has two bouquets of flowers and she goes oh, I want to share these with you. She goes it's my birthday and I have way too many flowers. She goes, so I wanted to share them with you.
Carmen Lezeth:And.
Charlie Mattera :I thought that was so nice.
Carmen Lezeth:That is sweet. That's a sweet thing. Oh, that was cool. Do we like her though? Yeah, no, she's really nice, and cool.
Rick Costa:We like her better now.
Carmen Lezeth:We like her better now. Oh, you don't want to say her name, in case she comes up next time and we want to talk about her badly. Got it, got it.
Charlie Mattera :Wait, wait, till you get the bill. Don't say her name when you get the bill in the mail.
Carmen Lezeth:On that note, everyone, we'll see you next week. Thank you for stopping by. Remember it is always all about the joy. Thank you, rick, cynthia, charlie, bye everyone.
Charlie Mattera :Don't leave, charlie, don't leave.
Carmen Lezeth:Don't leave yet, charlie, don't leave. I'm not Thanks for stopping by. All About the Joy. Be better and stay. Beautiful folks, have a sweet day.